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(I could make a weak joke, but I won't bother. You should be grateful.)


Here are some links which - in my opinion - lead to 'good' sites. 'Good' might mean entertaining, interesting, beautiful, useful, enlightening, educating or whatever.


First you see a few sites which I heartily reccommend to pretty much anyone, followed by 4 lists of sites which I've organised into a few different categories. These categories are: computer games-related sites; Flash-related sites; supposedly funny sites; and other sites..


Sites For Everyone.


Artcrimes is a funky site. What you get is a load of well written and informative articles, a load of photos of some real burners, pictures of train pieces and loads of other stuff, including links to pretty much everything graffiti related that isn't on the actual site.

Go there if you want to learn about graffiti, want to see some nice pics, are at all intersted in graffiti or want to visit sites for no particular reason.

Basically, Newgrounds is all about Flash creations. It started off with one guy making a couple of sick games, but the real revolution came with the introduction of an automated system which allows others to submit their own Flash - the Portal.The site has grown continuously, and has become a brilliant place to fritter away a few hours.

Learn more

Dooyoo is a damn funky idea. Basically, some people write reviews or 'opinions' about stuff and other people read those opinions. The idea is that if you're thinking of buying something, you'll want to read the opinions of other people who bought that item, not just read a review in a magazine or whatever.

So basically, there are 2 ways to use this site - either you go there when you're thinking of buying something to help yourself decide whether that thing is worth getting, or you can go to the site and write a few opinions.

If you decide to start writing opinions, then you'll soon learn that you get paid ( a minimal amount) and that there is actually a decent community built around the site. However, I'd only recommend writing those opinions if you enjoy it, and if you have the time to do it.



Lists of Links.

-Computer Games-related sites-

Uncle Clive

A load of computer game-related jokes, updated every Monday. This is the only site that makes me laugh on a regular basis. Obviously, it's more aimed at computer game player, but it is funny.

World of Stuart

A selection of stuff written by Stuart Campbell - 'a professional freelance journalist dealing mostly in videogames, football, pop music, tv and comedy'. The Digitiser section is brilliant, as is quite a lot of the other stuff. Have a read.

Learn Tetris in 21 days

A site which tries to teach the basics of Tetris to newcomers. Veterans may also learn a thing or two...


A rather nice Tetris site, which dedicates itself to the original Gameboy game.


Here is a quote from the main page of this site.

'This page chronicles how The Tetris Company is trying to remove all freeware & shareware tetris-style games from distribution. They are claiming that they have copyright on "the look and feel" and "trade dress" of Tetris. We firmly believe that this is not legal and is an invalid claim... This page has been created to be a centralised resource to enable us to fight back. As I get more information relating to The Tetris Company's actions it will be added here.'


Digitiser is a computer-games 'magazine' that runs on teletext in the UK. ( P480, channel 4 for anybody who doesn't know.) Although Paul Rose left a wee while ago - and with him, some brilliant humour, the channel remains a great source of information.

The website is perhaps more of a taster or something to complement the teletext pages rather than a substitute, but... hey...


A massive site which specialises in guides and walkthroughs. A lot of material is contributed and as a result you're likely to find help for any game you're having problems with. Reviews also exist on this site, being of an average standard.


A rather nicely done site, but I'm struggling to remember why I decided to include this in my list of links. Possibly one to be removed.


Another site featuring Capcom's beat 'em ups, this time unofficial. It hasn't been updated for ages, but it does have some nice lists of moves, and pictures and stuff. Also, it loads quickly and is a joy to navigate. However, it does feel really incomplete in places.


An online store which sells game music CDs and sheet music for games.


A site devoted to allowing folk to sell, buy or trade their games. To be honest, it's not done that well and is only really useful for those living in America. There are also some reviews, but these are of the typically poor standard you can expect on the internet.


When the Yaroze was released, it allowed folk to create games for the Playstation. This site shall tell you a bit more and tries to help any people still using this development tool.


Either this recently stopped working or it requires a faster connection. I shall check this soon.



-Flash-related sites-


This is a massive site, and whilst it does contain a lot of the best quality Flash work on the 'net, it mostly contains a load of shite. I'd reccommend clicking here to hear my reccomendations, but half the fun is in simply perusing the vast library of work.

Texas Mafia

This is a top Flash site. whilst not as expansive as Newgrounds, the smaller size is made up for by a better overall quality of both submissions and responses (and better loading times). Whilst the quality of reviews makes this a rewarding site to submit Flash on, Newgrounds remains the best site for browsing. Ad: My submission.


Some Flash games with beautiful artwork. My favourite is 'Pocketful of Stars'.





This is a nice idea. You get some comics and have to fill in the word bubbles. HAve a look at other people's attempts! Also, have a look at other folks' Flash stuff and funny pics.


This is the site belonging to a group of people who call themselves the Clock Crew. They started on Newgrounds and now have their own site where they make Flash stuff. It might be worth a look, but maybe not...


-supposedly funny sites-

Uncle Clive

A load of computer game-related jokes, updated every Monday. This is the only site that makes me laugh on a regular basis. Obviously, it's more aimed at computer game player, but it is funny.

Weebl and Bob

This is brilliant. It's a short Flash animation starring egg-shaped... things. The animations load extremely quickly, even on a 56K connection, so try it!

Rec Hunour Funny

A massive database of jokes. A few are pretty nerdy, but this is pretty much as good as joke-book style jokes get. (So, I don't find it funny in the slightest. You might though...).

Scientific Ameriken

This site documents one person's rather strange 'scientific' sxperiments. As much as I hate people who go on about how great stuff used to be, this site used to be great, but seems to have moved, and the presentation is now rubbish. Also, a lot of the links to the experiments appear to be broken. But some of them still amuse me.



-other sites-



This is a brilliant place. They keep records of how sites used to look, and if you're interested in somewhere reasonably big, chances are that they'll have it on record. Just type in the web address, and you'll be able to browse it as it used to be.



When you go to this site, you will see a button labelled 'give free food'. Apparently, clicking this button will pay for some food to be distributed in 3rd world countries.


I'd be surprised if there were that many people who still don't know about eBay - probably the best auction site, mainly because it is the largest and therefore showcases more items than any other site.




This is the old site that another guy helped me put up. Compare it to the present one. :)



A Pokemon site done by the aforementioned guy.



Counting Crows is my favourite band. Here's their website.



This is a database of all the Counting Crows bootleggers. You get to see where they live, if they're available to Trade or do a B&P, and if you're interested in being a bootlegger of Counting Crows music, here's the place to start.



This is the search engine I tend to use. But that probably doesn't interest you...





The last set of Links

Here are the links that I'm not going to say anything about. I'll just post a hyperlink, and if you choose to, you can click.


http://members.home.net/videogames/snesrarity.htm //this is a dead link, but if anyone has any information about where the site went, it would be much appreciated.






http://www.geocities/tokyo/8353/movies//this is a dead link, but if anyone has any information about where the site went, it would be much appreciated.


http://www.movie-reviews.collosus.net//this is a dead link, but if anyone has any information about where the site went, it would be much appreciated.






If you have any site that you feel I should link to, just e-mail me the hyperlink, and I'll check it out. If it's half decent, then it should be up on the site within a week. I'll get back to you to tell if what my decision was. If you can include a short description, it would be most helpful, although it's not essential.




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