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What is a Reiki session like?

Reiki sessions will differ in detail from person to person, however, all sessions will follow some general formats.

In most cases, the recipient (you) will lay down. In some cases and following the dictates of what equipment is available, Reiki will be applied while you are sitting in a chair. Reiki can be applied while standing but this is not usually preferred due to the length of time involved.

Reiki sessions typically last anywhere from 30 or 40 minutes up to two hours. The average length of a full application is one hour to one hour and a half. Again, the length of the session will be determined by the practioner is response to the flow if the Reiki itself.

During the session, the practitioner moves around your body, placing their hands in various position over numerous parts of your body. Some practitioners always hold their hands above the body, some practitioners place their hands directly on the body. In no case will a practitioner place their hands on your body in a way or in a location that makes you feel uncomfortable.

You may notice the practitioner focussing on parts of the body that are not bothering you. That is okay. A full treatment applies Reiki to many areas of the body. Quite often that which you are seeking assistance with is being caused by energetic imbalances in other areas of the body.

You may or may not notice sensation in your body during the application. Typically, application for an acute discomfort will cause that discomfort to increase slightly during the session. This is necessary for the Reiki energy to work and release the discomfort.

Most people report feeling intense heat or cold coming from the hands of the practitioner. The nature of the energy determines whether you will feel heat or cold. Many people report feeling pressure from the hands of the practitioner in positions where the practitioners hands are NOT touching the recipients body.

During the session you can keep your eyes open or you can close them. You can stay fully awake or you can drift off to a light sleep. You can remain silent or you can converse with your practitioner. The choice is yours. The Reiki will flow and heal irregardless.

Do not be worried about overdosing on Reiki or receiving too much. Reiki will not harm you. The Reiki energy knows where in the body it is needed and it knows how much is needed. Once the amount of Reiki the body needs has been reached, any additional Reiki stays with the practitioner or will "bleed off" into the environment around you (pets and plants love Reiki too!).

Frequently Asked Questions

   •What is Reiki?
   •What is a Reiki session like?
   •Does Reiki replace my doctors treatments?
   •Can Reiki hurt me?
   •What does it cost?
   •How did you learn Reiki?
   •Are you certified?
   •How do I book an appointment?

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