
Food Web
Hyperevolved Animals
  1. Giant Procoon
  2. Plant Procoon
  3. Giant Black Badger
  4. Giant Wolf Ant
  5. River Skunk
  6. Giant Talon Sparrow
  7. Tree Lion
  8. Giant Tree Bat
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Hyperevolution Organism Data Sheet

River Skunk

KINGDOM: Anamalia
CLASS: Mammalia
GENUS/SPECIES: Mephitis riverus
COMMON NAME: River Skunk
BASE ORGANISM: Striped Skunk
ORIGINAL NICHE: Small Nocturnal Carnivore
CHARACTERISTICS OF ORIGINAL ORGANISM: 40-60 centimeters, 6 kilograms, 4 legs, black with 2 white stripes, nocturnal, releases strong odor out of glands for defense.
NEW NICHE: Nocturnal River Predator
ADAPTAIONS OF ORGANISM TO NEW NICHE: The skunk needed to swim better and faster, so it gained the coated hair and the webbed feet, and its head also flattened out. Its lung capacity increased so it could stay underwater longer, and its nostrils became smaller to keep water out more effectively.
BIOME TYPE/HABITAT: Temperate Deciduous Forests
NUTRITION: Eats small fish, amphibians, crabs, and water rodents.
ORGANISM INTERACTIONS: Solitary except during mating season. Flat tail provides decent speeds in water for escaping predators (badgers, large fish).
BEHAVIOR: Female prepares den for 1-4 offspring. Male leaves female after mating season (spring) and may kill offspring.
Diagram of the Organism
Giant Talon Sparrow
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