Lucien Carr
Lucien Carr

Lucien Carr is the man who is responsible for introducing Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and William S. Burroughs to each other. Carr was admired by many, even those of the same sex. The most famous admirer was his Boy Scout Master, David Kammerer. As quote from the website The Beat Page:"On August 13, 1944 3am, in Riverside Park, near Columbia University's campus and the Hudson River, Kammerer again tried to win Carr's sexual favour. When it was again refused he attacked him. Carr was no match for Kammerer's size and strength and in self defense, stabbed him to death (ironically) with a Boyscout pocketknife. In a panic, he tied Kammerer's hands and feet together with his own shoelaces, filled his pockets with as many rocks as he could find, and rolled his body into the Hudson River. After much deliberation about what to do and solicitation of advice from Burroughs, Kerouac and family members, Carr turned himself in to the authorities. He was sentenced to 20 years, but served only 2 years in prison at Elmira Correctional Facility in upstate, NY, which incidentally is 20 miles from my hometown of Pine Valley, NY." Carr is not considered a member of the Beat Generation at all, but without him being part of the picture, the 'big wigs' of the Generation had a possibility of never meeting. He now lives in Washington, DC, retired from his United Press job.

Jack Kerouac Allen Ginsberg William S. Burroughs Neal Cassady Lawrence Ferlinghetti Joyce Johnson

Diane DiPrima Carolyn Cassady Gregory Corso Gary Snyder Kenneth Rexroth Michael McClure

John Clellon Holmes Philip Lamantia Bob Kaufman Jan Kerouac LeRoi Jones Bob Dylan

Charles Bukowski Anne Waldman Joanne Kyger Herbert Huncke

Peter Orlovsky Philip Whalen

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