Dr. Lenora B. Fulani: Renaissance Woman

Date: 3/31/00 (March 31, 2000)
Class: Scholarship Essay
Grade Level: High School Graduate
Age at Time of Composition: 18
Grade I received: N/A
Additional Comments made by instructer: N/A

Author's Note: This is a scholarship essay I wrote about Dr. Lenora Fulani for The Young Visionaries Essay Contest sponsored by Denny's Restaurant Chain. The topic was to write about "a living African-American person who has touched your life and inspires your vision for the future."

Although I was not a finalist in this competition (probably because a majority of the judges were most likely loyal Democrats), I decided to post it anyway. It is an essay that I am most proud of, and I considered it a privilege to write this biographical compostion on Dr. Fulani's life and achievements.

��� True heroes are individuals who provide us with inspiration and touch our lives in a way which not just any person can. We look up to our heroes as purposeful leaders who represent idealism for the world around us. But in order to be an effective role model for others, one must practice what she or he preaches. One must be willing to stand up for what he or she believes in, to lay the groundwork for a better tomorrow. Such a person is Dr. Lenora B. Fulani, a courageous and dedicated woman who conveys her humanism with a combination of articulate eloquence and blunt honesty. Dr. Fulani represents a rare mix of both philosophical and moral integrity, proving to be a breath of fresh air within our increasingly pessimistic and bitter human culture.

��� Born Lenora Branch in 1950, Dr. Fulani was raised in Chester, Pennsylvania and grew up in a working-class family. As a scholar throughout her childhood and adolescence, Dr. Fulani proved to be an outspoken young leader who excelled academically in her predominantly black school district. Fulani found an initial sense of community and gained leadership skills at her family�s Baptist church, where she regularly played the piano for the church choir. In 1968 Dr. Fulani entered Hofstra University at Hempstead, Long Island. She advanced to graduate school at three different institutions to pursue and earn a doctoral degree in developmental psychology. Fulani eventually entered the field of social therapy, which uses a cooperative group setting to help people work through emotional problems and stress. These experiences would significantly prepare Dr. Fulani for future political endeavors.

��� Dr. Fulani has consistently committed herself to addressing such societal stigmas as sexism, racism, and sexual orientationism. As a student of social therapy, Fulani found a mentor in Dr. Fred Newman, a leading social therapist at the New York Institute for Social Therapy and Research. Newman helped Fulani to overcome her own personal prejudices and open her heart to a diverse multitude of cultural groups. Dr. Fulani�s past work in organizing the independent New Alliance Party brought together a broad-based coalition of many racial groups, genders, sexual orientations, and religions. Newman, also strongly active with the NAP, invited Dr. Fulani to join him as a social therapist at his Institute. Their efforts to unite this growing, third-party political movement would become noticeably manifested in the 1990s.

��� More recently, Dr. Fulani has been an integral activist in the national Reform Party. Unlike many members of the two major political parties, Dr. Fulani extends an open willingness to work with a wide range of individuals from various political backgrounds. Fulani�s NAP and Reform Party allies include people as notorious as Louis Farrakhan, Al Sharpton, and Pat Buchanan. However, Dr. Fulani does not agree with her allies on every issue. She is unconditionally opposed to sexism, racism, sexual orientationism, and religious persecution. Fulani�s practical approach using techniques of applied sociology enables her to work with other public figures despite their ideological differences. Underlying Dr. Fulani�s controversial alliances is a collaborative effort to encourage unity among dissimilar Americans, and to gain prosperity, equality, and respect for blacks, women, homosexuals, and other commonly oppressed groups. Her bold defiance of exclusionary tactics in the name of humanistic progress makes me proud to be an American!

��� Another aspect which has me rooting for Lenora Fulani is her determination to implement progressive changes within the existing structure of American politics. She promotes innovative reforms such as flexible voter registration, easier ballot access for independent candidates, term limits, and inclusion of independent candidates in debates. Dr. Fulani believes these issues are necessary to instill fairness, efficiency, and diversity within our political system. American voters need to be informed of alternative options to the traditional Democratic and Republican party lines, so that all points-of-view can be more fairly represented. But she doesn�t stop there. Lenora Fulani�s demeanor is refreshingly unconventional. She�s been known to stand on chairs while making speeches or ride in the backs of flatbed trucks while screaming out against racism and injustice. As fellow activist and confidant Debra Olson puts it, Lenora "pushes everyone�s buttons." Dr. Fulani publicly calls politicians from both parties on their suspicious or questionable actions. She shows up at debates and conventions uninvited, and follows people around if they try to ignore her. Some may regard the way she conducts herself as rude or tactless. But Dr. Fulani, while definitely nonviolent, honestly acknowledges that, "You can�t fight politely for freedom. This is not a white-glove affair." Indeed, Lenora Fulani has got spunk - - and unlike Lou Grant, I love spunk!

