Feminism According to Mr. Flesh

Webmaster's Note: This is a recent email sent to me by someone who wishes to be known as "Mr. Flesh". It is published here with his permission (he asked me to correct his spelling for him, so I have corrected any and all mispelled words from his original email). For the purposes of posting this letter here at my website, I have titled his email, "Feminism According to Mr. Flesh".

Mr. Flesh came across my website and emailed me some of his comments in regard to my efforts, and he also offered me some of his own observations regarding some of the various feminists' webpages out there on the Internet (from his perspective).

If you think I wrote this myself, or if you think I'm just making Mr. Flesh up as a fictional character, then just write to him yourself. You can contact Mr. Flesh at [email protected]

Feminism According to Mr. Flesh

by Mr. Flesh

hey....how's it going?

��� Stumbled on to your web page . . . while searching for feminists to show what their enlightenment has wrought (I'm a horrible speller and too lazy to use my spellcheck so :P)

��� I applaud your efforts; however, I wonder if you�re aware of the big fat red target you�re painting on yourself should a women�s group catch wind of your little endeavor . . . it'll be said that you are trying to suppress the beauty of feminism . . . or some other such drivel.

��� Oops, heh, sounds like I'm ragging on feminists a lot . . . better explain myself before I go any further.

Name: My friends refer to me as Mr. Flesh

Age: Nearly seven years from eating a bullet (22)

Political stance: Our government is a farce (long story, explain some other time)

Activist groups I'm involved with: Heh, none; wouldn't be caught dead in one of the nit picking, finger pointing, blame laying groups

General stance on events in my life: Apathetic

General view on humanity as a whole: We deserve anything we do to ourselves

General view on the populace of America as a whole: They're sheep . . . who will take a slap to the face and say "please sir, may I have another?" They are witless, spineless, selfish morons, who accept no responsibility for their own actions and use half-assed TV-based logic to solve their problems. (Sounds like a lot of bashing, I know; I can actually back this opinion up with fact and concrete evidence but if I did so at this point this email would fill your hard drive)

The beginning...............

��� My last girlfriend was a feminist . . not a Nazi manhater but was into the chick movement . . . she found it disturbing that I could give a shit less about the women's movement (or any movement for that matter). So to humor her I hopped on my computer and visited all the chick websites I could find . . . read personal pages, group pages, etc., etc., so on and so forth. Had talks with her friends including her self-absorbed manhating best friend . . . what I found made me laugh until my nose bled.

��� I'll run through each type of page (if I forget a type let me know, I'm sure I visited one)

The teen/early-twenties riot "grrrlll" pages: (e.g. can't rape a .38)

��� Think women are oppressed but do not say how so. Some of these pages have anarchy signs on them which I find funny, because if there was true anarchy in the world the first target would be women . . . the only reason women have rights is because of society . . . should that end women will find themselves nothing more than mere possessions . . . because an archaic world only has one rule . . . only the strong survive. (I'll delve more into the male/female comparison later). Some of these pages will bitch about how chicks are called chicks, whores, hoes, etc., etc., and how they generally have all these belittling nicknames that the male populace has put on them . . . yet they have derogatory comments about men plastered hither and yon all over the page (gotta love the "do as I say, not do as I do" approach) .

The super hate-the-male-gender pages: (e.g. Heartless bitches)

��� These pages are really funny . . . much like the riot girls pages they yell and complain about how women are treated and then proceed to rip men up one side and down the other. Also they make themselves look twice the idiots that they are by bitching about how men don't care about their thoughts and feelings and then have a list of quotes taken from some of their imaginative members saying how much they don't care about their husbands�/boyfriends� feelings and that they are not a crutch or a shoulder to cry on for them . . . heh, thought one of the benefits of a relationship was support. These pages talk about how men don't see "wimmin" as human yet say how men are nothing more than animals.

