 Reiki Home

How do I book an appointment?

I am located in The Beaches district of Toronto, ON. (Queen Street between Victoria Park and Woodbine Ave).

You should allow minimum 90 minutes for your first appointment and allow 60 minutes for each subsequent appointment unless advised otherwise.

The cost for full Reiki treatments is:
   • First Appointment: $65
   • Follow-up Appointments: $40
   • 20-Minute Calming/Relaxation Appointment: $15

Please note that my purpose is to help and to heal. If you can not afford the above fee's then please contact me anyway. We will work out some other exchange of energy that represents your appreciation for what the Reiki gives you and your commitment to honouring the healing that the Reiki brings you.

I am available to travel only within the City of Toronto.

To book an appointment for Reiki, please call me at 416-686-5500. If I am not home, please leave a message. I return most calls within twenty-four hours. I always recommend leaving a message for me at home, however, if you are not able to call me then you can email me at

Phone: 416-686-5500

Frequently Asked Questions

   •What is Reiki?
   •What is a Reiki session like?
   •Does Reiki replace my doctors treatments?
   •Can Reiki hurt me?
   •What does it cost?
   •How did you learn Reiki?
   •Are you certified?
   •How do I book an appointment?

© 2003 Jim Melanson  
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