Last Tweaked 04-10-07
A Couple of NEW pix to Reflect Life's Changes

Life is Change...Lots of Changes

The website hasn't been updated for some time now,
and it's about time it reflected my move to NC! (Best thing I ever did!)
It is by far the most personal of my pages, with all the veils unraveled.
Words that once sang out like soulful tunes, all but a few now lost forever.

Anyway, here's what seems an Ancient Incarnation, Circa 1/00,
and a personal favorite titled "DOOBIEGIRL".

It's the last decent one scanned before I topped the big 5-0
and started wrinkling like a prune and developing a turkey chin! LOL!

(Why does that happen like 3 months prior to the BIG ONE?)

An early incarnation of the freak child.

Jump to June, 2000...the Moment of Truth

for my Big Girl,
Tara Lanai
and Derek
(Of course, there WAS lots of LIFE in between there, and maybe someday some of that'll be splattered here and there as I come across it.)

Tara and Derek (Ya know, He's a pretty decent guy
and I always did sorta love him ;)

One of my all-time fave mommy pix

...and a few from March '02

(that's big sis Chelsea with Alex)

and, leave Alex in the bath to her own devices,
and you, too might catch her in the packing peanuts 0r shaving! :)

The Wedding!
Derrik & Darah,
May 25, 2002

From 8-02: Here's Popz cuddled up with his buddy.
(Ally says "Popz, I LIKE when you call me Shorty!" :)

(p.s. That's the mommy on the video game!)

These were special faces made just for Gramma.

Here are a few of me in my various recent incarnations, from old, like fine wine (whine?) to my best flamingo imitation.
Behind me is a trompe l'oiel I did inside a door in CA.

Playing dress-up again...
Some things never change.

Sea's like a rainbow...sees with kaleidescope eyes....

The Latest labor of love:

This is a mural I did in Playa.
I took the natural horizon and followed it across to the mural.
Taking 'artistic license' on the surrounding
ocean view was the fun part! :)

Here's what Derrik and Darah have been busy Creating!
Dylan Alexander
born July 19, 2003

Isn't he a beaut?

I tell everyone he's cryin cause he doesn't like his OTHER gramma holding him...hahaha!!!
I bad. Now we're one just bigger, happier family.

Popz and Auntie Tara just HAD to Come Down
to Check Out L.A. and then
off to AZ to see the New Kid Firsthand!

They liked our lazy little beach town...

...and the beach house, and Billy
gave em a quick tour of the city.

Randall & Tara, together again!)

What's up w/the HAT, T??? ;)

Looks like little Dylan liked his Auntie T
as much as she liked him!

NOV.1, 2003 Dylan, now 4 months old mugging it up,
and later, curled up with his Daddy.


First, a couple from last summer in WA.
Allie testing out Grammy's weirdo glasses, and the other of D's Stang before the fancy flame/paint job.

Allie's now getting ready to start school in September, and just finished a great season playing soccer.

Home Sweet Home!

Here are a couple of the 'kids', since it's been ages since I posted any. Zoey's in her usual standing-but-sleeping pose, and Ziggy, Devil Cat. (Her eyes ALWAYS look like this, sorta like when you take a picture of a vampire and the image doesn't show up...)

My latest Masterpiece in the Works
on My dear friend Margie's wall

My Little Margie
(My little Angel)
'N Me

...and, just for fun,
a cheesy shot in the lot at work on 'my car'

02/05 Back in CA, where I thought I'd found a home, where I did have a wonderful home, for a while...but like everything, it never lasts for long.

Recently, we had a special customer at our dealership who was a real surprise to both me and Billy.

Ms. Grace SLICK!

The Deck Evolves

One of the guys at work told Billy that putting up one of these tents was a three man job.
Guess they didn't account for a woman putting it together, cause it only took me one afternoon on a ladder in the rain.

