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Snes-related stuff
(My first console was a Megadrive...)

-my games-

'Anal corrections'


How to use the Snes Review Database

All games are listed alphabetically by the name under which they were released in Britain. A game which was only released outside this country will be listed under its American name.

Under each game name, you will see a description of what the game involves, with my score and a few words describing how I feel about it on the line below. If the description is a hyperlink, it will take you a more in-depth description. A rating which is a hyperlink will take you to the review of the game, whilst the few summarising words will take you to a summary.

Pretty logical then.





A mixture of simplistic city management with overhead shooting and a platform slasher.
4 The 2 styles complement each other brilliantly. I do find the last battle annoyingly hard though.



A standard platformer based on the animated Disney film of the same name.
2 Whilst everything's of a fair standard, there really is little here to make it stand out.



Move a paddle at the bottom of the screen, trying to destroy some blocks at the top.
2 A nice game but infinite continues and levels which fail to re-generate give it a rather hollow feel.



A platformer starring the famous gaul from the comics.
1 A rather pathetic platformer, filled with flaws that - whilst minor - cumulatively drag the game down.


Cool Spot

An old logo stars in yet another platformer by Dave Perry.
3 Whilst nothing original ever really crops up, the game remains a joy to play.


Donkey Kong Country

Donkey Kong stars in a platformer, along with a new monkey - Diddy Kong.
4 An enjoyable game which I continue to play continuously. I consider its short length a positive point.


Donkey Kong Country 2

Diddy Kong returns to star in another platformer alongside Dixie.
32 Flying, spinning webs or racing does provide variation, but I still consider the original to be more enjoyable.


Donkey Kong Country 3

Dixie Kong teams up with Baby Kong in this platformer.
4 A hub structure and better management of the secrets makes this possibly the best in the trilogy.


Hebereke's Popoitto

Line up stuff (which falls in groups of 2) into columns or rows of 4, trying to incorporate little critters.
12 Fields which are unaffected by the other player and few surprises make this a tiring experience.


Hebereke's Popoon

Line up stuff (which falls in groups of 2) into lines of 3.
3 Immediately enjoyable with 2 players. A fun blend of luck and skill. Poor 1-player mode.


Illusion of Time

An action RPG in which you play a boy searching for his lost father.
43 An enjoyable adventure with some brilliant combat.



Detonate all the bombs on each stage, setting off chain reactions whilst trying to stay alive.
32 Interesting to begin with, but ultimately dull.


Kirby's Ghost Trap

Connect 4 beans (which fall in groups of 2) together.
45 A mildly enjoyable 1-player game, but a brilliant 2-player effort.



A Mickey Mouse platformer, with different levels representing different cartoons..
2 A mildly enjoyable platform game, with a slightly unfinished feel to it.


Pac Attack

Organise falling ghosts, Pac-men and blocks so the Pac-men devour all the ghosts.
32 Easy to get to grips with, an average 2-player mode but an ingenious 1-player 'puzzle' mode.


Pop'n Twinbee

A cute vertically scrolling shoot 'em up with a somewhat original power-up method and 7 difficulty levels.
3 Lovely character design and well thought out game mechanics and level design add up to an enjoyable game.


Secret of Mana

An action RPG where your team levels up in a similar fashion to Final Fantasy.
4 Charming plot, multiple possible beginnings and beautiful music keep you playing all the way.


Super Aleste

A vertically-scrolling shoot 'em up featuring some massive weapons.
45 Big weapons, big explosions, loads of enemies... fast, furious action.


Super Mario World

The platformer that was originally packaged with the Snes.
5 An undeniable classic. The simple graphics cover up an incredible amount of depth.


Super Metroid

A platform-shoot 'em up where exploration is the main theme.
5 Another undeniable classic. A truly cinematic and enjoyable experience.


Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island

A platformer featuring the throwing of eggs (formed by eating smaller enemies) as an attack.
5 Amazingly original, well designed and fun to play. My favourite ever platformer.


Super Smash TV

An old-school top-down shoot 'em up divided into seperate rooms.
5 A brilliant control system, refreshingly simple, pure and brilliantly enjoyable.


Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends

8 mini-games aimed at 4-10 year olds.
2 A few nice ideas, but some annoying flaws make this seem like an unfinished product.


Tiny Toon Adventures Buster Busts Loose

A platformer featuring dashing up vertical walls and American Football.
45 An enjoyable romp with enough variation and lovely touches to keep you smiling.



Create and remove blocks to guide or kill little creatures, sometimes also using boulders to create crystals.
4 With a nice balance between simplicity and complexity, this manages to be my favourite Lemmings-type game.



Race unicycles on 2D side-on courses, performing tricks to gain speed.
5 Tricks open up a new dimension and the design remains almost impeccable.



Fire at advancing shapes, swapping colours around before destroying them.
5 My favourite ever 1-player puzzle game. Stylish presentation and great basic rules.


If you particularly want to know my opinion of any of my games, which haven't been reviewed yet, just e-mail me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. (Usually within a week.) Like, maybe you're thinking of buying one of those other games. Or something.




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