��� A remarkable aura of inner strength surrounds Dr. Fulani. Prior to her days of activism, Lenora had the courage to leave her ex-husband, Richard Fulani. She did this in order to protect her two children, Ainka and Amani, from an unhealthy domestic situation. Dr. Fulani has endured constant media criticism during her political campaigns where she challenges the exclusive status quo of the two-party system. As documented in her 1992 autobiography, The Making of a Fringe Candidate, Fulani ran for governor of New York in 1986 under the NAP ticket; and in 1988, she became the first black female candidate to run for president of the United States. She ran again in 1992. Additionally, Fulani has been unfairly charged by the media as an "anti-Semite" due to her friendship with Louis Farrakhan; when in fact, she has never had a direct relationship with the Nation of Islam itself. For that matter, Fulani is admittedly "pro-Jewish," recognizing the universal severity of religious persecution no matter who the victim. Sister Souljah accused Fulani of being a Zionist puppet, when, ironically, it was radical rightist Zionists who�ve made death threats against Fulani�s life. Throughout such chaos, Dr. Fulani has maintained incredible strength and spirit in her crusades.

��� Lenora displays an extraordinary commitment to connecting with youth. In college, Fulani was a volunteer tutor. She serves as a founder and Co-Executive Producer of the All Stars Talent Show Network, a project devoted to giving underprivileged youth experience in leadership and participation in performance workshops. Young people of all racial groups gain hands-on production skills and perform in weekend talent shows for local schools through the All Stars organization. These workshops allow participating youth to produce meaningful skits, poems, and others performances focusing on social issues which matter to them. Fulani also helped to organize the Yusef Hawkins Memorial Fund against racial violence, in memory of a 16-year-old black teen who was killed by white gang members. She marched in the boroughs of New York City and did crowd control among youth during protests against the murder of Gavin Cato, a 7-year-old black child who was murdered by out-of-control cops. In addition, Dr. Fulani chairs the CUIP (Committee for a Unified Independent Party), is on the psychology staff at the East Side Institute in New York, and co-hosts with Newman a weekly public affairs talk show, Fulani! She is truly a Renaissance woman!

��� Above all, Dr. Fulani strives to liberate blacks, gays, and other minority groups from perpetual dependency on the self-serving bureaucracy of the Democratic Party establishment. Frustrated by lies and manipulations from both the Republicans and Democrats, Fulani points out how the two parties pit Americans against each other to create tension and hostility. Such divisions among people result in exploitative, partisan gain for Republicans and Democrats. She advocates acceptance and equality for homosexuals, while pointing to the gay community�s minimal support from Democrats and nil support from Republicans. To break down the barriers of stereotypes erected by many radical separatists, Fulani encourages discussing our racial and sexual differences as human beings. With open dialogue we�ll be able to better understand one another and learn from each other. She takes strong stances on international affairs regarding human rights. Fulani has spoken out for Haitian citizens� struggle to attain democracy, and denounced the corrupt, pro-apartheid Zairian dictatorship of Mobutu Sese Soko.

��� Whether she�s marching in the streets of urban communities or speaking at fancy banquets with firm composure that would make Dr. King proud, Lenora Fulani possesses a truly dynamic essence. Dr. Fulani�s commitment to fighting against political corruption and her refusal to compromise her principles make this woman an exemplary leader. Although many critics would easily dismiss Fulani�s independence movement as simply futile, her passion and persistence to stand up to the two-party system will someday undoubtedly provide a much-needed "wake-up call" to our nation. I look forward to attending Lenora Fulani�s presidential inauguration years from now. Her vision for reform will ultimately result in productive changes and a progressive revolution which can better the lives of all Americans. Dr. Fulani will lead the way to greatly improve our nation and world for future generations to come. And I�ll be right there marching alongside her.

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