What's New!

��� This page will feature updates made to my "Dude Power!" website. I felt this might provide a more convenient outlet from which visitors can find their way to newly-added pages on our website, as well as find out about recent developments and goings-on in my own personal life.

12/28/03 - Eeeeek! I haven't updated this page in over two years! Well, in case anyone still reads this page (or still cares), I now have a Live Journal at:


12/2/01 - My John Conyers page is finally up, along with one for Marcy Kaptur.

My Thanksgiving was one of the best I've had in many years. It was the first time since 1998 that I actually joined my parents and sister for dinner with my extended family (mom's side). For the past three years, I've been spending Thanksgiving alone, protesting the sickening turkey-mania of the holiday. I only agreed to come on one condition: that I could bring my own food. I absolutely HATE turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and generic cranberry sauce, so I brought my own dinner items, much of which came from Sam's Club in Eau Claire. Let's see: I had black forest ham sandwiches, spinach calzones, chicken breasts stuffed with broccoli & cheese, and non-alcoholic wine (well, everyone had the wine). I could tell that all my relatives thought I was crazy, but I didn't care. I was proud to dine on a turkey-free Thanksgiving dinner. Yay! And my grandma, bless her heart, had absolutely no problem with me bringing my own food. She was just glad I showed up this year. Oh, I just love her!

In a couple more weeks I'll finally be done with the semester. My academic situation has been much better than the disaster that I got myself into last spring. Overall, I've really enjoyed this Fall Semester, but I'm kind of dreading the Spring Semester because my Spring Semester last year was so lousy. I suppose I'm prematurely dreading a repeat of it.

9/14/01 - After two weeks of odds and ends, I am finally settled in at college once again. Changed my major yet a second time (from Broadcast Journalism to Electronic Media), and am trying to get back on track to balance studies with remaining online presence. A new candidate will soon be added to my Election 2004 page: John Conyers, a renowned Michigan congressman, whose profile I will hopefully have completed in the near future (and will be able to be found here, once I get it up).

7/16/01 - I definitely owe you all an explanation for my long absence. Basically, for the past two months I've been working on my newest creation: my Election 2004 website. This comprehensive webpage profiles a variety of potential presidential candidates for the 2004 Election.

Here is the URL:

It will be updated in the future, in conjunction with "Dude Power!" I hope to return to doing regular "Dude Power!" updates on a more frequent basis, along with a weekly op-ed column I intend on writing.

4/29/01 (April 29, 2001) - Sorry for the lack of updates. I just got a new guestbook, which you can access here. I still have to link it to the rest of my page. There will be more updating later.

3/13/01 (March 13, 2001) - Added a new poll on same-sex marriage at the Polls Page.

3/1/01 (March 1, 2001) - Today is the one year anniversary of the first time I got to speak personally with Dr. Lenora Fulani on the telephone. This was a life-affirming moment for me; it happened exactly one year ago today, and I felt like commemorating it.

2/18/01 (February 18, 2001) - Finally! I received my autographed pictures of Phillip Glenn VanDyke in the mail this past week. And even though I realize I'm probably "just another fan" to him, it still warms my heart and makes me all tingly that he took the time out to autograph his signature FOR ME! I'll gush about these pics more later.

Also, I've been doing a little web surfing this afternoon, and what's with all these stupid "Re-Elect Gore 2004" banners on gay dudes' webpages?? As if he's the Second Messiah or something.


Where's Dianne Feinstein when you need her?

2/4/01 (February 4, 2001) - I added several people to my Election 2004 candidates poll, and started a page that I will feature all future polls on. Also, I finally got a new guestbook up and working, so please feel free to sign it. You can still view my old guestbook if you would like.

1/14/01 (January 14, 2001) - This weekend I saw the movie "Drive Me Crazy" starring Melissa Joan Hart from Sabrina the Teenage Witch and Adrian Grenier as her boyfriend. To all droolers of the male gender out there: you have GOT to see this movie, if you haven't already. Adrian Grenier is a major BABE, and there's a pretty nice scene with him shirtless. The male bonding in this is really cool. Oh yeah, and all you Melissa Joan Hart fans who haven't seen "Drive Me Crazy" yet will probably want to catch it too, hehe.

12/27/00 (December 27, 2000) - Okay, I promised you commentary on the presidential election.

I think the whole thing was just pathetic. It's so obvious that no matter who was counting the contested ballots in Florida - - Democrat or Republican - - they were each trying to "interpret" as many votes as possible for their candidate! The election was a sham to begin with, with shotty major party candidates and no momentum for independent candidates . . . and another thing, I'm getting SO SICK of hearing people exert the power of suggestion that there'll be a Bush/Gore "rematch" in 2004 . . . I say that George W. Bush should just opt not to run for reelection in 2004, and both major parties should bring in fresh new faces as their presidential candidates in '04. How about Bill Bradley vs. Elizabeth Dole? Or Dianne Feinstein vs. John McCain? Or Bradley vs. McCain, or Dole vs. Feinstein, or someone other than Bush vs. someone other than Gore?!?! Why must we be forced to relive this nightmare of hell all over again in another 4 years from now?!?!

I'm getting worried that I'll have to start a Squash Gore 2004 webpage (hopefully I won't). I was really torn between voting for John Hagelin, Ralph Nader, or Harry Browne - - not that the media bothered to give them any decent or inclusive coverage. Not that I'm bitter. Now excuse me while I go start campaigning for Gray Davis as the Democratic candidate in 2004 . . .

Hey, don't look at me! The Democrats could have had my vote this year if they had chosen Bill Bradley as their candidate. But because they embarked upon their petty vendetta of "Clinton vindication", they made themselves look like shallow nitwits (including their claims of so-called "subtle diversity" at the Democratic Convention). And yes, I know that Gore won the popular vote . . . but my position is that his presidential candidacy was illegitimate to begin with, due to his illegal campaign fundraising activities in 1996 (which couldn't be officially proven because Janet Reno wouldn't allow an investigation, even though it's so obvious that Gore is guilty of taking illegal money and everyone knows it!) Therefore, Gore's candidacy should be deemed null & void, making runner-up Bill Bradley the true heir to the Democratic Party's 2000 presidential candidacy. Unfortunately, since Bradley withdrew in March of 2000, making this entire election a complete sham. Yes, I'm still opposed to the Electoral College and I think it should be abolished. But Al Gore's candidacy was invalid to begin with, so despite his victory in the popular vote, he still, by rights, ends up ceding his claim to the presidency. In fact, from here on in I'll refer to the soon-to-be-ex vice-president by one of my notorious nicknames for him, Lucifer Clampett (it shouldn't be too hard for you to figure out the significance of that alias).

