
Food Web
Hyperevolved Animals
  1. Giant Procoon
  2. Plant Procoon
  3. Giant Black Badger
  4. Giant Wolf Ant
  5. River Skunk
  6. Giant Talon Sparrow
  7. Tree Lion
  8. Giant Tree Bat
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Hyperevolution Organism Data Sheet

Giant Procoon

KINGDOM: Animalia
CLASS: Mammalia
GENUS/SPECIES: Procyon bigius
COMMON NAME: Giant Procoon
ORIGINAL NICHE: Rodent Scavenger
CHARACTERISTICS OF ORIGINAL ORGANISM: 20 pounds, 20-30 inches in length, brown with grey and black stripes on eyes and tail, small sharp teeth, often washes food before eating
NEW NICHE: Tree Omnivore
ADAPTATIONS OF ORGANISM TO NEW NICHE: The raccoons that have evolved into this species have grown, due to extra nutrition and food in its diet. It has become more of an herbivore due to the abundance of plants and other producers. But due to the raccoon's old nature, it still eats smaller animals when needed or found. Sharper canines to shred plants better, and special climbing claws to help climb trees and reach more plants.
BIOME TYPE/HABITAT: Temperate Deciduous Forest
NUTRTION: rodents, large insects, plants, fish, eggs, sick or young or dead animals
ORGANISM INTERACTIONS: groups of 2-4 procoons can be seen eating the same organism but it often hunts alone, prey to large birds or mammals, bad temperament and will fight off any threatening creature
BEHAVIOR: breed during late winter, 3-5 pups are born, pups are fed through mother's milk, males have little or no part in raising offspring, pups will stay with mother for several months.
Diagram of the Organism
Go to Plant Procoon
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