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(The amount of fun to be derived from this game is proportional to the number of players.)

A while ago, I looked on the net for a Bomberman page and was shocked to find that one didn't exist. Therefore, I shall have a stab at one.

I will attempt to write the following:
· An introduction for people who have never played Bomberman;
· A review and comparison of the different Bomberman games I own;
· An archive of readers' appraisals of various Bomberman games; and
· An archive of tactics.

As you may have noticed, this section, and many other sections of this 'website' rely on people such as YOU contributing. The archive of tactics is the part which'll need the most contribution - it'd be great to hear how different people play and to learn from others.

As always, if you have any suggestions, please e-mail me. As I start a section, I'll add a hyperlink to it.

Computer Game-related stuff


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