Now I shall proceed to throw a great deal of my energy into finding a suitable presidential candidate for the Democratic ticket in 2004, to insure that Lucifer NEVER becomes president!! Off the top of my head I can think of many Democrats who would be better than Lucifer as possible presidential candidates: Bill Bradley, Dianne Feinstein, Paul Wellstone, Barbara Boxer, Andrew Cuomo, Dick Gephardt, Gray Davis, Tom Daschle, Nancy Pelosi, Bob Kerrey . . . and I'm sure there are several others whom I haven't thought of. So let's get out there and FIND THAT CANDIDATE, to prevent Lucifer Clampett from coming back to haunt us in 2004! Almost anyone would suffice (except for Hillary Clinton or Joe Leiberman).

12/19/00 (December 19, 2000) - I added three polls that can be accessed from my main page. These polls ask your opinion on who the presidential candidates should be in 2004. Please feel free to participate and cast your vote!

12/14/00 (December 14, 2000) - Sorry for my month of inactivity, but the whole ridiculous election mess in Florida was stressing me out.

Well, George W. Bush will be our next president - - it's a done deal. Al Gore finally conceded (at last!), and we've averted the nightmare of a Gore presidency for at least the next 4 years. Now comes two very important tasks: preventing a Gore 2004 campaign from making it into the 2004 General Election (I do NOT want to have to go through this again!), and finding acceptable candidates from the two major parties for 2004 (I say it should be Elizabeth Dole versus Bill Bradley). And of course, as Lenora Fulani continues to wisely point out, we need to start rapidly building a stronger movement for independent politics.

It's really early in the morning right now, so I'll close for tonight. But I'll be back soon to update and rant on several things, including the Electoral College, the endless "recounting" of ballots in Florida (chads, my ass!), and the burning question many of you are probably wondering as to who I voted for.

I shall return.

11/17/00 (November 17, 2000) - You're all probably dying to know what I think about this whole mess with the election in Florida . . . I think it's irritating, frustrating, and stupid! I'll be updating more when I'm in a better mood.

11/6/00 (November 6, 2000) - Tomorrow's the Presidential Election. Be sure to remind all of your friends and family to vote for anyone other than Al Gore!

10/10/00 (October 10, 2000) - Updated my Squash Gore 2000 page, including a new link: Gore Pollution.com.

Also, today is National "Coming Out" Day. Guess who I came out to?...NO ONE!!! HA, HA!!!

10/1/00 (October 1, 2000) - Found two new anti-Gore links: Here Lies Gore and Gore Free Tennessee.

9/24/00 (September 24, 2000) - Sorry for the lack of updates recently. Once I take my stupid College Algebra exam I'll possibly be able to concentrate more on updating.

9/12/00 (September 12, 2000) - This is a plea to spread the word...DON'T be fooled by the lies and manipulation of the Gore media. They are trying to brainwash the public into thinking that Al Gore has this election in the bag due to his recent "surge"...don't believe them! Let all your family and friends know that Al Gore cannot be trusted!!!!!!

9/1/00 (September 1, 2000) - Today is the one year anniversery of my website. Exactly one year ago today I first opened it up to the public for web traffic. Let's break out the bubbly! Yayy!

8/12/00 (August 12, 2000) - Updated my
Friends Album with information on four more of my friends, Anthony, Chris, Dot, and Dr. Lenora Fulani.

7/25/00 (July 25, 2000) - Today is a momentous day in "Dude Power!" history: I added my first batch of hate mail to my newly-minted Hate Mail Archive. Ooooooh!!! I'm so excited!!! It is some rather tactless drivel from a conservative bastard named Jerry Mander, who calls himself a "professor". HA! Shows exactly what type of brain decay listening to the traditionalist Far Right will result in.

7/19/00 (July 19, 2000) - Added two poems to my gallery of "writings. They are entitled "Serenity Grove" and "Human Collage".

7/7/00 (July 7, 2000) - Archived one of my scholarship essays, "Dr. Lenora B. Fulani: Renaissance Woman", and added two new articles on school prayer and Political Polarization.

7/2/00 (July 2, 2000) - Some of you may have heard about Lenora Fulani's withdrawl of her endorsement of Pat Buchanan. That may raise a few eyebrows among some, but I say yayy! to Lenora for having the courage to reject Pat's social conservatism. Go here to read why Lenora Fulani is endorsing John Hagelin for the Reform Party presidential nomination.

I'm double-endorsing both John Hagelin and Ralph Nader.

6/26/00 (June 26, 2000) - Added a new article to my Squash Gore 2000 campaign, entitled Why Gay People SHOULD NOT vote for Al Gore.

6/8/00 (June 8, 2000) - Joined the campaign to Rock Out Censorship!

This is a cause that I'm very much behind. We cannot tolerate busybody groups such as Tipper Gore's PMRC (Parent's Music Resource Center) and the Christian Coaltion, to name a few, stomp all over our freedom of speech and 1st Amendment rights.

Support Rock Out Censorship!

6/7/00 (June 7, 2000) - I've finally gotten around to completing more new features for "Dude Power!" Today, I've introduced my Friends Album which will feature a collection of bios and photos of my online (and eventually, offline) friends. So far, I've added three people to my Friends Album: my friends Tim, Pat, and Erik.

More to come!

6/6/00 (June 6, 2000) - This past Saturday I watched another great Sliders episode, "Strangers & Comrades". This one was the third episode of Season 5, where Diana and Mallory finally experienced going head-to-head with the Kromaggs. The Sliders landed on an asteroid in hyperspace called Purgatory, where several soldiers from Quinn and Colin's homeworld were guarding a secret bunker. Sargeant Vernon Larson (Jerry Doyle of Babylon 5), drafted the sliders into their battle-in-the-trenches against the Kromaggs. Eventually, Remmy discovered that the soldiers were guarding a Voraton device which annhilated Kromagg DNA - - but also destroyed the biosphere of Earth. Thus his hope for finding a weapon to liberate Earth Prime was squashed.

The production values were astounding in this episode, even though they had a slight "Saving Private Ryan" feel. Diana and Mallory had completely different reactions to the situation; Diana went into shock and broke down, while Mallory adapted to the situation. Maggie meanwhile began to bond with Diana, finally having a woman to relate to on her sliding journey. At the end of the episode, after the Kromaggs had killed all of Larson's men, the sliders sneaked into the bunker and activated the Voraton device - - consequently programming the device to wipe the Kromaggs off the asteroid right after they slid out of Purgatory. Next week: "The Great Work", another excellent episode.

Now, my rant on this past season of Dawson's Creek. I've become very frustrated with this show. It's not quite as bad as Dawson's Season 1, but last season (Season 2) was arguably leaps and bounds above this season (Season 3). They wrote off the only really spicy character in the beginning of the season, Eve (Brittany Daniel). And they brought on an unlikable bastard of a principal (Obba Babbatunde) for Capeside High, only to write him off when the character begins to finally show some heart. They completely ruined Andie (Meredith Monroe), turning her character into an annoying, babbling idiot.

