Anthony's weBLOG

Monday, 31 May 2004 

What Women Want

What Women Want is a romantic comedy about Nick Marshall, played by Mel Gibson, an advertising executive who is looked over for a promotion. His new boss Darcy McGuire, played by Helen Hunt does not sit well with the male chauvinistic Nick.

Darcy tried to turn the male orientated view of the advertising firm by getting her new staff to trying on some women's products like stocking and eye makeup. When trying out the wax, Nick nearly electrocutes himself and is amazingly given the ability to hear what all of the women around him are thinking.

The movie is more a comedy than romance, however there is the sprinkling of romance throughout. The funny scenes are quite good and play on the well establish male ego verses women's feelings

This is a good movie.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 1:44:13 PM Link

Friday, 28 May 2004 

Scalable Text

I have noticed on a number of web design sites that there is a lot of discussion on using scalable font sizes. By this we are referring to defining font sizes by either Percentage or Em and specifically not by Pixel.

Most web browsers now include the ability to zoom the web page, this has become increasingly important as screens resolution increases. A 10 pixel font might look fine at 800x600 but go past 1200x900 and that is another matter.

Most web browsers, except for Internet Explorer will scale all fonts including Pixel sized fonts. However as most people continue to use Internet Explorer and with the new devices appearing on the internet, like WebTV, Mobile Phones, PDA's and Refrigerators, there is an increasing need to have more flexible page design.


logged by Anthony at 6:52:50 PM Link

Thursday, 27 May 2004 

The Best of Cold Chisel

Listening to The Best of Cold Chisel

  1. Standing on the Outside
  2. Rising Sun
  3. You Got Nothing I Want
  4. No Sense
  5. Misfits
  6. Breakfast at Sweethearts
  7. My Baby
  8. Bow River
  9. Choir Girl
  10. Cheap Wine
  11. Forever Now
  12. Saturday Night
  13. Flame Trees
  14. Merry-Go-Round
  15. Star Hotel
  16. Goodbye (Astrid Goodbye)
  17. When the War Is Over
  18. Khe Sanh

Buy the CD at

logged by Anthony at 11:31:48 PM Link

Extreme 20 Sided Dice

Have you even played one of those role playing games like D&D. I did, and I thought this would be funny. A d20 that is fluffy.Fuzzy Dice: 20-Sided Plush Die

logged by Anthony at 10:30:43 PM Link

DVD in Flash Ram

I'm sure that it won't be too long before we start to see DVD movies available on Flash RAM as the barriers are pushed out now Pretec have a 12 GB CF card. Mind you it cost $USD15,000, so no rush to sell the DVD player just yet.

Via DPReview

logged by Anthony at 7:39:53 PM Link

Wednesday, 26 May 2004 

Something's Gotta Give

Something's Gotta Give is an excellent romantic comedy that left me in stitches. The movie stars Harry Sanborn played by Jack Nicholson and Erica Barry played by Diane Keaton and as an over 50 odd couple. They meet when Zoe Barry, the daughter of Erica, brings Harry to her mum's beach house for a romantic weekend. Unknown to them mum is there with a friend writing her play. At first Erica calls the police to report an intruder but is then more shocked to find that he is dating her daughter. After an initial awkward moment they decide to be adult about the whole weekend and share the house.

Just before a moment of passion with Zoe, Harry has a heart attack is Erica saves him by giving him CPR. The young doctor that treats Harry is a big fan of Erica's play and fall head over heels for Erica. As part of the recovery Harry ends up back at Erica's house with her looking after him, and he falls for her. This web of relationships allows many to discover feelings they didn't think possible and some really funny moments.

This is a great movie and you and your partner must see it.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 10:06:03 PM Link

Tuesday, 25 May 2004 

Next stop Space

Welcome on board today's flight and we hope you enjoy your flight with us today. Please ensure that you wear your seat belt at all times. Next stop SPACE.

Well that could be what you hear in the near future. is carrying a story on the approval of a spaceport in California's Mojave Desert. The article talks about issues they had in getting approval, like endangered tortoises.

Spaceport to Rise in California's Mojave Desert

logged by Anthony Yager at 1:21:13 PM Link

Saturday, 22 May 2004 

Weight loss

Well today I can announce that both my wife and I continue to be successful with our weight loss goals.

I can say without implying who is heaviest or has lost the most that both of us have not only reduced our weight below 100Kg, but we have also lost over 10Kg each. Just think to 20 tubs of margarine strapped to your waist and then you will start to feel how we do.

