An Open Letter to all visitors of "Dude Power"

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Dear Visitors,

    I have outlined the basic platform of "Dude Power" and our mission statements, so there will be no misconceptions or confusion as to what "Dude Power!" actually strives to accomplish.

Please understand WHY I compiled these mission statements in the first place. Keep in mind that my page is male-oriented, and I do believe in equivalent values being upheld for females. The existence of "Dude Power!" is NOT sexist; because there are also "Girl Power!" websites on the net. "Dude Power!" simply helps compensate for the lack of male support we have from the mainstream media and from pop culture in general. I feel these mission statements scratch the surface of many of the complicated issues that society needs to improve on.

I have described them here so there is no confusion as to what I wish to achieve.

Our mission statements:

    To preserve gender equality by supporting and advocating equal rights and opportunities for both males and females

    To recognize that life is difficult for both males and females in various ways, and depending on the individual person and the life that she or he leads. For this reason, broad generalizations about females and males CANNOT be made!!!

    To stress how Feminazism (emphasis on exclusive female control) and Masculinazism (emphasis on exclusive male control) are both UNACCEPTABLE

    To promote love and acceptance regardless of gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. People should not be judged by these entities, but rather by how they treat others

    To teach young boys from a very early age that there is no "superior sex" and that as boys/males we have value and self-worth, to instill self-esteem in young males early on

    To encourage males to stand up for our rights as humans against Feminazi extremists and speak out for our own personal beliefs and opinions, and vice versa for females to stand up against Masculinazi extremists for their own personal human rights

    To spread the concept of "Dude Power!" as a way for males to be proud of who we are. This is similar to "Girl Power!" - - not advocating superiority, but emphasizing self-worth

    Keep in mind, I can only write material on this webpage from my own perspective - - a male perspective. I wish I could write from a female perspective too, but I can't.

    There's nothing wrong with feminism. I know a lot of great women who consider themselves "feminists" and have similar humanitarian viewpoints to my own. I feel that feminism can be really enlightening and beneficial, if used to attain equality - - not superiority.

    This is also what I strive to accomplish through "masculinism." My definition of "masculinism" is much different than the sociological way in which it's defined by many academic curriculums. In my view, "masculinism" should be given a connotation very similar to "feminism" (as defined by Women's Studies academics) in its goals and ideals, with the one key difference being that "masculinism" emphasizes male brotherhood and promoting love and acceptance among males from a diverse array of backgrounds.

    I fully support ensuring access of equal opportunities to women that are open to men, so that everyone has the opportunity to lead a successful and happy life. No one should be "entitled" to automatic benefits based on their gender. But I consider myself a "masculinist" because I do not want to see the degradation of the male gender by radical groups who blame men for everything that's wrong with the world (they're out there, and we all know it!), and I will committ myself to opposing and resisting this type of attitude in society. Whether you want to admit it or not, male-bashing is very much present in our always-conflicted society, and it's growing stronger every day.

    Another goal of masculinism is to create comraderie and affection among males. And let me clarify: affection does NOT have to be sexual. But it is important to teach our young children, both girls and boys, that there's nothing wrong with heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality. We are who we are, each of us. Through masculinism, we will break the traditionalist gender stereotypes that have been set by society for generations.

    Above all, through masculinism and "Dude Power" we'll work to preserve male dignity, the same way feminism and "Girl Power" work to preserve female dignity. The world is a diverse place, and all of us have led and will continue to lead extremely different lives. Because of the vast differences in people's experiences worldwide, to generalize is to trivialize the diversity of the world.

    I know this webpage will become inevitably controversial, as people will criticize my views as either "too liberal" or "too andocentric." But I refuse to abandon my convictions, and I will continue to work to help improve the quality of life for all.


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