And look at how they butchered Jack (Kerr Smith)! He could have been written in an intimate manner as a gay teen struggling with his sexuality. Instead he's been written as a groaning pushover who happens to be gay and who does a bunch of dumb things. From his contrived rise onto the Capeside football team (yeah, like Jack would just magically gain some extraordinary athletic abilities!), to his standing up a blind date (could have been an intriguing episode, had Jack scrounged up the courage to meet with the guy), to Jack's downing spiked Jello shots at an outdoor orgy, to him predictably moving back in with Andie and their bastard dad (only because Andie cloyingly guilted Jack into it - - man, I HATE her!!). And the season finale . . . UGH!! The way Jack made a fool out of himself by throwing himself at Ethan (Adam Kaufman), during the little "carpe diem" road trip with Andie, Jen, and Grams. The character of Ethan was an inconvenient nuisance who just complicated Jack's confusing life; Ethan presumptuously took it upon himself to determine Jack's "sexual readiness" (Jack "wasn't ready", according to him) and implied that homosexuality is about a state of mind rather than intrinsic hormones. Whatever, Ethan! Let's not forget Jack's stupid huggabug session with his idiot dad (David Dukes) after Ethan rejected Jack . . . puh-lease!! CONTRIVED!!!

And am I the only one who thinks Joshua Jackson is totally overrated when it comes to his hyped up "hunk" status?! Personally, Joshua does nothing for me - - I just don't think he's that handsome. Grams (Mary Beth Peil) was the Dawson's only character who's really improved since the beginning of the series. And what's with Mitch and Gail (Dawson's parents) getting married then divorced then married again? Didn't we already go through that with Michael and Jane on Melrose Place? This WB show has really gone downhill (although so have the WB's Felicity, Charmed, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer), and I hope I won't be disappointed when I force myself to watch Season 4 beginning next fall.

In more positive news, Delores Teller, a good friend of my half-cousin Debora who lives in Portland, Oregon, has been in the news lately. She's made national headlines fighting to get adoption records open to adopted children and their birth parents, laws which were recently passed in Oregon via the federal Supreme Court. My family and I met Delores in May of 1996 on Memorial Day weekend. Here's a picture of the three of us (Debora on the left, me in the middle, Delores on the right) together. Delores has appeared on several cable news channel debates, including an appearance on the idiotic CNN debate show Crossfire.

That's it for today. More updates soon.

5/29/00 (May 29, 2000) - Joined the Gay Teen Dudes webring which is owned by my good friend Chris. He's a real sweetie, a true Texas gentleman.

Stuff that happened to me this weekend: I got yelled at on Friday afternoon at work by some bastard who blamed me for a miscommunication that occurred which was really no one's fault to begin with. If this guy (his name is Nick) complains to my boss about it and tries to pin this situation on ME somehow, I'm telling my boss all about Nick's rudeness and how Nick presumptuously assumed that I would "take care of" things (even though Nick never directly asked me to).

On the upside, this past Saturday I got to rewatch "Applied Physics", my favorite episode ever of Sliders. This was the second episode of Season 5, where Diana (Tembi Locke) got tricked by Dr. Geiger (Peter Jurasik) into merging two parallel universes into each other. This episode was top-notch because it showed Diana's strengths and weaknesses as a character, how she wanted to improve the life of her double but ended up abandoning her ethics in the process. Also, she had to leave that world without correcting her mistake, which she felt guilty about (the part where Rembrandt shoved a reluctant Diana into the vortex against her will was memorable!). I also enjoyed the subplot, where Mallory began feeling the pain (literally) of his body having been merged with Quinn's, and Maggie desperately trying to seek out her Quinn in the hope that he was somehow still alive. The acting, writing, scenary, special effects, and production values were top-notch. Next Saturday I'll be watching "Strangers & Comrades", another fantastic Sliders episode from Season 5 (I really thought Season 2 and Season 5 were the best).

5/13/00 (May 13, 2000) - I've completed an essay that addresses a very problematic stigma in our society. It is called political correctness, PC for short.

Please go here to read my rant on the atrocity of political correctness which is infecting the daily lives of Americans.

4/23/00 (April 23, 2000) - Sorry for disappearing for so long there. I've been at my new job as an office assistant at the parks & Rec. Department for two weeks now, and it's going great. Chaotic and busy, but great.

I've made some update tweaks here and there, but my main update are two new satirical pages I've added: You might be a Feminazi if . . . and its companion piece, You might be a Masculinazi if . . ..

These are take-offs on Jeff Foxworthy's "You might be a redneck if . . ." quips. Mine basically sum up some primary qualities, characteristics, and traits of modern Feminazis and Masculinazis in our society.

4/5/00 (April 5, 2000) - I've finally added an essay I've been meaning to finish for a long time, "Propoganda of the Secular Left". I was challenged to write this essay by a Christian conservative who called me "smug" after having read my previous essay, "Propoganda of the Christian Right".

"Propoganda of the Secular Left" is meant to be a sort of "companion piece" to "Propoganda of the Christian Right". I hope I did an adequate job with it.

4/4/00 (April 4, 2000) - Today I voted in my first state primary election. The slots I voted for were: presidential candidate, city mayor, and three school board positions in my community.

I voted for Bill Bradley as the presidential candidate, even though he withdrew last month. It felt very liberating to pull the level for Bill Bradley in the voting both; and I felt empowered knowing that I wasn't letting the Gore media tell me who to vote for. I'm extremely proud to say that I won't be voting for Al Gore in November - - Bill Bradley isn't an angel, but at least he's not a deceptive, pathological liar the way the vice-president is.

3/25/00 (March 25, 2000) - Added more articles to my Squash Gore 2000 page.

I know this page has contained a lot of political content over the past three months or so, but now I've decided it's time to get back to basics. The essential elements upon which I founded this page - - committment to fighting for social equality for males and homosexuals. So therefore, I will begin to refocus on adding/creating more prolific writings, polishing content within my main pages, and most prominently, writing some more of my notorious points-of-view on various social issues.

I can't wait to get started (again)!

3/19/00 (March 19, 2000) - My good friend Jason made me a logo/banner graphic for my Squash Gore 2000 page. I have proudly displayed it there, so check it out for yourself!

3/14/00 (March 14, 2000) - I found the website for Ralph Nader's presidential campaign, so I can refer potential voters to him in November.

Even though he won't actually win, that isn't the point! People need to make a statement that we need to break away from the partisan politics and power struggles fueled by the Democratic and Republican parties in this country.

Speaking of which, I added my collection of anti-Gore links to my Squash Gore 2000 campaign page.

3/10/00 (March 10, 2000) - I've put up the first phase of my Squash Gore 2000 campaign. I will continue to add to it.

Tell all your friends!

3/7/00 (March 7, 2000) - It's really too bad that Al Gore has won the "Super Tuesday" primaries (at least, on the Democratic side of the race). Because that means now I'm going to have to pull out the Big Guns for November. I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this, but the Democratic Party is obviously on crack - - so I unfortunately have no other choice.

