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��* The concept of honour allows that arguments, complaints and etcetra shall be settled, either by:

  1. Non-lethal combat (using any technique, such as boffer bats, water pistols, or even like those of the SCA competitive fencing, or HACA, depending on the severity of the complaint), or:

  2. If either or both individuals are a) unwilling or b) unable to engage in such combat, they shall both yield to the decision of a Court-appointed Judge --- whose decision shall be final, to be overruled only by the Crown.

An individual has every right to defending oneself, so long as such defense does not violate the most basic principles of our nation's belief, by the ownership of, training in, and responsible usage of such weapons that DO NOT go beyond those used for personal self-defense or hunting, but are only in honour and in open conflict, when deemed necessary. Such interpretation of proper usage is as is Judged so by the Crown.

We are a nation or warriors --- in the oldest sense of the word (and the root word of warrior is NOT "war").

In times of peace, our militia shall consist only of citizens of the Realm, who shall become as well-schooled as possible in the art of defense and who shall each defend their nation as personified by their own self. In addition, all citizens of the Realm shall serve on a rotating basis, as necessary, on a peacekeeping force designed both to protect the land and its citizens, and to assist visitors to our Fair Land.

In times of need (defense of peoperty, our borders or honour, or war within or abroad or of allies), each citizen of TorHavn shall contribute to Our defense or to that of Our allies and/or friends, to the maximum of their capacity.

In this, no one is exempt at all. The Crown shall be the one who shall determine who is to serve, how and why.

It is a principal duty and obligation of the Kingdom to protect its citizens. It is also the duty and obligation of its citizens to protect the interests of the Kingdom.

The Kingdom shall never fail to take adequate measures to preserve its integrity, the lands, the flora and fauna placed in its care, and the safety of its citizens even in times of war or civil war.

The Kingdom protects its citizenry and its own integrity against terrorism, extremism, and catastrophes.

Citizens of the Realm are expected to help support TorHavn by at least one of the following methods:

  1. Buying goods from one of our sponsors and/or affiliate programs, and/or:
  2. Tithing directly to TorHavn from those personal monies remaining after taxes and necessities; and/or:
  3. Contributing, directly to TorHavn, items and/or supplies needed for its upkeep and maintenance (such as paper, paperclips, etcetera); and/or:
  4. By exemplary service to the Crown (either by volunteering, by invitation, or by Decree).

TorHavn shall refrain from instituting any property tax until there is land to tax. Once we do have land, and real property on that land, an appropriate amount, to be set by the Crown, shall be rendered to TorHavn, depending on the amount of land and/or real property owned. This amount may be rebated by recycling and/or other such similar service to the Crown --- service to the Mother (Earth) shall equal service to the Crown. Such amount is yet to be set.

A flat sales tax, which shall NOT be charged on (1) local food or clothing necessitiess or (2) basic medical needs shall be levied on all sales of goods or services within our borders. Because the economic circumstances of a landed TorHavn are unknown at present, the percentage of this tax is not yet set.

In addition, a luxury tax shall also be levied on any item not deemed a staple or necessity. This shall be levied on top of the flat sales tax imposed by the Crown. This shall serve two purpo-ses: (A) to encourage local buying, and (B) to encourage frugality, "green"-buying, & voluntary simplicity within our borders.

These luxuries will include (but may not be limited to): drugs (not medicine), cigarettes, foreign drinking alcohol, foreign formal apparel (nylon, etcetera), processed sweets, prepared or manufactured foods, ecologically irresponsible items, or items that directly compete with TorHavn's economy and/or necessities.

Bottom line and to wit: there is no official religion of TorHavn, but:

  • Any religious body (organization, church, etc.) shall petition for and receive official sanction to official practice within the borders of Our Realm, and:

  • Any religious body that proselytizes in an aggressive and/or offensive manner to members of another religious persuasion shall have their official sanction revoked, and owes recompense to the offended party.

  • Otherwise, any individual or group has the inalienable and inviolable right to practice any religion within the borders of TorHavn, so long as Item #1 and Item #2 are not violated.


  • #6: The Environment
    #8: The Viridian Crowns
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