Let my dragon take you home!            


Cloud    Aeris    Tifa    Barret    Red XIII    Cid    Cait Sith    Vincent    Yuffie    Villains

   Barret founded AVALANCHE, the underground resistance movement against Shinra. His first colleagues were Jessie, Biggs, Wedge and Tifa, and sooner or later, he included Cloud into the team. He carries with him a dark past and he blames Shinra for all that has happened to him. He takes care of his only daughter, Marlene, since his wife died a long time ago. He depends on his massive build and brute strength when it comes to battle. He is not a very skilled magic-user, but he can be useful in offensive battles. He had his gun forged onto his right hand when he lost it to Shinra long ago. 

Kasa no Miko's note: To tell you the truth, I NEVER used Barret as a party member after Cloud and the gang escaped from Midgar. I don't know. I have nothing against Barret. It's just that there are more useful party members than him.

Cloud: Like who?

Kasa no Miko: Like Cid, Vincent and Red XIII.

Cloud: What about Aeris? And Tifa?

Kasa no Miko: (wrinkles face) Aeris is weak, and Tifa has annoying limit breaks.

Cloud: And me?

Kasa no Miko: What about you?

Cloud: Don't you use me? (sad, glistening eyes)

Kasa no Miko: (whack him on the head) Hello?! You're the main character of the game! Of course, I use you. And in fact, I think you're the best fighter of them all.

Cloud: (sparkling eyes) Really?!

Kasa no Miko: Next to Sephiroth, of course.

Cloud: (facefault)

Kasa no Miko: Hey, don't feel so bad. You're the best hero in the game, and Sephiroth's the best villain.

Cloud: (gets up) Isn't that because I'm the main hero of the game, and he's the main villain?

Kasa no Miko: (gasp) You actually figured something out!

Cloud: (frown) You're being mean. (stomp off to mope in a corner)

Kasa no Miko: (chase after him) Hey! Waitaminute! I was just kidding! Hey, don't you have a sense of humor?

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