I will soon be launching a "Squash Gore 2000" campaign. This is NOT a campaign to endorse George W. Bush for president. It is a movement to disparage the hideous abomination that is Al Gore and his presidential campaign.

I will similarly be launching more moderate-sized campaigns against Alan Keyes, Gary Bauer, and Dr. Laura Schlessinger (hey, she's getting a talk show, folks! We can't let the mainstream public be brainwashed with orientationism!)

The Democrats will NOT have my support in November, at least not in the presidential race. Maybe I'll support the Democratic candidate in 2004, as long as it's someone other than Al Gore, and if it's someone who I can at least tolerate compared to everyone else who'll be running.

I now will begin referring people to Ralph Nader for presidential support in November.

And yes, I'm still going to write-in Bill Bradley's name on the ballot in the Wisconsin primaries on April 4, no matter what! If we don't stick with our principles, what good are they?

3/1/00 (March 1, 2000) - A couple of things.

First, this morning I got a phone call from - - and I am NOT lying about this - - Dr. Lenora Fulani herself!! It seems that an associate of Lenora's forwarded an email to her that I'd sent soliciting information about Dr. Fulani for an essay I'm writing about her. I'd enclosed my phone number in the email, so this morning around 10:54 AM (Central Standard Time) I got a personal phone call from Dr. Fulani!

She only had a minute to talk, but she said she wanted to respond to my email, and she's sending me a copy of her book, The Making of a Fringe Candidate! I was so unbelievably excited . . . but I'm a bit embarassed because I think I came off like a babbling idiot on the phone to her. This really made my day (in a good way)!

In regards to Bill Bradley's recent loss in the Washington state election . . . some people who know me are probably wondering if I will stop supporting him. The answer is no. Even if Bill drops out of the race, I would still vote for him on April 4 in the Wisconsin primaries (writing in his name if necessary), out of sheer principle. I'd encourage everyone else to do the same, regardless of his odds of winning. Then I would begin to look at third-party candidates for November. One possibility: Ralph Nader of the Green Party. I'd encourage everyone to get behind third-party candidates in order to make a statement to our nation's politicians.

So never fear, there are still plenty of us out there who will keep fighting against the Al and Tipper cult, no matter how long it takes!

2/25/00 (February 25, 2000) - More informative details about Al Gore's hypocrisy and ineptitude that people should be aware of: it's brought to you by a wonderful new website called More About Al Gore. This proves why all of you should not vote for Al Gore even if he makes it to November's General Election (although let's give our votes to Bill Bradley this spring!!)

Also, today marks the seven year anniversary of something very traumatic and horrible that happened to me when I was in 5th grade. It's too painful to go into here, but if you really are dying to know what happened then email me.

2/23/00 (February 23, 2000) - Found an excellent new website, entitled Alpha Al. Recommend it to all your friends!

2/16/00 (February 16, 2000) - Yesterday I voted in my local community election. It arrived just in time, since I turned 18 six days ago. There were three offices we were able to vote for: the mayor, and two school board positions. This was for determination of which candidates would be running in April's primary election for positions in our community.

In other news, I'm dismayed to hear how the Reform Party is experiencing such internal turmoil. I'll be looking at each Reform Party candidate individually to determine whether I support him/her. I do know that I still place my faith in Lenora Fulani, but there's no way in hell I'm ever voting for Pat Buchanan.

2/11/00 (February 11, 2000) - Shame, shame, shame on the so-called HRC (Human Rights Campaign) endorsement of Al Gore for president! Don't those blind baffoons realize what a phony vile cretin the vice-president is? Al Gore is a "gay rights forerunner" my ass!!!

At least Michael Jordan had the good judgment to endorse Bill Bradley. Now maybe more people will pay attention and realize how Al Gore is trying to use empty rhetoric to weasel votes out of the American people.

Next thing we know, that bitch Dr. Laura will be endorsing wacko Alan Keyes for president! Grrrr . . .

2/10/00 (February 10, 2000) - Here's a link to a new page that covers a full range of Bill Bradley's campaign platform and how he feels about the issues. The website is called Bill Bradley Unplugged.

2/9/00 (February 9, 2000) - Sorry for disappearing for a couple of days, but I've been feeling rather sick lately. I joined an email group today that a friend urged me to join, it's aimed at conveying how Bill Bradley supports the Gay/Lesbian community and can do more for GLBT rights than any other presidential candidate. I encourage you all to join this list: http://www.egroups.com/list/bradleygays

2/4/00 (February 4, 2000) - A friend informed me that I have the state primary and Caucus information wrong regarding the months ahead. I've updated my state primary page to display the correct listings.

2/2/00 (February 2, 2000) - The New Hampshire primary results are in. It was an extremely close race between Al Gore and Bill Bradley, with Al Gore receiving 51.82% of the Democratic vote, Bill Bradley close at his heels with 47.45% of the Democratic vote. There was also 0.68% of the Democratic voters who voted for someone else (probably by write-in ballot). Overall, less than 5% points separated Al from Bill. There was a much wider Republican gap in New Hampshire where John McCain led George W. Bush by a larger margin.

It's obvious what this means. Al Gore's alleged "lead" over Bill Bradley is diminishing, and with good reason too! Now onto the Delaware primaries which will be held this Saturday (February 5).

I also found another pro-Bradley website, entitled Why Bradley?

1/31/00 (January 31, 2000) - I found a great article you all should read. Access it at:


It's entitled "Unfinished Business" and does an excellent job of explaining why we need to keep Al Gore out of office.

1/30/00 (January 30, 2000) - The next couple of days will be dedicated to my coverage (and if necessary, rants) regarding Election 2000. As you all know, the New Hampshire primary is this Tuesday, so encourage all your friends in New Hampshire to vote for Bill Bradley. Also, show them (and any of your other friends, for that matter) the following links:

Most notably:
"Why I Support Bill Bradley" by Senator Paul Wellstone

Also check out . . .

As you all know, I'm skeptical of polls and how credible they are. But there is a poll out by CNN showing that Bill Bradley is catching up to Al Gore's recent "surge" in New Hampshire, and this poll can be found at http://www.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/01/30/tracking.poll/index.html

Hopefully on Tuesday, Bill will actually do better in New Hampshire than this poll suggests.

Remember to pass this information on to a friend!

1/27/00 (January 27, 2000) - The Boston Herald has endorsed Bill Bradley for president.

The Gore Media is trying to force negative poll numbers for Bill Bradley down people's throats . . . but after seeing last night's debate, it's glaringly obvious that Bill Bradley is far superior to Al Gore in every way. I suspect these poll numbers are outdated statistics from before the debate. So tell all your friends about Bill, and encourage everyone whom you know in New Hampshire to cast their vote for Bill next Tuesday!

1/26/00 (January 26, 2000) - I've created a Dude Power Lexicon as an easy reference regarding many of the terms which I so often use on this website.

