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The purpose of "Dude Power" is to encourage young boys from a very early age that they are equal to girls, and that no one should be excluded from opportunities because of gender. I always think to myself, well if females get to have "Girl Power," then why can't we males have "Dude Power"?

I don't want to send out the wrong message. "Dude Power" is NOT about "male superiority" or "male supremacy." I don't believe that males are superior to females, nor do I believe that females are superior to males. Realistically, males and females need each other to survive and keep the human species alive. Females should be earning equal salaries as males when the two are working alongside each other in the same profession. Males and females are BOTH capable of doing meaningful, quality work - - just as both genders can be prone to make mistakes or committ transgressions.

But here's what really gets my goat (and I like my goat!): while I don't think all feminism is "bad" and I admire much of the work many feminists do to achieve female gender equality, some women (and even some disgracefully self-deprecating men) will abuse the concept of feminism. Some women will treat all males like roadkill, because they feel that's how they've been treated by males all their lives. This is inexcusable behavior. These women, who advocate "female superiority" and special advantages or benefits for women, are known as "Feminazis." The term "Feminazi" was coined by conservative political author/radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh. As much as I dislike Rush Limbaugh and his arrogance and closed-mindedness, I have to agree with him what the callous disregard that many women have for the male gender borders on "Feminazism" and is blatant sexist elitism (in favor of female dominance).

    They are disgusting, because they give true feminism a bad name. And they must be stopped. This shrill, vocal minority is NOT representative of feminists. Feminazis divisively hinder progress toward true gender equality and respect, thus derailing all the meaningful equality that true feminists strive to accomplish. This also is harmful to males, because it counters a common sense movement toward healthy male empowerment (what I define as "masculinism"). As males, we must not be afraid to stand up to those who aim to categorically demean us . . . we must confront the bane of all types of sexism (regardless of which gender it's directed at) fearlessly and assertively. The way to do this is through "Dude Power!"

For this reason, I consider myself a "masculinist." I encourage young men to reclaim this term, and to transform its connotation from the negative definition that many "feminist" scholars have given it. In many parts of Academia and in Women's Studies, the term "masculinism" is associated with the domineering social parameters of a patriarchy. There is no reason why "masculinism" must be defined or viewed in such an unhealthy light.

    My definition of a "masculinist" is a male who stands up for his gender, who doesn't tolerate sexism, who supports gender equality. A masculinist does not believe that males should dominate the world, but rather, males and females should work together to make the world a better place. Masculinists DO NOT TOLERATE flippant or superificial mistreatment of the male gender. True masculinists realize that neither men nor women have it "easier" or "harder" than the other in life, but that society finds all kinds of stupid ways to make life hell for both genders, not to mention various races, religions, and sexualities.

Now the male pigs who advocate andocentric preferences (or complete male dominance) are just as bad as the Feminazis. We'll call them Masculinazis, for ease of reference. Both Feminazis and Masculinazis are blatant CHAUVANISTS, representing both extremes of the gender struggle. Some people misinterpret "chauvanism" as a type of sexist prejudice that can only be possessed by males. "Chauvanism" is often associated in speech as having a male-oriented connotation. But this is not realistic. Both males and females can be chauvanists.

My mission in life is to prevent the male gender from being continuously and habitually stereotyped, generalized, gypped, mocked, ridiculed, and degraded in American society. And if scholars or pundits who sympathize with attitudes bordering on Feminazism continue to spread these shallow perceptions of males and keep gaining momentum, that's where we're headed. I'm here to say that it's time for a change! The Feminazi influence must collapse. Likewise, I will also denounce the Masculinazis who assert traditionalist machismo and make all of us males look bad. However, while society and more liberal forces in the mass media seem to be causing the Masculinazi movement to rightfully dwindle, at the same time, the sympathizers of Feminazi-leaning ideology, for some odd reason beyond my comprehension, seem to be gaining more undeserving strength in places.

    The concern over "Feminazism" isn't necessarily the exclusive, largely mythical fear that women are trying to dominate the world. Feminazi behavior can be a lot more subtle, reflecting a mindset that females are inherently superior, and that the degradation of "maleness" is necessary in attaining gender equality for women. That is an extremely faulty and dangerous assumption for them to make. Instead, why can't we transcend the traditional definitions of what is "masculine" or "feminine" in order to be sensitive to the individual's self-worth?

    But instead, we see flippant attitudes floating throughout our society that include: a socially-accepted attitude that the penis is somehow innately "gross" and "disgusting," that homosexual or bisexual men are simply "confused" about their feelings toward women, or that men are immature and simple-minded beasts who generally need help and guidance making daily decisions due to the inferiority of male judgment/intuition.

If these early seeds of thought (which are underlying Feminazism) gain strength, everyone will be harmed by it. We need to teach young boys from a very early age to treat girls and females with compassion and courtesy, but to also treat EACH OTHER this way as well. That's the unfortunate part of the macho attitudes that parents frequently instill in their kids; it leads young boys to turn on each other violently because it's "expected" from them. This is why many boys act violent and get into trouble when they are older; the Masculinazi way of thinking takes root in their childhood.

Additionally, many young girls must be taught proper values of equality, and not be led astray into Feminazism during their childhood, adolescence, or young adulthood (these are the formidable years when chauvanism develops in males and females). Children of both genders must also be taught how to love themselves, and others, that there's nothing wrong with being a different race/ethnicity or being a different sexuality. It's part of who we are.

But from where I stand, it keeps looking more and more like mainstream society (including modern pop culture, adolescent/college culture, and more liberal enclaves of academic) has it in for males in favor of an anti-male revolution. Couple that with the illuminated presence of political correctness in our society - - a plague of corruption that will forever scorch future generations if its threat is not remedied - - and you have a bleak future. I have vowed to do my part in changing that future for the better, as I do not believe the future is predetermined.

These are my views as a masculinist. This is what has led me to establish "Dude Power!"

Join the movement so we can unite and restore dignity to our gender.


Go here to read You might be a Feminazi if . . . and its companion piece, You might be a Masculinazi if . . .

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