Be-atific Journeys

Well, it's been a few weeks since I started creating this webpage. Help yourself and see how far it's come in such little time. Deadline for the assignment is Nov. 26th. Wish me luck while I keep thinking of more things to add to my webpage. If you have any ideas, feel free to email me at my address below. Please type something like "Ideas for Be-atific Journeys" in the Subject so that I know whether I'm getting a virus or junk mail or whatever. Thanks! :)
Best viewed in 800x600 resolution.

P.S. feel free to email me with any questions, thoughts, or concerns: [email protected]

Jack Kerouac * Allen Ginsberg * William S. Burroughs * Neal Cassady

Lawrence Ferlinghetti * Joyce Johnson * Diane DiPrima * Carolyn Cassady

Gregory Corso * Gary Snyder * Kenneth Rexroth * Lucien Carr

Michael McClure * John Clellon Holmes * Philip Lamantia * Bob Kaufman

Jan Kerouac * LeRoi Jones * Bob Dylan * Charles Bukowski

Anne Waldman * Joanne Kyger * Herbert Huncke * Peter Orlovsky * Philip Whalen

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