Might I add that the weight loss just continues to happen. The only issue is the cost as a bit over $100 dollars a week for each of us, the food is expensive, but given that everything is provided it does make it easy. It is just weird opening an individually wrapped piece of bread for toast and opening a container with just one egg in it. But this has opened my eyes to a lot of ways to continue to have taste but still lose weight.

logged by Anthony at 5:45:21 PM Link

Friday, 21 May 2004 

Coyote Ugly

Coyote Ugly is a story about dreams chased and life in the big city. Set in New York, Violet is new in the big city from New Jersey. Now her mother has passed away she wants to chase her dream of song writing into the big apple. She doesn't have the courage to sing her own songs live so she sends out some demo tapes. After she is robbed and has her rundown apartment trashed she is ready to give it all in. But then she hears about Coyote Ugly and applies for work there. Little does she realise that at this bar the drinks are not the only attraction. After nearly losing her job on the first night, she holds her own until dad comes into the bar to see just where she is working. I'm a fan of Jerry Bruckheimer and I love this movie too.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

The music is great and I would recommend the sound track.

Buy the Soundtrack on CD from Chaos Music

Buy the Extended Soundtrack on CD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 6:00:31 PM Link

Tuesday, 18 May 2004 

The Cat in the Hat

The Cat in the Hat is a "real life" recreation of the Dr. Seuss book by the same name. The movie stars Mike Myers as the Cat in the Hat and they have put a lot of work into creating the Dr Seuss elements. For those familiar with the books illustrations will recognise the move in an instant, from the cat to the things to the trees. the movie faithfully follows the story with only a few extra bits, but even with the extra bits the movie is still quite short. As a kids movie this could be quite entertaining, however I felt that the "adult" jokes that Pixar movies have come to be famous for were not as well hidden, so that it was quite obvious to all that there was supposed to be a word and the word had to rhyme was grass. In Pixar movies these gaps have been filled with something else so that innocent children would not realise there could have been a joke. In this movie however it was almost drawn to attention that such a word was going to be used but was not.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from

logged by Anthony at 5:25:59 PM Link

Monday, 17 May 2004 

Smart card to monitor your children

The Australian International School in Singapore has implemented a smart card technology to monitor students more closely. Including SMS/emailing parents when students are absent and controlling what children can buy at the canteen. I thought this joke was quite relevant.


logged by Anthony at 1:12:20 PM Link

Ordering Pizza in 2010

(How we will order pizza in 2010)

Operator: "Thank you for calling Pizza Hut. May I have your..."

Customer: "Hi, I'd like to order."

Operator: "May I have your NIDN first, sir?"

Customer: "My National ID Number, yeah, hold on, eh, it's 6102049998-45-54610."

Operator: "Thank you, Mr. Sheehan. I see you live at 1742 Meadowland Drive, and the phone number's 494-2366. Your office number over at Lincoln Insurance is 745-2302 and your cell number's 266-2566. Which number are you calling from, sir?"

Customer: "Huh? I'm at home. Where d'ya get all this information?"

Operator: "We're wired into the system, sir."

Customer: (Sighs) "Oh, well, I'd like to order a couple of your All-Meat Special pizzas."

Operator: "I don't think that's a good idea, sir."

Customer: "Whaddya mean?"

Operator: "Sir, your medical records indicate that you've got very high blood pressure and extremely high cholesterol. Your National Health Care provider won't allow such an unhealthy choice."


logged by Anthony at 12:32:37 PM Link

Lamborghini becomes cops' anti-getaway car

Italian Police have purchase a Lamborghini to be used in high speed chases. So no more speeding away in your exotic super car. It will also be used for transport human organs in emergencies. Source ABC News

logged by Anthony at 12:28:44 PM Link

Major sites implementing CSS

The Sydney Morning Herald implemented full CSS on Thursday, April 29. and I must say I really like the new design. Using Print style sheets now means no loading pages for printer friendly styles and they have two layouts one for 800x600 and one for larger screens. Once again CSS allows readers to more easily access content. They even use the same style switch that I do from ALA.

Peter Ottery will address a meeting of the Web standard Group on June to discuss it. I'd love to go but I will be in Sydney the day before and will miss it.

