Jan Kerouac
Jan Kerouac

Janet Michelle Kerouac was born on February 16th, 1952 in Albany, NY. Her mother was Jack Kerouac's second wife, Joan Haverty. Joan threw Jack out when he wanted her to terminate the pregnancy. Jan saw Jack only twice in her life: once when she was nine to have a blood test done to prove if she was his daughter, and the second time was when she was fifteen. In her teens, Jan and Jack spent a lot of time on the phone. In 1967, she went to Mexico. Jan learned about her father's death while she was in commune in Little River, California. Upon his death, Jan met quite a few friends of her father: Carolyn Cassady, Allen Ginsberg, William S. Burroughs, Peter Orlovsky, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and Gregory Corso. In 1989, Jan moved back to her mother's home in Oregon, and a year later, Joan Haverty died of breast cancer. After her mother's death, Jan moved to Puerto Rico for a while. She battled with kidney disease for years. Then finally on June 7th, 1996, Jan Kerouac succombed to the disease in Albuquerque, NM.

Jack Kerouac Allen Ginsberg William S. Burroughs Neal Cassady Lawrence Ferlinghetti Joyce Johnson

Diane DiPrima Carolyn Cassady Gregory Corso Gary Snyder Kenneth Rexroth Lucien Carr

Michael McClure John Clellon Holmes Philip Lamantia Bob Kaufman LeRoi Jones Bob Dylan

Charles Bukowski Anne Waldman Joanne Kyger Herbert Huncke

Peter Orlovsky Philip Whalen

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