Have Your Son(s) Circumcised!

Webmaster's Note: This article was written by my a friend of mine who wishes to be known as Keyth_K.

"Keyth" was left uncircumcised by his parents at birth and had problems with his penis throughout his childhood and into adulthood. Eventually, he had to have a circumcision permormed on him as an adult . . . and let me tell you, it was not pretty! No man should ever have to undergo and endure what Keyth went through during adolescence or adulthood. Think of all the unreported incidents similar to Keyth's that are very likely occurring for males all over the world. But some males are too embarrassed or afraid to say or do anything about it; others don't have adequate medical resources available to them; still others may find it culturally unacceptable; yet others might not even be aware of the severity of their problem.

Of course, leaving your son uncircumcised doesn't guarantee that he will encounter these kinds of problems. But it could happen. Comparably, not every person's wisdom teeth end up causing them pain during their lifetime, but we still routinely remove wisdom teeth at a certain age as medical a precaution. It's the same concept with penis foreskin. And I've had my wisdom teeth removed too; it's painful, but I'm glad it's over. I would even have preferred they had been removed when I was a baby had it been an option (of course, that was impossible since it is not feasible to perform wisdom tooth extractions on infants).

So after reading Keyth's account, I am more glad than ever that my parents had me circumcised at an early age!

PLEASE have your son circumcised at birth by a capable, trustworthy doctor so that when your son is older he doesn't run the risk of suffering through a painful experience the way Keyth did.

If you want to know more you can contact Keyth at [email protected]

Have Your Son(s) Circumcised!

by Keyth_K

��� Hey all, my name is Keith, and Tony asked if I could share with you about my experience with circumcision. It's certainly not a story I'm proud of, but it's a honest tale. One which I hope you might all think about when you have your own sons.

��� When I was born I was my mother's first and only. For my dad I was his fifth child, but his first son. I don't know all the details of my parents� relationship, and I don't think it really matters for this story. Let it be said that I grew up as an only child with two parents who tried their best, but didn't always have the support other couples have in raising a child. For whatever reason my parents decided to leave me uncut, perhaps, I think, because my father was uncut.

��� Unfortunately I also inherited my father�s genes when it came to size, and I am not as well endowed as I would like to be. And to be honest (painfully so) I'm only about 4 �" erect. I can remember when I was little (5? ,7?) my mother asking, as I was taking a bath, if I could pull the skin back. I was not entirely sure what she meant by that, but it was a bit embarrassing having my mother ask such questions. Figuring it had to do with peeing, and I knew I could do that, I answered in the affirmative. What did I know? I already knew I was different from the other boys. My penis didn't look anything like theirs. I wanted the focus off of my penis. I didn't want to be different. But I was.

��� I later realized through reading that I wasn't cut, like the rest of the boys I knew. I can't even remember seeing another uncut penis until I was in college. And so began my fascination with the penis. Why is his longer? Is my foreskin keeping mine from growing? Why can't I get the skin down around my glands? Is it that piece of skin that seems to be attached which won't allow it? I used to spend hours trying to force my skin down, but the muscle ring at the top of the foreskin was too small. Even when I urinated my penis would swell from the urine not being able to force through the tight ring as fast as I could expel it from my body.

��� But yet I was to scared to say anything to anyone. I was different, and I didn't know how to fix it. It wasn't until I was 28 when I finally got up the courage to do something about it. I had already been married for 4 years! My wife, she didn't know any better either, having been an only child and not having a lot of experiences prior to our marriage. So I finally got the courage to make an appointment with a urologist. Was I nervous, Hell Yeah! But I wanted to be more normal. I didn't want to have to worry about what kinds of things could be festering under my skin. Oh I wash it inside and out well all the time. But we fear that which we can't see.

��� Well here I was in the urologist office. I dropped my trousers, and the man took one look at my penis and asked me, "How soon can you have a circumcision done?" It was a relief to know that, at least in part, things were going to be made normal. Well it was a Veterans Day weekend coming up an so we scheduled the outpatient surgery for that Friday afternoon. Friday came and I left work at lunch time and headed for the hospital.

