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What is Reiki?

Reiki, in effect, is the application of divine source healing energy through the placement of the practitioners hands over the recipients body. It is a form of hands-on healing.

The word Reiki is a Kanji idiogram that comprises two words "Rei" and "Ki".

While many authors have interpreted the word "Rei" differently, the interpretations all follow the theme of "God Consciousness" or "Universal Life Force". To most aptly describe the word "Rei" and the concepts behind this word, many Reiki accept that "Rei" stands for "Spirit Taking Breath".

The word "Ki" refers to the energy that runs through everyone and is necessary to exist. The word "Ki" is the same as the Chinese "Chi", Hawaiian "Mana" or Sanskrit "Prana". Ki can only be fully understood by those who experience it. Once you have experienced the flow of "Ki" through your body, you will have a much more subjective understanding of what it is.

In summary, receiving Reiki means that you receive the benefits of universal life force energy from the divine source from whom all love, light and creation emanate. To be Reiki means that you are open to and experienced at conducting the love, light and energy of the universal consciousness.

Reiki Principles

Anyone who is Reiki strives to live by the simple principles of Reiki:
  • Just for today, I will not anger.
  • Just for today, I will not worry.
  • Just for today, I will honour my parents teachers and elders.
  • Just for today, I will earn my living honestly.
  • Just for today, I will show gratitude to every living thing.

Frequently Asked Questions

   •What is Reiki?
   •What is a Reiki session like?
   •Does Reiki replace my doctors treatments?
   •Can Reiki hurt me?
   •What does it cost?
   •How did you learn Reiki?
   •Are you certified?
   •How do I book an appointment?

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