I do have one concern though. The site nowhere near validates. I accept some items are there for older browsers, but I don't think having all tags in upper case was necessary. And making your tags up like <HEADLINE> is inexcusable.

logged by Anthony at 10:50:41 AM Link

Saturday, 15 May 2004 

Just Follow International Law

Two Britions release from Guantanamo Bay have written an open letter to US President George W. Bush to say that they were also abused during their detention. They have said that the abuses inflicted on them were similar to the types of abuse that was inflicted in prisoners in Iraq.

So you could conclude that this type of behaviour is not the type of behaviour that is conducted by rogue individuals. It is the type of behaviour that at least had some sort of instruction or training. For Bush to state that these abuses were actions of rogue individuals is unbelievable.

How should soldiers act


logged by Anthony at 5:38:36 PM Link

Views from a past generation

The local paper had an article about interviews with ex-POW's. From only a few people that had been interviewed it appeared that those that had been captured by Germans thought that was is happening in Iraq currently was horrible. People that had been caught by Japanese, agreed that the abuses should not be tolerated in Iraq, but that the abuses were a "beat up" by the media compared to what they endured in World War II.

At least the Iraqi prisoners were being fed and not used as slave labour as they had been in Japan or South-East Asia. Indeed one POW described an event just after the defeat of Japan as an example of what should be the standard.

Some of the Japanese were employed as labours to help load ships and some people would overload the Japanese workers. The ex-POW would order them to stop and would not let that abuse happen, despite being only a private in the Army. He would never allow us to be drawn down to the level that the enemy had used.

logged by Anthony at 4:09:40 PM Link

Friday, 14 May 2004 

Trouble in conflict

Either the world is becoming a terrible place or the information age is simply letting us know what exactly happens in conflicts of nations.

I've never been very happy about Australia's involvement in the "War against Terrorism" I feel the Australian government lost it's mind in November last year.

Now having seen the progress in the war, I still have to ask the question about our involvement.

Now I want to make it clear that I support the efforts of Australian Service men and women serving in Iraq. They place their lives on the line doing the job they have trained for and deserve much respect.

I have my gripe with the Government that sent them their.


logged by Anthony at 9:57:22 PM Link

Thursday, 13 May 2004 

Blade II

Blade II an action thriller about vampires. The movies follows the half vampire blade played by Wesley Snipes. If you haven't seen the first movie like me, then this movie holds you hand to get you up to speed. Blade is half vampire because his mother was bitten while she was pregnant and was born shortly after. He is the same as other vampires except he is not affect by sunlight, which destroy's normal vampires. Vampires are not affected by normal weapons, you need silver weapons to hurt them. Now Blade hates normal vampires and is trying to kill all of them at this point they get into the movie. The overall plot is that there are some 'mutated' vampires that are killing everyone and everything. Blade thinks this is great and hopes they kill all the vampires, but they convince Blade to help kill the mutated vampires and save the human race, because they will have to kill something to eat after all the vampires are gone. Now you can guess that working with the enemy can be a problem and it sure is for Blade. This movie makes great use of special effects, especially in the destruction of a vampire. It is a good movie although a little gory is parts hence the high rating classification.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 8:09:01 PM Link

Wednesday, 12 May 2004 

Comprehending IT

Take One

Two IT guys were walking across the park when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?"

The second IT guy replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want."

The second IT guy nodded approvingly, "Good choice; the clothes probably wouldn't have fitted."

Take Two

An architect, an artist and an IT guy were discussing whether it was better to spend time with the wife or a mistress.


logged by Anthony at 10:01:18 AM Link

Saturday, 8 May 2004 

Older Generation

Reporters interviewing a 104 year-old woman: "And what do you think is the best thing about being 104?" the reporter asked. She simply replied, "No peer pressure."

The nice thing about being senile is you can hide your own Easter eggs.

Just before the funeral services, the undertaker came up to the very elderly widow and asked, "How old was your husband?" "98," she replied. "Two years older than me." "So you're 96," the undertaker commented. She responded, "Hardly worth going home is it?"


logged by Anthony at 12:02:58 AM Link

Friday, 7 May 2004 

Patriot Act

Believe it or not but the Patriot Act was used to gag a legal challenge to the Patriot Act by a civil liberties group. Three weeks ago a legal challenge was mounted but only now could the public be told of the existence of the challenge. How ridiculous with the U.S. go. Patriot Act Suppresses News Of Challenge to Patriot Act

logged by Anthony at 9:22:40 PM Link

Be careful with the top and bottom of CD's

You need to be careful not to damage the top or bottom of a CD. Most people know that DVD's and CD's are read from the bottom, so if you scratch the bottom you can't read it. However the top of a CD protects the aluminium disk that reflect the light, and if damaged, the disk can "rot" much like rust. So protect the top and the bottom of your CDs.