1/25/00 (January 25, 2000) - The results of the Iowa Caucus are in. Bill Bradley actually did better than the media speculated, drawing in roughly 36% of the Caucus Democrats compared to Al Gore's 63%. And only about 1,900 registered Democrats even bothered to vote in it, compared to over 75,000 registered Republicans who voted. Al Gore received about 1,200 votes, while Bill Bradley received approximately 670 votes.

So keep in mind that this was an extremely small percentage of Iowans who voted in the Caucus. Out of about 1.8 million Iowa voters, under 80,000 of them actually showed up to vote in the Iowa Caucus. That's a little over 4% (out of 100%) of the total registered Iowa voters.

At any rate, let's support Bill for a BIG win in New Hampshire next week!! I am getting so sick of how the media is depicting Al Gore as this vibrant, energetic male Barbie-doll. Whatever! The media is contributing to a great national injustice (the Gore campaign), and if Al Gore gets elected in November I have vowed to embark upon a personal crusade against the "Gore media". Also, I am suspecting more and more that there is a "vast, left-wing conspiracy" brewing throughout the media and Washington D.C. to coronate Al Gore as the next president. How else would someone as stupid as him gain such "popularity"?

Send this link to all your friends!

1/23/00 (January 23, 2000) - Tomorrow is the Iowa Caucus. Let's hope it turns out well.

The Des Moines Register officially endorsed Bill Bradley this morning. Additionally, there have been some false rumors floating around that Bill is quitting his campaign. Ignore those rumors, they are complete nonsense!

Also we should be thinking ahead to New Hampshire, which is holding its primaries on February 1. New Hampshire has been a pretty strong state for Bill Bradley lately, so let's keep the momentum consistent, regardless of what happens in Iowa. He's the best candidate and he deserves to win. Please spread the word.

I found this great page that is planning a rally for Bill. Be sure to pass his name along to everyone whom you know, so we can restore dignity to our nation.

1/21/00 (January 21, 2000) - Well, this weekend is going to be chaotic in my neighbor state of Iowa, with hoards of people preparing for The Big Caucus on Monday. I am praying to Apollo that Iowans will turn out a decent showing in support of Bill Bradley.

In other news, I've had it with Dawson's Creek. This whole season has been SO STUPID, and the last episode was just too predictable and irritating where Jack decided to move back home with Andie and their dad. So what, now we're just supposed to sit back and go, "Awwww"?! Not me! I'll finish out watching the rest of this season, albeit with low expectations . . . but Dawson's Creek is no longer one of my favorite shows, I can't even bear to categorize it as a favorite "Guilty Pleasure" TV show. When they come back next fall for their fourth season, they'd better have polished up the series or I'll have to send a metaphorical basket of cheeseballs to Paul Stupin.

1/18/00 (January 18, 2000) - I've added another guest editorial, this one is a "Letter to Saint Paul" written by Keith, one of my Christian friends, who challenges the alleged biblical denunciation of homosexuality.

1/17/00 (January 17, 2000) - Yesterday I received an email from someone calling himself "Mr. Flesh". His letter addressed the rabid extremism of many feminists (or more appropriately, Feminazis and borderline Feminazis) on the Internet. Mr. Flesh gave me permission to post his letter, so I have formatted his letter word-for-word as a guest editorial entitled "Feminism According to Mr. Flesh" (he asked me to correct the misspelled words from his original email).

And no, I am not "posing" as Mr. Flesh myself; he really is another person who emailed me using that screen name.

May I also remind everyone that one week from today is the Iowa Caucus (January 24, 2000). PLEASE encourage every Iowan you know to cast their ballot for Bill Bradley as the Democratic nominee. Send them this URL to read why Bill is the best candidate for president, and here's another link where you can contact your local/state senators and representatives. So write to your Democratic representatives/senators and encourage them to endorse Bill Bradley as the Democratic nominee. I have already written to my local region's representatives: Russ Feingold, Herb Kohl, and Ron Kind. Go to this URL and look up your local reprentatives. If each of us takes the time to write a simple letter to each of our reprentatives, we can send the message to them that American citizens are fed up with "politics as usual"!

1/16/00 (January 16, 2000) - My friend Keith has written a personal account about when he had to have a circumcision as an adult. He left it untitled, so I have titled it "Have Your Son(s) Circumcised!". It will be filed on my "page of writings as a guest editorial. This is an example of what can happen when baby boys are left intact at birth.

I encourage all of you to read this, especially those of you with very young sons or who will be having sons in the future. Maybe it will make you think twice before leaving your sons uncircumcised. I wonder how many members of the anti-circumcision movement would be willing to voluntarily have the experience of enduring what Keyth painfully went through?!

1/14/00 (January 14, 2000) - I have posted a creation myth that I wrote last year, entitled "The Roots of Feminism". One of my teachers from last year, Ms. A., had us write "creation myths" during our Mythology course. This is a creation myth that attempts to explain as the ancient Greeks might have how feminism was introduced into the world. Please don't take this seriously; in all likelihood these events never occurred (although some or all of the Gods/Goddesses in this story may indeed exist in our universe - - who knows?). It is strictly a hypothetical account.

1/10/00 (January 10, 2000) - Today I received a third entry to my guestbook from yet another person who slammed me for advocating male circumcisions at birth. This person didn't even offer any information about himself, not even an email address. His entry was so entrenched with anynomity that I deleted it. I usually don't delete people's guestbook entries, but occasionally I make an exception. However, I did amend my circumcision page to withdraw my accusation of their movement as "petty". I still don't agree with it, but I won't charge it as "petty" any longer. I will be adding more information to my circumcision page in the future.

Okay folks, I appreciate you taking the time to sign my guestbook, but my guestbook is NOT meant to serve as a discussion forum. That's why I have always provided a discussion forum at my website, which is accessible from all of my pages and you can visit by clicking HERE. Also, if you have something to say to me about circumcisions (or any other topic, for that matter), why not try sending me an e-mail? But quit clogging up my guestbook, dammit!! You don't see me going around to anti-circumcision websites (and yes, I have visited them!) to repeatedly type in my rants there. So if you really want to gripe about my views on circumcisions, take it to my discussion board or email me!

I might also add something about all three of these anti-circumcision individuals (assuming they actually are three different individuals) who've logged anti-circumcision related entries onto my guestbook; their IP/ISP numbers are nearly identical! This tells me that they are presumably located in the same area (probably the same city) in the country, and I wouldn't be surprised if they're all associated with each other. But I will continue to delete future entries to my guestbook where the signer refuses to provide any of his/her contact information or does not take advantage of my discussion board or the handy little invention we call email. My guestbook is not designed to be an episode of Crossfire!

1/8/00 (January 8, 2000) - Do we really need another president "misleading" us like this?:

Friday January 7 9:52 PM ET

Gore Backpedals on Gay Policy

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Under political pressure, Vice President Al Gore (news - web sites) backpedaled Friday from his statement that he would require candidates for the Joint Chiefs of Staff to agree with his intention to let gays serve openly in the military.

