Let my dragon take you home!            

Cloud    Aeris    Tifa    Barret    Red XIII    Cid    Cait Sith    Vincent    Yuffie    Villains

   Yuffie Kisaragi is another of the hidden characters in the game (Vincent is the other one) She is a mischievous, cunning, young ninja whose eyes are only for materia. With the trustworthiness of a dog guarding a piece of mouth-watering steak and the pleasance of a really odorous skunk, she is a HUGE pain in the behind. However, she is a skilled fighter, having descended from a long line of great ninjas (o.0), and is also valuable in battle. Actually, she's really not that bad, until she snatches all your materia from you. (hehehe)

Kasa no Miko's note: (wrinkles face) I don't know...I think ninjas are cool, but Yuffie is just too...different. For one thing, she is a girl (I have something against the female race) and she bothers me like hell!!!

Cloud: I agree. She just stole my materia earlier. Now all I have left is... (digs in inventory) ...an HP-MP materia. (starts to equip it)

Kasa no Miko: (horrified) No! Don't put it on!

Cloud: (HP falls to a measly 999) Huh? Why?

All of a sudden, all the baddies appear. First, Sephiroth runs him through with his masamune, then the Turks arrive and beat him up, then Rufus blasts him with his shotgun, Heidegger and Scarlet annoy him to death with their laughs, Palmer drops a tub of lard on him (eewww...), Don Corneo tries to seduce him (double eewww...urp) and lastly...Hojo whacks him with a clipboard. And as quickly as they arrive, they leave.

Kasa no Miko: (coughs, waits for the dust to settle) Hey, Cloud! You okay?

Cloud: ... X.X (x-eyed)

Kasa no Miko: (sighs, then throws him a Phoenix Down)

In the distance...

Yuffie: Mwahahahahaha!!! Now I have the last laugh!!!

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