��� When I got there I should have seen the omens. The out patient nurse was suppose to prepare me for the OR. This included giving me a shot of Novocain for where the rather large IV needle was suppose to enter my arm. But then as she attempted to insert this IV needle she could not hit a vein to save her life (my veins have a problem of constricting in cold places, have you ever noticed they keep hospitals way too cold?). So she sent me to the OR to let the nurse there handle it. Well she was a failure too.

��� Finally this woman anesthesiologist arrives, "What's going on here? Why isn't he out yet?"

��� At that point she takes the needle and rams it into my hand, where there was no Novocain. Fortunately the Demerol had an almost immediate effect. And so the Anesthesiologist was watching me to make sure I went out like a light.

��� "Any last questions?" she asked.

��� I thought I'd be cute about the whole thing, "Yeah, if I see a bright light, should I go towards it?"

��� And then I was out.

��� When I awoke, I must have been in the recovery room. It was bright, everyone was blurry and there were a lot of blobs standing around my gurney.

��� "Hey, do you remember what you asked me when you were going under?", asked one of the slimmer white blobs.

��� "Huh?" I wasn't yet comprehending what was happening to me yet.

��� The blob spoke again, only the edges were starting to come into focus and it was the anesthesiologist. "Did you see it? Did you move towards it?"

��� I must have died and this is heaven, I thought. Only if this were heaven, God needed to get some angels with better manners and a new interior decorator. I finally ended up in a hospital bed in a wing by myself.

��� "You gave us a good scare, and we�re going to keep you overnight," said one nurse as I drifted into comprehension and then back out.

��� Later I learned I had given then a very good scare. It seems that while I was on the table I had excess skin in my throat which blocked my breathing. (I was later diagnosed with sleep apnea, but that's another story). Well it must have looked like a scene out of ER. The alarms started ringing, every surgeon in the hospital was called to the O.R. (It was a very small hospital). They were trying to incubate me (you know, where they try to force that tube down the guys throat to keep the airway open). Only it wasn't happening. They were losing me.

��� The poor urologist, he's just trying to do a simple circumcision. Snip, snip, sew, sew. Only now he has to hurry with his stitching to get out of the way for the doctors try to get me breathing. In fact it got to the point where they were about to perform a tracheotomy! When finally the tube went in, and I started to breath. No wonder the woman wanted to know if I had seen the light.

��� So now here I was, lying in this hospital bed with all sorts of aches and pains. I always figure the way to speed up the whole process is to sleep. Go to sleep, when you wake up it's all over. Well the next thing I know is this pretty nurse is waking me up. Wow, that was fast I thought.

��� "What time is it?"

��� "9:30."

��� "In the morning!" I began to grin.

��� "No, at night."

��� I was crestfallen, my plan didn't work. In fact they kept waking me up every so often. The took all my vitals about every hour, and drew blood about every two. I was also encouraged to pee out some of the fluids they had been pumping into me intravenously. And so I peed into a cup several times. Each time the nurse would be standing there watching me. Not even my wife watched me pee that intently. Then she would take her clipboard and read off how much I had out into the cup and what percentage of it was blood. By 2am she felt it was still way to much blood mixed in, so she called the urologist and told him he better get his butt back to the hospital to do something about it.

��� So at 3am this little guy comes back into the room. He puts on his rubber gloves, she pulls out a suture kit. He gives me a shot of Demerol, she threads up the needle. Well this time I get to see and feel the threads as they are pulled through (Are you cross legged yet?). And so the bleeding stopped. Back to bed I went, and home went the doctor. The next day they released me, and believe it or not, I drove myself home. In fact, on Sunday I helped out at a golf tournament our bank was sponsoring. All I really had to do was sit and watch to see if anyone got a hole in one, but I was there all the same. That's when I learned that flannel is superior to silk any day.

��� So, anyone know a good urologist who would like to help a needy graduate student out with a penial enlargement? I don't think my insurance would cover it, even if the urologist agreed with me that he thinks it needs to be done. Oh well, some things I guess you just have to learn to live with.

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