``I did not mean to imply that there should ever be any kind of inquiry into the personal political opinions of officers in the U.S. military,'' Gore told reporters at a hastily convened news conference after a campaign rally at a Des Moines-area high school.

Gore, under fire from military brass and some of his own political allies, spoke two days after his original comments at a candidates' debate. The comments have sparked dissent from former members of the joint chiefs and from Sen. John Kerry, a Vietnam veteran campaigning for Gore in New Hampshire.

``What I meant to convey was I would not tolerate, nor would any commander in chief, nor would any president tolerate orders not being followed,'' Gore said.

The vice president's remarks Friday evening matched those that that Bill Bradley (news - web sites) gave Wednesday night in New Hampshire, when the two men were asked if they would make agreement on gays in the military a litmus test for appointments to the joint chiefs.

Gore said Wednesday: ``I would insist before appointing anybody to the joint chiefs of staff that that individual support my policy and yes, I would make that a requirement.'' Gore has insisted he would allow gays to serve openly in the military.

On Friday night, Gore said, ``I didn't use that term, litmus test.''

Bradley, Gore's rival for the Democratic nomination, said Wednesday night that a litmus test was unnecessary because military officers follow orders from their commander in chief no matter what.

Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat, was not the only Gore supporter who took issue with the vice president's on remarks Wednesday.

At the high school where Gore campaigned Friday with his daughter Karenna, Carolyn Klein, 59, said such a prerequisite for serving as a joint chief was misguided because people can work together even if they disagree.

``Not everybody agrees with me on my job either,'' the woman from Pella, Iowa said, adding she thought Gore was spending too much time on the question. ``I think that's the least of our issues right now, We have so many problems to work on that he's making too much of that.''

Kerry, a decorated Vietnam combat veteran, said Friday that he generally supports allowing gays to serve in the military, but that in some very rare situations, commanders should have flexibility to remove someone from a unit.

``Let's say tomorrow you're at war and you had an immediate mission need,'' he said. ``You're going to have to allow some kind of capacity for people to make those kinds of command judgments.''

Another military veteran, Arizona Sen. John McCain (news - web sites), called the Wednesday night pledge by Gore ``a disgraceful statement'' during a South Carolina GOP debate.

At the pentagon, the Gore statements on the pledge of support were viewed as campaign talk.

``Candidates for political office are certainly free to do that and must do that in order to explain their views to the American people,'' said Rear Adm. Craig Quigley, a spokesman for Defense Secretary William Cohen said Thursday. ``But I would not speculate as to what that may or may not mean a year from now.''

Would some Democrat PLEASE email me and try to explain to me WHY IN THE HELL your party is so hell-bent on corinating Al Gore as the next president?! I'm beginning to think it's a "vast, left-wing conspiracy".

1/7/00 (January 7, 2000) - I forgot to announce this yesterday because I was so irate at Alan Keyes (and still am), but yesterday (January 6) was Danny Pintuaro's birthday!! For those of you who don't recognize his name, Danny played Jonathan Bower on the TV sitcom Who's the Boss? from 1984-1992 with Judith Light (whom I absolutely adore!) and Tony Danza. Some of you might not have heard this, but Danny is now openly gay! And I'll tell you, he has turned into one CUTE dude!!! Happy birthday Danny, you sweetheart!

So everyone visit Danny's unofficial website, which a fan made for him as a tribute page (and no, I didn't create this page, it's been around since 1997 - - longer than I've even been on the Internet!!)

I also joined the Remembering Matthew Shepard Webring.

1/6/00 (January 6, 2000) - Well I tortured myself by watching the Republican presidential candidates debate tonight. Let's just say I wasn't impressed. Here's a run-down on basically what happened:

George W. Bush and John McCain got into a catfight about each other's tax plans.

Gary Bauer droned on about anti-abortion, his Christian "values", and the "atrocity" of the Vermont state legislation granting gay rights.

Steve Forbes sounded as though he was reciting his dialogue from a script.

Orrin Hatch was a good speaker, and I agree with him about how the Internet should not be federally taxed; however, I was very offended by his reference to homosexuality as "social experimentation".

Alan Keyes was the worst of them all. He was extremely caustic and obnoxious, and he took every possible opportunity to bash the "immorality" of homosexuality. The idiot also tried to claim that the separation of church and state is "not relevant to American life". Uh . . . Whatever! We need the separation of church and state when bastards like him try so aggressively to eternally blackball humane acceptance of homosexuality in American society! He even implied that we as a society need to "ban" homosexuality in America. I shudder at the thought of a bastardly orientationist bigot like Alan Keyes running our country!!

It also should be said that Bush and McCain have avoided touching the issue os gay-bashing, whereas Gary Bauer, Steve Forbes, Alan Keyes, and Orrin Hatch all signed anti-gay pledges earlier this year. Even though MCCain and "the Dubya" aren't exactly "gay-friendly," they're still more moderate and less radical candidates compared to many of the other Republicans. They'd be a hell of a lot better than the psycho Alan Keyes!!

In other developments, I'd like you to encourage you all to write to Senator Ted Kennedy and urge him to withdraw his endorsement of Al Gore for the Democratic presidential nomination. Here's a copy of the letter I sent to Ted today:

January 6, 2000

Hon. Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA)
315 Russell Senate Building
Washington D.C. 20510

Dear Senator Kennedy

I would like to express my sincere and substantial disappointment in your recent decision to endorse Vice-president Al Gore as the Democratic nominee for the 2000 General Election. As a politically moderate, independent voter, I feel that former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley is the best choice of a leader for our nation and would appeal to the most widespread array of American voters.

Mr. Bradley is a sensible, level-headed man who has innovative ideas for national progress and prosperity, including health care expansion, campaign finance reform, equality for homosexuals, and increased racial unity. In contrast, Vice-president Gore repeatedly produces unreliable, shaky ideology and engages in tediously negative and unproductive campaigning. He would be the exact type of president whom the bulk of Americans don�t want in office.

Additionally, former Senator Bradley appeals to a large majority of independent voters, whereas the Vice-president Gore has failed to capture vast centerist support. Clearly, Mr. Bradley would have a much stronger ability to attract the independent vote, which as we all know, is the "swing vote" in major elections. Furthermore, the vice-president�s public disapproval ratings are several times higher than Mr. Bradley�s, and he rates much lower against Republican Texas Governor George W. Bush than does Mr. Bradley.

Senator Kennedy, you are an influential and admirable icon of liberalism in the United States. Bill Bradley is the most distinguishable and boldest advocate of liberal ideals in the presidential race. Please consider withdrawing your endorsement of the vice-president and possibly endorsing Mr. Bradley so dignity can be restored to the Democratic party. Mr. Bradley can win; Mr. Gore cannot.

