Tony's Mailbag - "Hate Mail"!!!

Send me HATE mail . . . I LOVE getting HATE mail!!!! . . .

    This is a collection of obnoxious, offensive, and/or bigoted email I've received. I reserve the right to post the sender's real name and email address, because they were stupid enough to email such ignorant comments to me.

    Note: My email alias is "Devon Williams"

The following was a cordial, polite solicitation which I'd sent to "Professor" Jerry Mander of in the hopes that he (as a conservative activist) would be willing to sponsor my Squash Gore 2000 campaign. Here is what I'd originally wrote to him:

Hey Jerry,

I found your address while visiting your webpage. I was wondering if you'd be willing to check out my Squash Gore 2000 campaign - - it's my campaign to prevent Al Gore from being the next president. Here's the address:


Would you be willing to sponsor my page and pass on the word of my campaign to all your friends & acquaintances online?

Here was his response. Looking back on it, I probably should never have sent him this inquiry. However, if he didn't want to sponsor my page all he had to do was send me a simple "no" in regard to my inquiry:

From: "Professor Jerry Mander" < [email protected] >
To: "Devon Williams" < [email protected] >
Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2000

Looked at your page and, although it's interesting, I don't think it's something I'm interested in promoting. I must say that for the socialists/dems, Nader is certainly more honorable than Gore, although honor isn't something that sells well on the left side of the political spectrum.

As far as your homo agenda, sorry pal, but I think your sexual choice is a matter best left private. The fact that you have to flaunt it, wallow in it, and make it your reason de'etre, I simply find amusing and immature.

Professor Jerry Mander
Political Ethicist, Author, Lecturer

Here was my response:

From: "Devon Williams" < [email protected] >
To: "Professor Jerry Mander" < [email protected] >
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000

Such comments are gratuitous and presumptuous. Assuming that my sexuality is a "choice", accusing me of "flaunting it", and patting me on the head like I'm some grasshopper . . . your ignorant attitude represents exactly why social conservatism will never fly in this nation, in the long run. Not that I agree with everything the Far Left does, and I certainly won't be registering as a Democrat anytime soon, but you may want to check the cocky attitude at the door. Just some friendly advise.

"Dude Power!"

Here was his response:

From: "Professor Jerry Mander" < [email protected] >
To: "Devon Williams" < [email protected] >
Date: Mon, 24 Jul 2000

Hey Devon, as one who has tried the entire spectrum of human sexuality (with the exception of certain perversions involving the death of a human, and anything involving animals) I can tell you, as can plenty of other reliable sources, that you have indeed made a choice. Although the gay community grasps in desperation at any straw of hope that they can find a genetic or medical reason, homosexuality remains a choice.

Social Conservatism huh? Personally I find nothing inherently objectionable in ANYONE's sexual choices. You can fuck a sheep for all I care. BUT, just as I've fired women for slutty, flaunting behavior I've fired men for overtly homosexual behavior in the workplace. All without a shred of doubt. And as far as you and the rest of the gays trying to make yourselves a unique and protected species, so sorry pal, but I'll never agree with behavior choices requiring unique constitutional protections.

I won't be needing to check anything at the door. I can assure you that my views are MUCH more mainstream than yours. (Witness the passing of marriage protection acts in state after state) The 'gay' political community, like Clinton, thinks with their dicks.


Professor Jerry Mander
Political Ethicist, Author, Lecturer

Here was my response:

From: "Devon Williams" < [email protected] >
To: "Professor Jerry Mander" < [email protected] >
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000

Quite frankly, it is extremely closed-minded and bigoted of you to tell me I have made a "choice" when you have never personally lived my life or experienced what it feels like to live inside my body or possess my sexual urges. In fact, I don’t care how "reliable" these sources of yours are (and the fact that you merely mention them in casual passing shrouded with anonymity is quite suspicious, to say the least). The fact that you sacrilegiously compare homosexuality to murder and bestiality obviously demonstrates how inhumane your outlook toward your fellow humans is.

I’m not trying to make myself or homosexuals per se a "unique and protected species" (unlike gay separatists, whom I do not agree with), but I do believe in equal rights and liberty, which common sense will tell you correlates with human decency. I’m sorry that certain rightist lunatics such as yourself and many other "anti-gay" spokespeople can’t salvage enough brain cells to at least attempt to understand that, but then, I can’t force you to think a certain way (nor will I try to, unlike many leftist censorship gurus). And in case you haven't been paying attention to reality, Clinton is no messiah for gays and lesbians (even though he wants his cronies to think he is). And don’t even get me started on Gore!

But without a doubt, the condescending and offensive tone of your letter is, to put it mildly, insulting. You are the perfect example of a supposedly intelligent person who tries to pass off bigotry as educational philosophy. Using the argument that your views are "mainstream" does not justify your glaringly oppressive rhetoric. As for these so-called "marriage protection acts" - - they will ultimately be overruled by national legislation passed by a wisely reformed government based on common sense, rather than conservative partisan propaganda. Now if we can only prevent national gun confiscation from going into effect! . . .

And by the way, my name is Tony, not Devon. You clearly didn’t bother to read my website thoroughly, or you would have known that.

"Dude Power!"

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