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(I always wanted to be a games designer...)

Basically, I made this section for 3 games. Or 3 game series anyway. Bomberman, Samba de Amigo and the Seiken Densetsu (aka Holy Sword Legend aka Secret of Mana) series.

A while ago, I looked on the net for a Bomberman page and was shocked to find that one didn't exist. Therefore, I shall have a stab at one.

I feel that Samba de Amigo is a great game and despite the cost of the maracas, more people should buy (and play) it.

Secret of Mana is a brilliant game and despite some flaws is a work of art. The next 2 instalments of the Seiken Densetsu series also all time favourites of mine.

However, I haven't finished starting the Secret of Mana/Seiken Densetsu section.

Then, I decided that I would also make a Snes section. The Snes remains a brilliant machine to this day, simply because some of the games are great, and the 2D graphics aren't bad enough to hinder your play.

So here is the start of a Snes reviews archive. As with the manga archive, I'll really need some reviews to be sent in from any readers. Whether you want to go on about how great something is, or berate something, feel free to hit buttons on the keyboard in front of you, until a string of text appears which describes how you feel about a particular Snes game. Then, e-mail me that string of characters. Oh, and if you could include as much info about the actual game as you can (number of players/publisher/countries the game was release in...), that'd be quite useful but it's not essential. If it's a reasonably well known game, I'll probably know it anyway and fill in that wee bit myself, when I add a stats sheet to all the reviews. Thanks.


The whole site will be getting re-done sometime in the summer.


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