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What does it cost?

The cost for full Reiki treatments is:
   • First Appointment: $65
   • Follow-up Appointments: $40
   • 20-Minute Calming/Relaxation Appointment: $15

Frequently, Reiki treatment can be accomplished in one session for acute discomforts. Most Reiki applications consist of three or four sessions over a two week period. Some situations may benefit from a weekly follow up for two or three weeks, if you feel it is warranted. While I will provide input, ultimately, the choice is yours to continue or discontinue at any time. Remember, even some Reiki will have a beneficial impact even if you do not continue with the applications.

One of the teachings of Reiki is that it should not be given away without an exchange of energy. The reason being is that the person receiving Reiki must seek it out and must value that which they are receiving. By making a sacrifice of time, product, effort or money, you are demonstrating the value you attach to the treatment. Some people argue that Reiki is a gift from "God" and that I should not charge anything for it. Well, the truth is I had to learn Reiki and spend many hours practicing, "God" did not give it to me without effort on my part. Also, doctors appear to have a "gift from God" as well and they get paid, right?

While I do have set fee's, if you have a product or service that you offer, I am open to that sort of exchange as well. So long is there is an exchange and sacrifice of time or effort on your behalf, all you need to do is ask.

Frequently Asked Questions

   •What is Reiki?
   •What is a Reiki session like?
   •Does Reiki replace my doctors treatments?
   •Can Reiki hurt me?
   •What does it cost?
   •How did you learn Reiki?
   •Are you certified?
   •How do I book an appointment?

© 2003 Jim Melanson  
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