Michael McClure
Michael McClure

Michael McClure was born on October 20th, 1932 in Marysville, Kansas. He grew up in Seattle, Washington. As a young man, he participated in a poetry workshop with Robert Duncan in San Francisco, California. In October 1955, McClure was one of the poets who read at the Six Gallery Poetry Reading In San Francisco. In January 1967, he participated in the Human Be-In with Allen Ginsberg and Gary Snyder in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. He wrote the original lyrics to Janis Joplin's "Mercedes Benz." In the early 1990's, he began collaborating with Doors' keyboardist Ray Manzarek in live poetry readings.

Jack Kerouac Allen Ginsberg William S. Burroughs Neal Cassady Lawrence Ferlinghetti Joyce Johnson

Diane DiPrima Carolyn Cassady Gregory Corso Gary Snyder Kenneth Rexroth Lucien Carr

John Clellon Holmes Philip Lamantia Bob Kaufman Jan Kerouac LeRoi Jones Bob Dylan

Charles Bukowski Anne Waldman Joanne Kyger Herbert Huncke

Peter Orlovsky Philip Whalen

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