Gender in American Society

    The thing that disgusts me the most about society's outlook on sex/gender is how many people will sacreligiously make stupid generalizations about the male and female genders. Here's the worst one: when people say that "men have it easier than women" or "women have it easier than men." Those are two of the most ignorant statements that anyone can make. Realistically, no one has it "easier" or "harder" in life. We all have problems, inner-conflicts, and burdens throughout life. Everyone experiences heartache. Society makes life hell on both males and females in various ways.

    So many people need to quit making these stupid generalizations. It goes way beyond the logic of basic opinion.

    Look at it this way: one must live within the female or male body in order to truly experience what it is like. Personally, I have never lived life as a female, nor will I ever live life as a female. So how can I even begin to understand what it feels like to be a female? Therefore, I cannot draw comparisons between what it is like being male and female - - I have only lived my life as a male. One cannot compare personal conditions of females versus males based solely on secondhand assumptions.

Go here to read You might be a Feminazi if . . . and its companion piece, You might be a Masculinazi if . . .

    Some people claim that while they are biologically one gender, they "experience" life psychologically as another gender. Well I ask, how can they know that if they've never actually lived in the body or possessed the genitals of the opposite sex?

    Even people who have gotten a sex change cannot truly have simultaneous knowledge of what it is like to be both female and male. In order to have a sex change operation, a person must be at least 18 years of age. Consequently, a person can only experience his or her childhood and adolescence as exclusively a male or a female. Children are much different creatures than adults, as are adolescents. Childhood life, adolescent life, and adult life are each very different - - so how can anyone place these drastically dissimilar stages of life on the same plane?

    As for people who are or were biologically hermaphroditic, they are or were living as both genders coexistently. So in their case, one cannot be separated from the other because there are combined traits of both genders meshed into their bodies. Other people claim to have lived as the opposite gender in a past life - - now I'm not saying all forms of reincarnation are entirely impossible, but how does one know if "past life memories" are not just false memories? Just like, how do we know that an oasis isn't just an oasis?

    We must also remember that people all over the globe live vastly different lives. It's blatantly unfair to hold people who live in third-world countries on the same plane as people who live in first-world countries. Everyone, males and females alike, is living in extremely dissimilar conditions all across the world.

    Above all, everyone lives her or his own life, not anyone else's. So it is very presumptuous to say, "women have it easier, men have it harder" or "men have it easier, women have it harder." Life can be difficult for both genders. Because of the sheer differences between the female and male genders, it is unjust to compare them to "determine" who has it "easier" or "harder." Anyone who tries to do that is just kidding themself.

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