My Friends Album

    This gallery features biographies and photos of several of my online friends. Most of these dudes (especially the ones closest to my own age) are like brothers to me. The females who I consider my friends are strong, passionate women of integrity and substance. Check back often, as my list of friends will hopefully continue to eternally expand.

    I've known Tim since October 1999 when I first met him online through an email list for gay youth. Tim is 22 and graduated from GCC (Grove City College) in May 2000. He majored in Molecular Biology and may go on to teach science. Unfortunately, GCC is a very conservative college; I wish he could attend UWEC with me. Refreshingly faithful, a Christian agnostic, Tim isn't afraid to be himself - - a compassionate gay guy whose loyalty and friendship is immeasureable. I've spent many nights chatting with Tim via AIM; he loved to stay up late in his dorm room and be online. A sensitive and thoughtful person, Tim has a natural flare for unintentional subtle humor, possesses benevolent inner spirituality, and has an amiable, kind, considerate personality. He's just an all-around great guy!

Visit Tim's Homepage.

A cute pic of Tim outdoors.

Tim and his friend Jen in front of a carousel.

Another really cute picture of Tim.

    Pat Quealy is a 19-year-old college dude who currently (begrudgingly) attends OSU (Ohio State University) in Columbus, Ohio. Like Tim, I also met Pat through a gay youth mailing list. Native to Cincinatti, Ohio, his catchy nickname is "Q", for short. Q majors in Computer Science and Psychology - - I never cease to be amazed by his remarkable intelligence and depth. A crusading libertarian pantheist and a self-described "proud gay boy", Q has thought out intricate, detailed philosophies based on core concepts of universal liberty and fairness, which I've learned about through our online discussions. But he's no "stick-in-the-mud"! Q is a mellow, humorous, down-to-earth, fun guy who loves Hanson (yayy!!) and drinks warm Coke. With a combination of healthy, relaxed self-confidence and brotherly warmth, Q is eccentric, introverted, sociable, funny, and in my opinion, gorgeous! He's even running for an Ohio State Representative seat.

Visit Q's webpage,

Pat looks absolutely adorable in this picture - - at least, I think so! :-)

Another handsome pose of Q. I just love his hair!

Q seems to alternate between dying his hair blond or sticking with brunette. Here he is as a blond.

A slightly outdated pic of Pat with longer hair.

Pat in awesome dreadlocks.

    I wandered upon Erik Winsor's website in November 1999, I believe. After I took the liberty of emailing him, Erik and I began writing regularly and we became great friends. Erik is such a sweet guy, thoughtful and dedicated to both his offline and online friends. A free-thinking gay libertarian Catholic, Erik is no pushover and knows how to think for himself. His talents include writing, music, and the theatre. Erik performed in many dramatic theatrical productions while in high school through his school's drama organization, the KeHS Brown Box Players. Now an 19-year-old resident of Washington state, Erik plans to attend college in Seattle where he wants to study, and later teach, drama and performing arts. "Coming out" has been a rough road for Erik, as he belongs to a quite conservative family (as chronicled in "coming out" story). But with the support of his friends, he's persevered through the difficult times. What I love most about Erik is his kind, open hart filled with genuine love and acceptance toward others.

Visit Erik's Homepage.

Erik at his high school graduation - - my favorite pic of him because he looks so adorable in it!

A bunch of his wacky friends at Erik's 18th birthday party (Erik is on the far right in the photo). The guys certainly are nice-looking!

Erik (in the far right of the photo) on-stage performing "Those Cannan Days" in the production "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat".

Backstage with his friend Jen.


        Chris McPherson is one of my Texas buds; he's 20-year-old gay dude who's currently attending college, studying to enter the medical field. Chris is extremely sweet, and love helping others and being there for you when you need him. Check out Chris's support page for gay youth.

Visit Chris M's Personal Page for gay teens.

A great pic of a great guy!

    Dot Snowden is a dragon-loving former "wild child" also from Texas; if you ask her age, all she'll tell you is that she's "old". Dot is also known as Fuzzy Ferret cuz she's so lovable and emulates the loyal/secretive nature of a ferret. Once hopelessly obsessed with Von Flores from Earth: Final Conflict, is a full-time mother and domestic engineer. Her favorite TV shows are Will & Grace (her favorite character is Jack, while mine is Karen) and Whose Line is it Anyway?. Raising a hoard of house-bred bulldogs, and also the secretary of her dog show club, Dot Ferret never ceases to entertain with her wacky sense of humor and sensitive compassion for others (are you taking notes, Alan Keyes?!). As a heterosexual, she strongly supports homosexuals in our fight for humane civil/social equality, and is a political Independent. Dot's religious affiliation is Alternative/Pagan; she's studied virtually all world religious and believes that all of them convey the same core message. Lastly, Dot is a major fan of Anne McCaffrey's Pern series, hence her supernatural fetish for dragons. With sharp-witted humor, a fun-loving personality, and wise social insight, Dot entertains and inspires as a true friend and humanitarian. Molly Ivins has got nothing on Dot Ferret!

Visit Dot's page.

Dot hamming it up with her friend Sithspit in New Orleans.

   Okay, so technically I've never met her in person, but someday I will. Dr. Lenora Fulani is a purposeful, honorable political crusader/activist, an active member of the Reform Party (and no, she's not a Communist, as many Republicans and Democrats desperately try to maintain). I first saw Dr. Fulani when she appeared on CNN's Talkback Live in late-October of 1996 (prior to the 1996 Presidential Election). Ever since then, I've devoted much time and energy to research everything I can about this remarkable woman. Unfairly demonized by everyone from Rush Limbaugh to Hillary Clinton, Dr. Fulani will someday be our nation's first black female president under an Independent third-party ticket, bringing about much-needed national reform to our nation. Native to Chester, Pennsylvania, now residing in New York City, Lenora is a heterosexual Northern Baptist, for those of you who were curious. A social therapist and doctor of Developmental Psychology at the East Side Institude in New York City, Lenora chairs the CUIP (Committee for a Unified Independent Party) and hosts a weekly public access talk show, Fulani! (broadcast in New York City and Atlanta). She's the only black female candidate to have ever run for President of the United States (in 1988 and 1992 under the New Alliance Party ticket) and make it onto the ballot in all 50 states. I've spoken with Dr. Fulani personally on the phone, and she's an incredible woman who will eventually go down in history as one of the greatest national leaders of the 21st Century. I am honored to call her my friend.

To learn more about Lenora, visit Dr. Fulani's website at

Also, read the essay I wrote, entitled Dr. Lenora B. Fulani: Renaissance Woman.

A dignified photo of a strong, courageous woman.

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