About Me

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    A lot of you are probably wondering who exactly is the dude behind this crazy webpage. So I shall introduce myself. My name is Tony, I'm 21, and on December 22, 1999 I completed two courses at a local branch of the Western Wisconsin Technical College. I took Psychology and Sociology. I opted to do this as part of the Youth Options program in my school district. Since I accumulated so many credits in my first 3 years of high school, I opted to finish my final two credits through evening classes at WWTC. I technically received my high school diploma in December 1999.

    Here is a pic of me so you all can see what I look like. This pic is from September of 1998, but I basically look the same except I no longer have braces.

    I am currently enrolled as a junior at the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Eventually, I intend to transfer to an applicable university in California, hopefully USC, preferably in my junior year of college. I will be double-majoring in Broadcast Journalism and Cinema-Television Production (hence USC).

    My interests include television, writing, and computers. I love television and entertainment; and I want to change Hollywood and the Television Industry for the better. I am also a masculinist, the male equivalent of a feminist. If you are unfamiliar with my definition of "masculinism" then read more about my philosophies of "Dude Power!"

    Here is a more recent picture of me. This was taken in August of 1999 - - my hair has grown out a bit more stylishly since then. I personally prefer the pic above (from 1998) because I like my hair better in that one.

    I believe very much in male independence and male self-worth regardless of age, race, or sexual orientation. And as independent as I tend to be, I also advocate male unity. You should probably know, as this is part of who I am, that I'm gay. My objective and mission in life is to shape society to overcome "orientationism" (discrimination based on one's sexual orientation).

    Politically, I'm a centerist. Rather than being of a traditional leftist (liberal) or rightist (conservative) position, I am dedicated to finding reasonable, moderate, common sense solutions to problems which plague society. I consider myself a Reformist, allied with the anti-Buchanan faction of the Reform Party (sorry, but Al Gore is a psycho bastard!). As an anti-Buchanan Reformist, I believe that a successful third-party can only come with a sensible platform that makes reasonable accomodations for the widest range of public stakeholders. I want Lenora Fulani to be U.S. president; trust me, she's an intelligent, capable woman. She's also my political idol. I suppose realistically, you could say that I'm one-fifth Republican, one-fifth Democrat, one-fifth Libertarian, one-fifth Green, and one-fifth Reform Pary.

    Religiously, I'm a polytheist, meaning I'm open to the possibility of the existence of many Gods and Goddesses, and I feel polytheism is more conceivable than monotheism (belief in ONLY ONE supreme God) or atheism (belief in no Gods and disbelief in the supernatural). I am a very strong believer in the supernatural.

    Hopefully, I didn't scare you off. If you wanna chat sometime, send me an e-mail.

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