FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

    You would not believe some of the things people actually write to me asking about. So I won't have to repeatedly answer the same questions, I've compiled a list of common questions which visitors of "Dude Power!" will sometimes e-mail to me.

Q. denotes a question asked to me
A. denotes my response to that question

Q. Okay, so you live in Wisconsin. What city are you in?

A. I attend school in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. I won't give out my permanent location here - - because of the uncommonness of my last name coupled with the small size of my community, I do not wish to put myself in a position where someone may venture to my hometown to "track me down." That may sound lame to you, but you never know what kinds of psychos are frolicking through cyberspace.

Q. Aren't you overreacting to a harmless minority of radical feminists (who aren't truly "feminists," according to the true definition of feminism) by operating your "Dude Power!" website?

A. I don't think I'm overreacting . . . several portions of society have it in for males, and my purpose is to make sure future generations of young men out there are aware of their rights and responsibilities as human beings. Besides, if Feminazis continue to gain social power, as with Masculinazis, their genderist influence will only grow stronger . . . and that's bad!

Q. I think the language on your website is a bit too salty, don't you?

A. Go to hell.

Seriously though, if you are offended by words such as "bitch," "bastard," "damn," "cum," "jacking," or other provacative terms, then you really need to find a way out of your time warp.

Q. Does a masculinist have to identify himself with "gayness", according to your standards?

A. No. A masculinist can be "masculine", "feminine", or anything in between. Masculinism is not about acting with certain mannerisms, it's about fighting for the equality and rights of all males no matter what a male's gender, race, or sexual orientation is.

Q. Why don't you have any pics of you shirtless?

A. Well, as I've mentioned elsewhere on this website, I have acne on my back and chest, and I don't wish to gross people out. It doesn't bother me to see acne on other people . . . it just repulses me when I see it on myself. And that includes pictures of myself shirtless too. I'm self-consciously vain in that way. If and when I can ever get my acne cleared up, I may post shirtless pictures of myself if and when I can get some taken.

Q. I sent you an e-mail and you haven't responded yet. What gives?

A. Usually, I try to reply to email within a few days of receiving it. However, if for some reason your email fell through the cracks in my inbox, email me again with the subject heading in CAPITAL LETTERS to get my attention. But try to give me at least a week to respond from the first time you write to me, okay?

Q. Don't you think the idea of Gods/Goddesses is pretty absurd?

A. Nope.

Q. Do you believe in angels?

A. Yep.

Q. How can you support Lenora Fulani when she formed an alliance with the gay-hating ultra-conservative Nazi known as Pat Buchanan?

A. Lenora Fulani repeatedly explained how she and Pat Buchanan DO NOT see eye-to-eye on every political issue. In fact, their political idealologies are very dissimilar. Dr. Fulani has described herself as a "leftist" but with moderate leanings away from the traditional two-party system that America is currently stuck with.

First of all, Dr. Fulani withdrew her endorsement of Pat Buchanan and resigned as his campaign manager. She has thrown her support behind John Hagelin after realizing that Pat is trying to use the Reform Party to promote his own views of social conservatism, rather than focusing on essential social/political reform. Read about why Lenora has decided to support Dr. Hagelin.

The reason that Dr. Fulani had initially aligned herself with Pat Buchanan is to popularize the Reform Party and make the party become more mainstream. The Reform Party welcomes members from a diversity of political standpoints who want to change the way politics are done in this country. Serving as Pat Buchanan's campaign manager gave Lenora much better media attention. She has made it thoroughly clear that she DOES NOT agree with his views on everyhing.

Lenora affiliated herself with Pat to draw more attention to herself and her own personal political philosophies - - and while it may not be the move that I personally would have made, it is inevitably frustrating for Dr. Fulani and her colleagues in CUIP when the mainstream media consistently ignores third-party candidates and their views. After all, Dr. Fulani ran for president twice (in 1988 and 1992) as an Independent - - the first black female ever to do so. But how many people actually knew who she was?! Not very many . . . because the media gives the majority of their attention and coverage to the Democrats and the Republicans!

By the way, whereas Pat Buchanan has historically taken some very anti-gay stances, Lenora Fulani, on the other hand, is a very strong supporter of gay rights.

Q. Don't you realize that you'll go to hell for being gay?

A. How do you know? Have you ever been to hell? Can you even prove or disprove that hell exists? Who are you to determine who goes to hell and who doesn't?

Q. Do you honestly think your measly little website is going to actually make a difference?

A. If I can reach out to one young male and let him know that he has self-worth as a male, my mission will be accomplished.

Q. Have you ever marched in a Gay Pride parade?

A. No

Q. Men dominate soceity, so how can you paint males as victims?

A. Correction: only a minority of wealthy, influential people dominate society, and many of them happen to be males. A much larger number of males are financially challenged with low incomes (not always by their own fault), and face all kinds of discrimination including genderism, racism, and orientationism because of their "lesser" places in society. And even wealthy and influential men can be subject to unfair discrimination. So can females. It is simply ignorant to portray all females as "vulnerable victims" while assuming all males are "invincible." Both genders experience hardships and prejudice. This page is dedicated to focusing on many of the problems faced by males which are ignored or trivialized by the mainstream media.

Q.If the opportunity somehow presented itself, would you ever consider running for President of the United States?

A. No, because I want to spend my life living in California, working in the television industry, crusading for important causes which I believe in, and most importantly, devoting myself to my future husband. I can't do all of this cooped up inside the Oval Office.

Q. Why should homosexuals be able to legally marry?

A. I think the question is, why shouldn't we be able to? How would legalizing same-sex marriages be infringing upon or violating the human rights of heterosexual couples? If a man and a woman wanted to get married, they'd still be able to do so while retaining all full rights of a married couple. Those same rights would simply be additionally extended to same-sex couples, as well.

Go to my same-sex marriage page or James' Gay Marriage Page to find out why same-sex marriages should be legal. Also, think about this - - we live in a nation that denied Ellen DeGeneres and Anne Heche the legal right to wed each other, but simultaneously allowed Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley to wed each other. How stupid is that?!

Q. What's your basic life philosophy?

A. If at first no one listens to you, scream louder.

Q. Are you proud to be a male?

A. Is this a rhetorical question? Am I proud to be male? - - HELL YEAH!! You're damn right I am! Is Gloria Steinem proud to be a female?

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