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If you are asking who, in the real world, physically ate an object made for sitting upon which happens to be cabable of independant flight, the answer is nobody. Probably.


If you are asking who, in the real world, physically ate an object made for sitting upon which happens to be cabable of rising above the level of the ground, then anyone could have accomplished this task simply by eating a seat in a plane. After all , humans have eaten buses and other strange objects. However, the answer would probably still be nobody. Probably.


If you are referring to an imaginary world, then the answer could be anything. People might constantly eat flying chairs, or the imaginary world might be similar to the real one. So what world is lingering in the realms of your mind? A world where flying chairs roam the skies and play Pong all day long with a giant gravity-defying ball and neo-nazi handkechiefs try to fool friendly flying heads into eating the chairs in an attempt to gain control of the flying chair paradise, Bamtezabam? Or a world where flying chairs don't even exist? The choice, as our Graham would say, is yours.


On the other hand, you could take the flying chair as a metaphorical representation of the seat of freedom.


If you are asking who ate the flying chair, so that the seat of freedom no longer exists or existed, then an obvious answer would be Hitler. Some research would have to be done into the influential figures in history. Other people might suggest that most American influencial figures are eating the flying chair, considering the fact that they force other countries into following their principles, and don't even allow free speech in all areas of New York.

However, all political powers could be said to be eating the flying chair even if they are not maliciously intending to do so. After all, every single law, even if it is for your own good, infringes upon your freedom. In fact, every single person who makes any sort of rule is eating the flying chair, leaving it to travel the sewers as part of their faeces.

Yes even your very own parents, brothers and sisters are eating the flying chair in this sense. Yes, even YOU are doing so too. Don't worry about it tho'

Just don't do it too much.


If, on the other hand, you are asking who ate the flying chair, digesting the seat of freedom and incorporating it into themselves, then the answer goes from having pejorative connotations for the culprit to being something that we should all strive to do.

I try my best to eat the flying chair. I circumvent the plethora of conventions present in human behaviour, in an attempt to show that I will not be constrained by normal rules. I ask you all to join me. Strive for freedom. Free speech. Freedom of expression. The chance to show off your work to people without it being censored.


Don't let anybody get in the way of your dreams.


Think about it.
Think about life.
Have a laugh.



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