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Series 1, Episode 1
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It is very rare to find a new series with a wonderful pilot episode, and Teachers is no exception, it is however, I think at least, better than most. Basically it just serves as an introduction to the characters and the setting, we meet, Simon and his friends Brian, Kurt and Susan. We are introduced to Jenny, Simon's fellow English teacher who he hates but secretly wants to go to sleep with, Bob the work obsessed head of department, Clare the head teacher and the secretaries Liz and Carol. Not only that, But Simon and co. manage to break into the school, Simon, who likes to be as anti authority as he can be and still keep his job realises, to his embarrassment, that he is sleeping with a police woman, and has a bit of an identity crisis. A lot to be squeezed into one episode, but that's not unusual. By the end of it you already feel as though you know all the characters.

Simon's imaginings are funny, though it's been done before in other series. Ally McBeal springs to mind, although I'm not sure because I never really watched that. The 'who would you sleep with' questions are great; they remind me of conversations I've had myself. In fact they are almost identical to conversations I've had myself. I suppose everyone does it, which is one of the things that makes Teachers so good, we can see bits of ourselves in the characters. Not yet though, as so far the only character we have been given the chance to get to know is Simon. That's only fair though, he is the star of the show after all.

Review by Catherine O'Brien

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws