

"Good Night, Nira", an excellent story by Anonymous.

"Calyanni's Heir", another good story by Anonymous. This will most likely serve as part of the history of his new characer.

"Conversation", a conversation between Reynaldo and William early on in the campaign. This is taken from our egroup and includes much that was said in character as well out of character. It gives a good feel of what was going on at the time. (They were in the middle of a pursuit by Cpt. Charles du Chevalier of the Musketeers).

"Banter", an example of the type of banter that goes on between party members. When they are not getting into duels with strangers, they are "practicing" on each other..."

"Life on the Lamb", a "William McCormick" spoof journal entry written by Robert Gonzales (a.k.a. Valliere) when Dan wasn't writing entries of his own... Read it; it is pretty funny, escpecially when compared to William's entries that came after...

The Story so Far:

This section will detail all the stories that make up the campaign. At first these will be a bit disjointed as I try to peice together all the journal entries, notes, stories, etc. to make a complete, free flowing story. These are in order so far but there is a BIG jump in time between "The Journey to Freiburg" and "The Ship". This will all be filled in soon.

Part One: The Beginning, the characters meet and set out on their grand adventures.

Fellhand, Time and Time Again, Part 1, A showdown with Fellhand in a bizarre situation.

Fellhand, Time and Time Again, Part 2, A showdown with Fellhand in a bizarre situation (continued).

Fellhand's Love Part 1, The heroes meet Fellhand's long lost love.

Fellhand's Love Part 2, The heroes deal with Fellhand's long lost love and start their journey to Frieburg.

The Journey to Freiburg, The heroes journey to Frieburg.

Heilgrund's Hospitality, a synopsis of the group's adventures (some of them anyway) in Heilgrund's castle.

The Ship, written by Dan Freeman and Russell Thorp.

Fellhand in Carleon, Pt 1, Fellhand returns and reveals the reasons he is pursuing Reynaldo!

Fellhand in Carleon, Pt 2, Fellhand causes more problems for the group and KILLS Jenner!

Onward to San Augustin, Intrigue and danger abound when Castillian spies and a Sir David Winston, one of McAllister's knights tangle onboard the group ship, the Errant Venture, while enroute to Castille.

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