Let my dragon take you home!            


Cloud    Aeris    Tifa    Barret    Red XIII    Cid    Cait Sith    Vincent    Yuffie    Villains

(whoa...this is my only existing Cait picture)

        Cait Sith is a robotic cat (yes, he is the cat, not the mog) who rides atop a giant stuffed mog. Using a giant megaphone with which he attacks the enemies (what does he do? shout them to death?), he barks orders to the mog, and pummels his opponents with its giant fists. His limit breaks are sometimes useful, but I don't recommend using him as a party member. He is just one of those background people, er...characters, who gets forgotten after the game.

Kasa no Miko's note: Actually, when I was making the characters page, I forgot ALL about Cait Sith until I finished Yuffie's. I had a feeling someone was missing...

Cloud: Cait Sith? Um...I'm not even gonna comment on him.

Kasa no Miko: How come? He IS your party member.

Cloud: He betrayed us during the keystone incident. It's not fair! We risked our life and limb trying to get that stone and he just...ergh! (swings Ultima around to show his anger and frustration)

Kasa no Miko: (drops to the ground to avoid deadly blade) (gets up when he stops) Well...what do you think about Reeve?

Cloud: Oh, I like Reeve, even though he's from Shinra. The only people I don't like from Shinra are Hojo and the Turks.

Reno: (pops into the scene) $#!^! Do you have somethin' against us or what? 'Cos I'm gonna beat your sorry @$$ until you cry for your mommy! (flails fist)

Kasa no Miko: (sparkle eyes) RENO!!!

Reno: Damn! I'm gettin' out of here! It's that crazy woman again! AAAGGHH!!! (sprints away with Kasa no Miko chasing after him)

Cloud: (frowns) She never chases me. How come? Aren't spikes as lethally deadly as Reno's nightstick? Darn...must sharpen it some more.

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