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Can Reiki hurt me?


Reiki is positive, healing energy emanating from the universal consciousness that is the source of all love, light and creation in the universe. Reiki will not harm you in any way.

Do not be worried about overdosing on Reiki or receiving too much. Reiki will not harm you. The Reiki energy knows where in the body it is needed and it knows how much is needed. Once the amount of Reiki the body needs has been reached, any additional Reiki stays with the practitioner or will "bleed off" into the environment around you (pets and plants love Reiki too!).

That said, make sure you are receiving Reiki from someone who is attuned. While I have not personally encountered or even heard of a non-atuned person passing themselves off as Reiki, we still need to be careful. Ask the person to see either their Canadian Reiki Association memberhsip card OR ask them to see their certificate of completion for the level of Reiki they claim to have.

A copy of my own certificates can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions

   •What is Reiki?
   •What is a Reiki session like?
   •Does Reiki replace my doctors treatments?
   •Can Reiki hurt me?
   •What does it cost?
   •How did you learn Reiki?
   •Are you certified?
   •How do I book an appointment?

© 2003 Jim Melanson  
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