Let my dragon take you home!


Cloud    Aeris    Tifa    Barret    Red XIII    Cid    Cait Sith    Vincent    Yuffie    Villains

               Final Fantasy VII revolves around the life story of the main character, Cloud Strife. A mako-infused First-Class member of SOLDIER, he possesses inhuman strength, enabling him to lift his large broadsword. He is also a competent magic-user, and all of his stats are good. At first, he joins the cause of AVALANCHE for financial purposes, but then soon gets wrapped up in an enormous struggle to save the Planet and find out his true identity.

Kasa no Miko's note: One of my favorite characters. He reminds me a lot of Kenshin, a cool, undetached master at fighting, but a clueless wimp when it comes to other matters. @.@ Oro?  

Cloud: Can I say something too?

Kasa no Miko: About yourself? What?

Cloud: Um...Did you know that I've been wearing the same clothing for five years?

Kasa no Miko: Urp. (sidle away, starts to run)

Cloud: Hey wait! I haven't finished yet! I wanted to say that it's miraculous that I don't stink at all! Hey! Come back!

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