archy's friends: Ant brains, The bumbling hive, The economie, Living with bugs, Lovebugs, Mandeville's bees, mehitabel, Ode to a louse, Piss ants, Politically correct roaches, The termite, Worms, Directory

mehitabel's friends: archy, Brann's cat, Cat who loved shoes, On caterwalling, Economist view of cats, Gasket's Christmas ball, How not to drown a cat, MacCavity, Owl and Pussy cat, You done cut the wrong cat, Venture capitalist view of cats, Directory

Don Marquis might have liked these: Christmas Story, Curmudgeon, Free trade, Free lunch, Good ship Molly A, The satiric eye, Directory

Political animules: California's pied piper, Mugwump, New York's most famous hog, Spent hen, Directory

Fictional animules: A chicken is not a bird, Darwin's fish, Darwin's goats, Elephant on the moon, Green turtles are good to eat, Dr. Lobster, A mullet is not a fish, Possum, The vixen and the rabbit, Directory

Other animules: Aplach Oysters, Bartram's crow, Crows, Egrets, Guest , Jackdaw of Reims, John's passage to neuter-land, Ned, a grizzle bear, Ode to a squirrel, Old Crip the chicken, One molar in tadpoles, The peacock, Sparrow on a stick, Woody the stork, Directory



hey boss it s me agin archy
boss we don't get no respect
this skirt that does mac things on the web
quotes mehitabel
but you and i deserve the credit
everybody knows that i put the words in
that dumb broads mouth
while she was involved in earthy pleasures
another thing
where on the web is any mention of marquis questionmark
in recdotartdotbooksdotchildren
books for children no less
and those numbskulls
call us a cartoon book exclamationmark
and our new book
edited by our friend
jeff adams parenthesis no relation to charles addams parenthesis closed
and published by university press of new england
gets no mention
for shame exclaimationmark
boss the final straw is this
web site on yahoo
it has me in a zoo
with a bunch of crows
cats bears snakes and such
well i guess that s better than
being in a battagilio pie
where will it end where will it end



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