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The 'Word of the Week' is:


In case anyone is interested, I actually typed this on the Saturday, so I could upload it on Sunday morning (the start of the week). Yeah, I thought as much. No-one's even reading....

incongruous / adj.
1 out of place; absurd.
2 (often foll. by with) disagreeing; out of keeping.
incongruity / n. (pl. -ies).
incongruously adv.
incongruousness n.
[Latin incongruus (as in-1, congruous)]

Incidentally, my brother was suggesting to me that this site seems to be aimed at pleasing too many people and that there is a great deal of incongruity present. Thing is, all the stuff here is stuff that I'm interested in, so if you're like me, you'd also be interested in all the stuff.

I really don't think that any sections are really incongruous.

Or, maybe you could suggest that all the sections are incongruous - so much in fact, that even the word 'nnmbghnaie' seems relatively normal here.

I wonder if anyone's going to read this section this week...

Previous words:

08-04-02: fervid

01-04-02: predilection

24-03-02: resplendent

17-03-02: apathy

10-03-02: connotation

03-03-02: abaddon

24-02-02: triskaidekaphopia

17-02-02: miscellaneous



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