The "equality" pages: (e.g. Femmehuminism)

��� These pages go on and on with drivel on how men and women are equal . . . oblivious to the fact that in terms of society they ARE equal . . . a business is not going to care if you�re a chick/dude/giant-penis/etc.; if you can make the company money you�re gonna be hired . . . cause all a business cares about IS the bottom line. These pages also seem to ignore medical facts too . . . take your average chick and average dude . . . neither of which involve themselves in regular physical activity . . . have the chick punch the dude in the stomach . . . then have the dude punch the chick in the stomach . . . may sound barbaric but it'll hands down prove the point. Once more showing themselves as the ever misguided . . . they don't realize that it's not a question of equality . . . because you can't compare the two . . . what one lacks the other has.

The "I support so-and-so feminist group with every once of my being" web pages: (e.g. any chick personal page)

��� Heh . . . these are the true mindless sheep . . . What they don't realize is that certain key individuals in said groups are being paid by the members and donators to help "equalize" the genders. Well what would happen if one day every dude and every chick woke up and said, "wow I've been a real ass towards the opposite sex" and they change their ways . . . these people would be out of jobs . . . soooo . . . how much do you really think they want "equality"? These pages also go on and on and on about how they get sick of hearing about other peoples opinions on femmehumanism yet force theirs down your throat with pop up windows/big quotes at the top of the page etc., etc., . . . sure I don't have to read . . . just like you don't have to listen.

The organized political group: (e.g. NOW)

��� These are the cream of the crop . . . good for hours upon hours of laughter . . . they make a point to post all the atrocities of society committed by men yet somehow forget to post all the ones committed by women. They talk about the "evils" of men yet they tout that "Behind every good man there is a good woman . . . doing all the work." Hmmm . . . well behind every evil dude is an evil chick . . . do I need to bring up Hitler? Or even a wife that stood by and let the husband beat the kids? Doing nothing is the same as helping. These groups also shoot down any type of male improvement activity (how bout that better fathers thing . . . sure they were religious idiots . . . but they meant well), then bitch about how insensitive men are towards their spouses and children. These type of groups also tend to back women . . . putting them on the front page of any type of press they can . . . and then when the poor victimized woman folds what do they do? They back out and downplay their involvement . . . need I bring up the whole Citadel thing? These pages also throw their own "equality" ideals right out the window when it comes to equality in certain areas such as child custody in a divorce (I'm 99% positive that women are still considered the better parent and are given favor) .

A fact that not many know about women�s rights:

��� Way back when women were given the right to work, guess what happened . . . prices increased . . . because now every home went from one income to potentially two incomes . . . meaning that there was more money to be had . . . now businesses not giving a damn about how much that would have eased the family burden increased prices . . .

The stupidity of it all:

��� Women�s rights has done tons and tons of good, but now the laws are laid the ideals set etc., etc., . . . the things most groups/individuals bitch about are petty and/or stupid as hell.

Women in war . . .

��� WHY IN GOD�S NAME WOULD YOU FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT TO KILL ANOTHER HUMAN BEING????? This is about the dumbest protest out there . . . I'm not saying men are better fighters . . . what I'm saying is war is no-holds-barred disgusting . . . do women really want to be on the front line where they might have to crawl amongst rotting corpses to advance? Or be on burial detail and have to lug dead bodies that have been out in the sun all day to the mass grave they just dug? Do they REALLY want to be in a melee and have to watch another person die on the end of their bayonet? Do they really want to have to hike/ride/etc. miles and miles day in day out? Maybe they don't but it's one of those principle of the things . . . seems like a big waste of time and effort to accomplish nothing.

��� "I long for the day when the last politician is hung by the entrails of the last priest"
-Thomas Edison

Laughing with disgust at the human race,

P.S. - If you want to post this on your web page, cool; just fix the spelling . . . I took MS word off my computer and have no spell checker . . . however I ask that nothing be edited out . . . I hate having my views bent to those of another.

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