Cordially yours

Tony ******
276 Bradley Avenue
*****, WI 54***

Please remember to be polite in your letter, and be sure to hit upon the following major points:

A.)��� Al Gore is extremely fickle and thus will not make a very reliable candidate.

B.)��� The vice-president is chasing away independent voters with his negative campaigning . . . and independents ARE the "swing vote" in elections.

C.)��� Al Gore does NOT have a strong likability factor with the American public - - whereas Bill Clinton DID and still DOES. Al Gore is no Bill Clinton!!!

D.)��� On top of high public disapproval ratings, Al Gore also rates lower nationally against George W. Bush in the polls than does Bill Bradley. Therefore, Bill Bradley has a much better chance of winning.

Here is the contact information to write to Senator Kennedy or make a phone call to his office as a citizen on Bill Bradley's behalf:

Hon. Edward Kennedy (D-MA)
315 Russell Senate Building
Washington D.C. 20510

PHONE:(202) 224-4543


or look up information for any of your state/local senators:


So let's keep Al Gore OUT OF OFFICE, and let's get Bill Bradley ELECTED AS PRESIDENT in 2000!!!

I can't figure out who I hate more, Alan Keyes or Al Gore . . .

1/5/00 (January 5, 2000) - Tonight the anticipated debates from New Hampshire were held between Al Gore and Bill Bradley (Go Bill!). While I didn't watch the actual debates live (I still have them on tape), I got disgusted at hearing some of the voters' ho-hum reactions, "Oh, well the economy is doing well, so let's keep Gore!" I keep wondering if I'm the only one who can actually see through this pea-brained fraud?! If Al Gore becomes our next president, he is going to majorly MESS UP THIS NATION!!! (and I'm trying not to use swear words here, folks!)

Here's a recent message passed on to me by someone via e-mail; it includes an excerpt from the Washington Post on the two Democratic candidates' health plans:


Let me refer you to the Washington Post's analysis of the competing health care plans:


Exact quotes from the Washington Post 1/5/00:

"Gore appears to have concluded that substantially expanding health insurance coverage is not a major national priority. All of his measures, taken together, would expand coverage only modestly."

"Who would win the most under Gore's vision? Parents and children who would be made eligible for public programs. Who is left out? The working low-income people who are struggling to cover their families now, and those who have decided they can't afford private insurance but who make too much money to qualify for public insurance. Gore, in the name of fiscal prudence, offers them little relief."

"Bradley's winners extend to a much larger number--the entire low-income population--since they would all receive the same subsidy for buying their own private health insurance plan, whether or not they are currently insured. The losers are higher-income taxpayers, who would either forgo tax reductions or pay higher taxes. Bradley would change who pays for health care more than inject new money into the system; he thinks that equity in access to health care is in our society's long-term interest."

I think the choice is pretty obvious . . .

1/3/00 (January 3, 2000) - My friend Jason made me a great new logo banner that I posted on my "What is Dude Power?" page.

1/1/00 (January 1, 2000) - I received a cute little entry in my guestbook today, from someone calling himself "John Doe". Anyway, John's beef was basically that he as a male didn't see how I could support circumcisions on young infant males. Now granted, one of the argumentative points he brought up was fair to point out. But naturally, being the outspoken shrew that I am, I just had to enter a sensible rebuttal into my guestbook that refuted his point. I've copied his entry to my guestbook along with my response below:

At approximately 3:30 pm Eastern Standard Time, "John Doe" wrote:

I agree with many of your opinions on gender, sexuality, etc. But I have a hard time seeing your point on circumcision. You reject comparisons of male and female circumcision based on the differences between them. But have you considered what the public reaction would be if an equivalent procedure were being performed on infant girls for "medical" reasons (which I find questionable at best)? You speak of gender equality, but you don't seem fully divorced from these double standards. I personally don't think my circumcision was medically necessary, and wish my parents had used better judgement. (And nowadays they agree with me!) I'm not signing my name because this is such a taboo subject.

At approximately 5:15 pm (Central Standard Time), I wrote:

Webmaster's Note: Whether you like it or not, anatomical differences exist between the male and female genders which do factor in to the argument regarding male circumcisions versus female circumcisions. My whole point is that female circumcisions (even if hypothetically performed at birth or infancy on a female) DON'T have a valid medical purpose, so negative public reaction to that "procedure" would and should be justified. On the other hand, male circumcisions DO have a valid medical purpose: to act as a precautionary measure for preventing infections of the penis foreskin that can (and often do) occur later on in life. It's better to perform a circumcision on a male right after birth rather than when he's a teenager or adult. Common sense should tell you that when a teenage/adult male receives a circumcision, the experience and memory of that operation performed at adolescence or adulthood is MUCH more likely to stick with him in his memory than if he's circumcised as a baby. Anesthetics aren't always adequately effective, because complications and pain can very well occur even along with the application of anesthesia. I don't see how it makes sense to condone leaving baby boys "intact" when the subsequent infection of their penis foreskin may only lead to potentially-torturous surgical experiences later on in their adolescent or adult lives!

12/31/99 (December 31, 1999) - Polished up some information on my stats page.

12/30/99 (December 30, 1999) - Found three great new links: the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, and Stop Prisoner Rape, Inc.

12/29/99 (December 29, 1999) - Guess what?! . . . Tony made a new discovery today! It turns out that the environmentalist organization known as the Friends of the Earth Political Action Committee is endorsing Bill Bradley as president, NOT the trumped up and overglamorized "Enviro-boy" Al Gore.

This is good . . . very good! And if you don't believe me, then go to their website where they compare Bill Bradley's record on environmental issues to Al Gore's. There is a clear difference. It turns out that "Enviro-boy" isn't as environmentally-friendly as the media would like us to believe.

Now if only we could get Hillary on the Bill Bradley bandwagon . . . *sigh*

12/28/99 (December 28, 1999) - I've added something to this website that I strongly believe in; I've become an official supporter of the White Ribbon Campaign, an endeavor to increase awareness of Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgendered teen suicides and help to prevent them. It just appalls me how there are such cruel bastards and bitches in this world who drive impressionable young GLBT teenage youth to suicide simply because non-heterosexuality is a social taboo. It make me just want to throw a white ribbon in their faces for doing that to young people!!!

There are teenagers and young adults killing themselves because they are rejected by society solely based on their sexuality! It makes me realize what an awful country we live in. But it's not just the United States. All over the world there are varying degrees of orientationism - - and it must stop! It's time for the U.S. government to pass national laws of equality and protection which include gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered people. Until then, we will continue to live in a shameful society of ignorance and irresponsibility.

12/27/99 (December 27, 1999) - Joined the Stop the Hate Webring.

12/26/99 (December 26, 1999) - Joined The Equality Project Webring.

12/25/99 (December 25, 1999) - I took the time to format my Sociology essay on religion. It's called "Propoganda of the Christian Right". If you're a fundamentalist or a hard-core Christian conservative, then you probably won't want to read this.

