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word of the week, other stuff, downloads, links.

(How do you pronounce ttdil?)

This is basically a list of things that you might want to do. At the top of the list are vital activities. Further on is stuff I think you would enjoy doing or would enrich your life. The list is meant to be in order of how essential the activity is. I'm not going to include sexual activities (since you could then include an infinite number of positions) or anything illegal.

Note that I accept that there's probably still too much Computer-game related stuff. But hey, it's mostly at the bottom of the list. If you take the time to suggest an addition, I'd really appreciate it. I need to make this list more diverse and come from a few different viewpoints.

Just now the list isn't quite as great as I'd like it to be. In fact, it could be said to be bit feeble, like the rest of this 'site'. If there's anything you'd like to add to the list, or if you want to suggest a re-arrangement, then e-mail me. Also, e-mail me if you have any questions. (I may not be able to answer them but hey…)

Credit will be given where credit's due. I'd like to make this a list which people scan, and think 'Oh, I haven't done that', then go off and do it.

Nothing on this list is meant to be offensive or rude. If there's some stuff on the list that you literally can't do, then I sincerely apologise and hope that I cause no offence.

However, if you're a miserable git who's incapable of laughing, then LAUGH, DAMN YOU, LAUGH!


1. Learn something
2. Appreciate that life, whatever we make of it, is truly a marvel, and something we should occasionally think about, even though we'll never make sense of it.
3. laugh
4. breathe
5. drink
6. urinate
7. eat
8. sleep
9. defecate
10. be washed
11. wear clothes
12. walk
13. talk
14. read
15. wash yourself
16. sing
17. do a jig (dance, or at least make an attempt to)
18. listen to music
19. kick a ball
20. learn to ride a bicycle
21. do something on an impulse
22. play football
23. Meet someone
24. Meet some-one other than your mother
25. Make a friend to have a laugh with
26. Make a friend to share the craziness of this world with
27. Stand by that friend.
28. Chew chewing gum
29. Gain some confidence
30. read a good book and enjoy it
31. go for a long walk (such as the West Highland Way)
32. Have a birthday party
33. play an instrument, and get decent at it
34. eat decent fish 'n' chips (not from the 'Discovery' chippie in Dundee - cross the river if you're over here)
35. Take a bath
36. Get decent at playing that instrument, learn to improvise, and enjoy yourself playing music which you think sounds decent.
37. Wear a T-shirt
38. Wear comfortable trousers other than joggers
39. Find comfortable jeans
40. Wear sandals
41. Experiment with your appearance
42. go on a long bicycle ride (at least 20 miles)
43. watch TV
44. Learn to use the internet
45. play a computer game
46. read a good manga and enjoy it.
47. Play a rhythm-based game. Alternatively, shake some real maracas for a few hours.
48. Go paint-balling
49. Go scuba diving
50. Listen to the Counting Crows
51. Play 4-player Bomberman
52. Read Usagi Yojimbo
53. Read Adolf
54. Go to a concert
55. Write a fanzine
56. Play 2-player Samba de Amigo with 2x2 maracas
57. Jam with someone else
58. Waste some time
59. Do something 'just for a laugh'
60. Learn a new language
61. Drink some water
62. Draw (paint, carve - just make a picture. Be creative)
63. Listen to the Eels
64. Play Tetris
65. Realise that brand-loyalty is stupid
66. Cry
67. Stay up all night
68. Stay up all night doing nothing and think 'man, I really wasted some time'
69. Go to another country
70. Get to know another culture
71. Marvel at how real this world feels
72. Play a light gun game
73. Think of a really good idea
74. See it through to the end
75. Watch American Beauty
76. Watch Fight Club
77. Shave
78. Listen to the Beta Band
79. Scratch your nose
80. Make a website
81. Make some strange noises
82. Organise a regular game of footie, or something similar
83. Play 7-player Bomberman (or more!)
84. Play Secret of Mana (or Legend of Mana)
85. Complete Secret Of Mana (or Legend of Mana)
86. Play a real pinball game
87. Watch a decent animé
88. Read Dragonball
89. Play an import game (not for the GB)
90. Play a Japanese game (in Japanese)
91. Play Kuru Kuru Kururin
92. Play 4-player Chu Chu Rocket
93. Play a version of Puyo Puyo
94. Play a Street Fighter game



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