DVD's are made by sandwiching two plastic layers together, which makes them more robust, unless you bend the disk getting it out of a case. If you bend it the glue can come apart making part of the disk unreadable. - CDs, DVDs not so immortal - May 6, 2004

logged by Anthony Yager at 2:14:39 PM Link

Thursday, 6 May 2004 

The Mummy Test

I was out walking with my then 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her mouth. I asked her not to do that.


"Because it's been laying outside and is dirty and probably has germs."

At this point, she looked at me with total admiration and asked, "Wow! How do you know all this stuff?"

"Uh," I was thinking quickly, " ... everyone knows this stuff.

Um, it's on the Mommy test.

You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mommy."


We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information.

"I get it!" she beamed. "Then if you flunk, you have to be the Daddy."

logged by Anthony at 9:04:22 PM Link

Wednesday, 5 May 2004 

Monsters Inc

Monsters Inc is the fourth movie from Pixar studios and continues the trend to extended the possibilities with Digital Animation. In this movie the technical achievement was to have free flowing hair on one of the main characters. apparently it takes about 3 million hairs to cover the character Sully. The animators move and place a 'nude' character and then the computers spend all night and then some to add the hair or shirts to the character. Monsters Inc is an excellent children's story that plays on something from nearly everyone's childhood. The monster in the cupboard. The movie is presented from the monsters point of view, where they catch 'scream's to produce clean energy for their world. Millions of doors a stored and brought to the ready for monsters to jump dimensions and create the 'scare', then jump back and wait while the next door is brought out. However something goes wrong when a child enters the world and threatens to destroy it, resulting is a chaotic journey to return the child and save the company Monsters Inc.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 10:26:45 PM Link

Blog Street

logged by Anthony at 2:06:27 PM Link

Senior Moments

An elderly Florida lady did her shopping, and upon returning to her car, found four males in the act of leaving with her vehicle.

She dropped her shopping bags and drew her handgun, proceeding to scream at the top of her voice, "I have a gun, and I know how to use it! Get out of the car!"

The four men didn't wait for a second invitation. They got out and ran like mad.

The lady, somewhat shaken, then to load her shopping bags into the back of the car and got into the driver's seat. She was so shaken that she could not get her key into the ignition.

She tried and tried and then it dawned on her why.

A few minutes later she found her own car parked four or five spaces farther down.

She loaded her bags into her car and then drove to the police station.

The sergeant to whom she told the story...nearly tore himself in two with laughter. He pointed to the other end of the counter, where four pale men were reporting...a car jacking by a mad, elderly woman described as white, less than five feet tall, glasses, curly white hair, and carrying a large handgun.

No charges were filed.

logged by Anthony at 9:26:16 AM Link

Tuesday, 4 May 2004 

Charlie's Angels: Full throttle

Charlie's Angels: Full throttle is the sequel to the Charlie's Angels movie directed by McG, based on the TV series by the same name. Well if you have seen the first movie and thought that is 'stretched' the imagination then you have to see this. If you can sit back and enjoy the opening scene where the Angels rescue and US Marshal but launching a helicopter off the back of a low loader while falling down the side of a dam, then this movie is for you. It continues the Angels theme of going under cover the find the answers to the riddle they need to solve, in this case to save hundreds of innocent victims. It also build on the first movie by playing the innuendo to the max, having the Angels appear with a leading strip club dance troop, amongst other things. What I loved about this movie is the songs the feature in it. My usual favourite is the high use of rare and exotic cars. The movies villain's drives and Ferrari Enzo, Maserati, GTO and Shelby Cobra. Along with a range of other classic cars. One interesting 'backlot' irony is that the orphanage run by nuns was filmed at the Playboy Mansion.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 5:51:21 PM Link

Monday, 3 May 2004 

Bikes on Buses

The ACT Government is looking to introduce bike racks on buses. After the Brisbane Mayor went to the U.S. and saw it in practice there the Brisbane City Council are now trialing Bike racks on buses. The ACT Government is now also looking to trial it and Pedal Power backs bikes on buses plan

logged by Anthony at 10:35:01 AM Link

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