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How did you learn Reiki?

I received my Level 1 attunement from Reiki Master Jim Gainer in the Usui branch of Reiki.

I first received a package of information that I was required to study about Reiki. Then on the day of my attunement, the Reiki Master reviewed the information and conducted exercises with me to ensure my complete understanding and competence with the material. This was followed by practice of the Reiki hand positions and movements, including scanning the body. We then went through a meditation to prepare me for the attunement. During the attunement I was "awakened" and prepared for then given the ability to receive and conduct the flow or Reiki to those who seek it from me.

After they days work was completed, then a 21 day cycle of "self-cleansing" or "hands on me" began. During this 21 day cycle I was required to perform full Reiki sessions on myself once a day before I could perform Reiki on others. At the completion of that 21 day cycle, I could safely then say that "I am Reiki".

I have been practicing Reiki weekly and am now looking to move forward to my Level 2 attunement.

Anyone can learn Reiki. It is recommended that you seek out an experienced and recommended Reiki Master who can provide references that you can verify and validate before signing up with them. Look for one on one or very small classes of people. If you are having trouble finding a Reiki Master/Teacher then you can find numerous practitioners through the Canadian Reiki Association website at

There is no government certification of Reiki practitioners as of yet. However, since the Ontario govenment now certifies and registers with the C.E.P. designation (Certified Etheric Practitioner) I hope that the government will also begin to certify and register Reiki Practitioners.

Frequently Asked Questions

   •What is Reiki?
   •What is a Reiki session like?
   •Does Reiki replace my doctors treatments?
   •Can Reiki hurt me?
   •What does it cost?
   •How did you learn Reiki?
   •Are you certified?
   •How do I book an appointment?

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