Mexico '05 Amigos!
A week in paradise just isn't long enough! ;) Me, Billy and Evan had a blast snorkeling our way through Xel-Ha on the mainland and the nearby Chankanaab Reef. We sweated our way across the Yucatan to Chichen Itza, and the boys spent idle hours lolling around the pool bar drinking girlie-type cocktails (Evan's were virgin, of course, and I don't drink at all anymore 'cept my club sodas.) The resort, btw, is Fiesta Americana, which I'd definitely recommend.

The First Annual
VeGoose, Baby!

As the newspaper headlines suggest, "Vegoose Flies High!"
The weather was incredible. The people were great. The music was killer!

The line-up:
Saturday: Beans, w/Holy F*ck, Blackalicious, Atmosphere, Talib Kweli, Steel Train, North Mississippi Allstars, Gov't Mule, The Codetalkers, feat. Col. Bruce Hampton, Primus, Islands, Devendra Banhart, the Decemberists, The Shins, Beck, Slightly Stoopid, The String Cheese Incident, Phil Lesh & Friends, Dave Matthews & Friends.

Sunday: Flexible Flav, Lyrics Born, King Britt presents Sister Gertrude Morgan, Digable Planets, The Magic Numbers, Sleater-Kinney, Spoon, Flaming Lips, The Arcade Fire, ALO, Umphrey's McGee, Ween, the Meters, Jack Johnson, Michael Franti & Spearhead, moe., Trey Anastasio, Widespread Panic.

Above, North Mississippi Allstars.

ONLY in Vegas, Nurse "Anita Lay"

At right above, The Magic Numbers.

Guess there's just no accounting for taste. Don't know how this lady managed to sit till dark, without even getting up to boogie along. I, on the other hand, brought BOTTLES of pain pills for the crushed discs in my back and danced about eleven and a half hours a day, both days...;)

Above, Michael Franti & Spearhead, and moe. Below, Trey Anastasio, who, btw, kicked some serious ASS during several sets with Dave Matthews on Saturday night too. He was followed by Widespread Panic, who closed the show with a bang [last].

No more 'ALMOST' about it...I actually did cut my hair! (Pix was taken in my friend Margie's backyard in Vegas.)

Moved back to Spokane in February, '06. What can I say, another failed relationship,
but life goes on. At least I have family there.

First, here's one at T's house,
followed by Allie's favorite 7th birthday present,
the Green Machine.

Also, some newer pix of Derrik,(in his redneck look, lol) Darah, and Dylan, now living in Amarillo, TX.

Ron's Stained Glass!

It's about time I showed everybody what a talented guy I was married to for 31 yrs!

In September I moved very suddenly after falling in love w/western NC.
First, a pix on the trip out, taken in MT...then A couple of glimpses into life
in Hendersonville/Asheville, NC

Home Sweet Home!

Dori and Ann Demonstrate
The fine art of Root Ball
on our 'home court'!

coulda, shoulda cut this one, but ya gotta appreciate me letting it ALL HANG out!

Peter and Dewitt on the patio at the Westville Pub
and Lisa and Willy at home in that other Hendersonville

My Anal Sister Cherie Makes Virgo Tofu Eggplant Parmigiana(sp?)

In Memory of My Dear Friend Guy

Who best to dedicate my 'Family' page to, but my friend who was family and knew family, in the truest sense of the word, Guy Phelps.
We'll miss ya, Bud.

Other photos USED to be posted here of friends and extended family, but those pix will have to remain of the mental images we each hold inside of us. I did not have permission to post the ones I had, and apologize for any discomfort this may have caused to those I hold dear. You know who you are, and I love you ALL! Perhaps Dido says it best. She and Dave always could...

Sometimes ya gotta ask yourself who your 'real' family is anyway. Is it just someone who passes through your life and spends a Thanksgiving or birthday or two with you? Is it someone who's there for all of em? Any of them? Is it the quantity or the quality?

Somebody stop me before I go off on a rant.

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[Desolation-Poems 7] [Promises-Poems 8] [Silent Whispers-Poems 9]
[Reflections-Poems X] [Realm of the Paradox-Poems XI]
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