12/24/99 (December 24, 1999) - I've found some great new links I added to my miscellaneous links section.

12/23/99 (December 23, 1999) - Well, I did it! I survived 17 weeks of Leonard's torturous course. Yesterday was the last day. We took the final exam, and I handed in my pre-written essay for the final. It ended up to be 8 pages long written out in pen (one side of paper used only). It's going to be a major fax-nightmare for Leonard, but I don't feel guilty.

I added the above-mentioned article, entitled "The Social Inequality of Homosexuals and Bisexuals" to my archive. Additionally, I posted an essay/article written by Harvard student Shai Sachs entitled "Bill Bradley - A Choice for Liberals". This article does a wonderful job of exhibiting Bill Bradley's quality and character for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination. The article was initially brought to my attention by an online friend who is acquainted with Shai. Unfortunately, I have been unable to make contact with Shai, probably do to the holidays - - but her essay is so exquisite that I just couldn't resist posting it. Appropriate copyright information was passed onto me by my friend. Hopefully Shai won't tear me to shreds when we finally do make e-mail contact with one another and she finds out I posted it already.

Finally, I made additions to my "About Me" page, and to my voting information page.

12/19/99 (December 19, 1999) - I've finally posted the first two essays that I've finished formatting for my gallery of writings. They are titled, "The Rise and Struggle of the Japanese in America" and "Witchcraft: A Societal Deviant". Check out either of them.

In other news, I've caught some bits of the recent debates between Al Gore and Bill Bradley. It has become extremely obvious that Al Gore is becoming desperate for voter support, and consequently, he's acting like a big baby! He's throwing out tiresome potshots left and right, and is taking every possible opportunity to intentionally misinterpret his opponent's campaign stances.

He tried to sucker Bill into supporting a little pact that neither of them would do television ads for their upcoming respective campaigns, and instead the two of them would pledge to have two televised debates each week from now on until the primaries. Bill wisely declined this "ingenius" proposal. Like every American even has the time to sit down and watch televised debates! TV ads are much more practical because they reach a wider and broader variety of people and can convey simple but effective messages in a short amount of time.

Not only that, but Al is noticeably cocky and insincere during these debates. It is so obvious that he is blowing smoke because he realizes that his support is declining. Now if the Democrats can only have the clarity to nominate Bill Bradley for their presidential ticket in November's General Election.

Look up the dates of your local state primary elections and remind all your friends and family to vote for Bill!

12/18/99 (December 18, 1999) - I have put a link and banner up on my index page to support the No On Knight movement. Go to http://www.noonknight.org to find out about the stupidity of the Knight Initiative and why Californians should vote against it on March 7, 2000.

And don't forget, tell all your friends and family to vote for Bill Bradley in your upcoming state primaries. If you don't know when your state primaries are being held, then click here.

12/16/99 (December 16, 1999) - Added a basically blank page as another of my galleries which will contain many of my writings in the future.

12/11/99 (December 11, 1999) - Revamped my page on circumcisizing and added some new links.

12/10/99 (December 10, 1999) - Joined the Supporters of Bill Bradley Webring to drum up support for the man whom will hopefully kick Al Gore's lying, smoke-blowing ass next spring!

Go here to join the webring - - it's easy: your webpage doesn't even have to be Bill Bradley-themed. If you like him, simply join, that's all there is to it!

12/6/99 (December 6, 1999) - An important tidbit was passed onto me by a friend who is EXTREMELY proficient and competant in the computer industry. It is a way for Windows 95 and Windows 98 users to protect themselves against Y2K glitches.

Here's the scoop:

Apparently, Windows 95 and 98 were programmed to fail. In order to correct the calendar in your computer, go to Settings, then select the Control Panel, then go to Regional Settings, then click the Date Tab. Check to see how the computer reads the date. If it is set up as mm/dd/yy then your computer is programmed to fail. To correct this, you can easily change the calendar by clicking down the option right where it has the data setup mm/dd/yyyy. Select or type in mm/dd/yyyy and click OK. Therefore, your computer will read the year 2000 rather than just 00.

Try this no matter what version of Windows you have (i.e., 96, 97, 99, etc.) as a precaution. It's better to be safe than sorry! Be sure to pass all of this information along to ALL of your online friends!

12/5/99 (December 5, 1999) - For your convenience, I've added a page regarding the upcoming 2000 state primaries which determine the candidates whom will go on to compete in the General Election. I'm hoping this will encourage more voters to turn out and vote for Bill Bradley on the Democratic ticket, so we have a decent shot at actually restoring some dignity to this country.

12/3/99 (December 3, 1999) - Finished adding all of the pictures I have (so far) in my family album. Aren't you all proud of me?

12/2/99 (December 2, 1999) - Added two measly pictures to my online family album. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I got lazy! Hmmmph! I promise I'll put the rest up tomorrow.

11/30/99 (November 30, 1999) - I had to fix several of the links, as they were leading to the wrong file. My FAQ links on each page now lead to the correct place.

Well, I was talking with my job developer, Margo, today. We were discussing my plans to move out to California in a few years, and she commented how she wouldn't want to live out there because of "the earthquakes" and "the people." By "the people" she cited "gays and lesbians" with a hint of disdain in her voice. As she was driving me home I began discussing my hopes to help improve society as much as I can by helping people overcome genderism, racism, and orientationism. I was going on about how we cannot control our individual gender, race, and sexual orientation, and I think she got the point. She was like, "Well now you're making me feel bad for what I said earlier" (she'd admitted earlier that she was "old-fashioned" in her thinking). But knowing her the way I do, I truly feel that, to at least some extent, I got through to her - - plus Margo is a staunch conservative, and she knows that I'm not a liberal, so perhaps she gave me more biased credence since I wasn't speaking from a "typical liberal" perspective?

Anyway, I just thought I'd share that experience.

11/29/99 (November 29, 1999) - Added a main link to my photo gallery on each page of the website.

11/28/99 (November 28, 1999) - For all you horny gay or bi dudes out there, I have added a gallery of cute celebrity dudes. It features Erik von Detten, Jeremey Lelliot, Kerr Smith, and Nate Richert. I will definitely be adding more, so don't worry about that! We'll all be passing the towel for years to come here at "Dude Power!", hehe =)

11/27/99 (November 27, 1999) - Added a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page.

11/26/99 (November 26, 1999) - Even though "Dude Power" was "officially" born on September 1, 1999, I have decided to add this update page to inform visitors of updates I make to our website.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is "Dude Power"?
Gender in American Society
Gender: Getting Beyond the Differences
Gay Power!
My Views on Various Issues
About Me
Back to "Dude Power!"

My Favorite Links
Tony's Mailbag - "Hate Mail"!!!
Dude Power Lexicon
Photo Gallery
My Gallery of Writings
Discussion Board
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Squash Gore 2000

Let's oust this disgraceful nitwit out of office!

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