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Snes-Anal Corrections
(As many of you may have gathered, I am a pedantic bastard.)

When I bought Paperboy 2 for the Snes, I was disgusted to find a spelling mistake in the manual. This made me think about all the spelling mistakes and shoddy translations I've seen in games. Unfortunately, I can't remember any, but I'm sure I've seen a few.

Anyway, I decided that I'd start a record of all the mistakes made in Snes games, or in the manual/on the packaging/cart label.

So, basically, what I'm looking for is something you can say is a genuine mistake. In this section, I'm not interested in missing commas or punctuation that isn't quite the way you'd like it to be. Nor am I interested in flaws with the gameplay here - they can go into a review.

I am, however interested in spelling mistakes and shoddy translations which have incorrect sentence structure or give an unintended meaning.

I'm also interested in hearing if a game crashes, any programming faults or glithes, if the game ever puts you into a spot where you can't proceed or if the game has some inconsistency with names or story. Basically, I'm interested in stuff that is, most definitely, a 'mistake'.


I'll list them here, by game, in alphabetical order. (When there are mutliple names, the British name will be used, if there is one.)

-Final Fantasy II-

submitted by Alain Racette

inconsistency in the script: In Final Fantasy II/IV, when you meet Yang again in the Baron Inn, Cecil and the rest of the party (Tellah, Palom, Porom) go to a table and talk. Cecil tells Yang that Tellah is Edward's father. This is not true. Tellah is Anna's father. If Edward happened to be Tellah's son, then he (Edward) would be marrying his sister! Yeesh... (This had me confused for a little bit).


-Paperboy 2-

spelling mistake: In the manual, on page 2, the line above point 6, the word 'above' is spelt 'abovce'. And the manual's only 8 pages long... You wouldn't have thought that proof-reading would be too much of a problem...


-Secret of Mana/Seiken Densetsu 2-

Although this is a top game, there are a few bits where the game crashes or you get stuck in scenery.

I wrote down these 3 things some time ago.

stuck: Just before you get to Salamander, you need to face a boss. After defeating him, the screen didn't change and I had to press the restart button. This happened twice.

stuck on scenery: As you're going to get Flammie, there is a bit where you're going down and there's some water to the right. I got stuck on the top bit of water. If this happens, you can use the magic rope to help you out. I can get stuck quite easily here if I try.

stuck on scenery: In the fire temple, I got stuck in a similar way beside a pole. I can't remember this that clearly, and what I wrote down wasn't as descriptive as it should have been, but you get the idea...



Right. Either you've read through this entire section, or you jumped to this part and started reading here. Or, maybe you like to read backwords.

Whatever the case, if you're playing a Snes game and find a mistake, please tell me. Oh, and please only report crashes and glitches if you were playing using a working Snes/cartridge, not if you were playing the ROM with an emulator.

Snes stuff



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