Anthony's weBLOG

Wednesday, 31 March 2004 

Be careful who you spam

AOL is going to raffle a Porsche Boxster S that is acquired through taking a spamer to court. Hopefully this sort of action will start to mark the decline in spam, but hey who knows why they do it. Spammer's Porsche up for grabs Source BBC News via Boing Boing

logged by Anthony at 1:23:17 PM Link

Protecting yourself against mini-DDoS attacks

I came across this article on ZNet about Mini DDoS attack. I must admit, any person concerned about security would check their system against the Shield up Service, You just need to make sure all your ports are set to stealth.

From my personal viewpoint I can happily say I have up Smoothwall on my firewall. I dropped the idea of install a CD-ROM and instead setup a personal web server on my LAN and had Smoothwall download the install from the web server. It was quicker downloading the install using the web server than it was copying it from the CD-ROM to the HDD for the server. I thoroughly recommend Smoothwall to any one considering setting up a dedicated firewall.

logged by Anthony at 10:04:01 AM Link

Outsources and market prices

I found these two articles on ZNet and together they make an interesting observation of market forces.

Aust IT salaries poised to rise talks about future increase in IT salaries in Australia. However the main thrust appears to be in IT staff wanting an increase in job security, not just looking for the next big pay increase.

While Will India price itself out of offshore markets? talks about increases in salaries for IT people in India. The increase in outsourcing has produced double digit salary increases.


logged by Anthony at 9:53:48 AM Link

Great comments

  1. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't!
  2. I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
  3. I Work Hard Because Millions On Welfare Depend on Me!
  4. Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
  5. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
  6. Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out alive.
  7. You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
  8. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
  9. Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
  10. Quoting one is plagiarism; Quoting many is research. More...

    logged by Anthony at 9:25:22 AM Link

Tuesday, 30 March 2004 

Top Gun

Top Gun is one of my all time favourite movies. I just love the speed and skill factor in flying something like a F-14. Since I recently got a home theatre surround sound system this movie takes on a even better view. For those that don't know this is follows some pilots (two in particular) through the Naval Aviators 'Top Gun' class, a school for the best of the best. This movie even gets a little romance into it. Well worth buying the DVD for full on surround sound.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 11:32:34 AM Link

Monday, 29 March 2004 

Real Life Anime

It looks like a Japanese company has developed an emergency robot, that can rip open cars. Controlled by a human the robot is able to lift steel girders with one hand.

logged by Anthony at 2:11:52 PM Link

Windows-to-Linux roadmap

IBM has put together a 'road map' for converting network administrators from Windows to Linux.

logged by Anthony at 12:15:46 PM Link

Rydges Wentworth

Photo of Sofitel WentworthRydges Wentworth was another hotel that I installed the back office accounting system for, but given that it is now known as Sofitel Wentworth Sydney I guess my accounting software implementation has been thrown out as well. This Hotel is very well appointed as it was a five star hotel and it is located right in the centre of the Sydney CBD. I have noticed that many a Liberal party election night campaign has been staged from this hotel. I can't say much for the hotel now that it has changed hands, but I guess that's how things go.

Click to make a booking

logged by Anthony at 9:23:03 AM Link

Friday, 26 March 2004 

Last Stop Cafe

I came across this Photoblog entry that I through was worthy of note. It would appear there is a Last Stop Cafe next to a grave yard. Satan's Laundromat Last Stop Cafe

logged by Anthony at 11:54:05 AM Link

Removable Media For Our Minds

This article discusses some new technologies that extend our human memory giving us "Removable Media For Our Minds". Examples are

  • SenseCam and werable camera with extensive sensors to take pictures of room you enter, people you see.
  • MyLifeBits which is a storage device to capture all these photos.
  • Nokia's Lifeblog which is a mobile phone version of MyLifeBits.
The interesting part is this final quote
"Computers have reached the point in which continuous, verbatim recording of an individual's life experiences is technologically feasible," Vemuri writes on his Web site. "The challenge now is turning vast repositories of such recordings into a useful resource while respecting the social, legal, and ethical ramifications of ubiquitous recording." Source The Feature

logged by Anthony at 10:35:33 AM Link

'Fab Five' Make Rare Appearance in Night Sky

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn -- will reunite in the night sky according to NASA They have some images to find the planets in the night sky, I guess that for us southern's the compass directions will be reversed.

logged by Anthony at 10:20:19 AM Link

China ban blogs

China have banned the use of Movable Type and blogs Source GLUTTER via The Road to Surfdom

logged by Anthony at 10:14:26 AM Link

Colour sets mark 50th anniversary

A TV milestone: Colour sets mark 50th anniversary

logged by Anthony at 10:04:40 AM Link

Office Space

Office Space is a dry comedy about work. A bit like Falling Down but as a comedy. In this movie a stressed out (from boredom) employee takes hypnotherapy to try and get along with his girlfriend better. However the therapist has a heart attack and he is left with permanently not giving a dam. So he goes to work late and doesn't do his work. Then some consultants come through to gain some efficiencies (sack people). The consultants think he is made for middle management. This is a movie for you if you like watching people attack fax machines and have nightmares about their boss.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 9:28:59 AM Link

Thursday, 25 March 2004 

Space Cowboys

Space Cowboys is a dramatic comedy, if there can be such a category. The movie follows Dr. Frank Corvin, who is played by Clint Eastwood, who also directed the film. Corvin, is one of a team of four experimental Air Force pilots that were pushing the envelope just before NASA was formed. They were then pushed aside from the program and have felt cheated out of going into space. Thirty years later is that the control software for a satellite that Corvin designed is on a critical Russian satellite that is falling out of orbit. Given the small amount of time remaining Corvin convinces NASA to send the old team up to fix it, provided they pass fitness. It is an alright movie that is easy entertainment. Some of the funnies are a newspaper headline describing the team as the 'Ripe stuff'. There are a few twists towards the end and a dramatic finish as one of them makes the ultimate sacrifice. So like I said a dramatic comedy?

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 9:41:54 AM Link

Wednesday, 24 March 2004 

Increased Water Usage

It appears the relaxed water restrictions have allow our water usage to rise in Autum. When water restrictions were first relaxed the water usage jumped to over 250ML and now the daily consumption hovering around that number. So much for only using 150ML a day during summer. Previous story

logged by Anthony at 3:20:58 PM Link

Listed on BlogShares

logged by Anthony at 12:08:11 PM Link

Rydges North Sydney

Photo of Rydges North Sydney I have stayed Rydges North Sydney at a number of times. The first time was with work while I attended a conference in Sydney. Then I stayed at the same hotel with my family on a trip to Sydney. I also stayed there when I installed the accounting system for the hotel. That last time reminds me of a small happening, where to get temporary network access to the training server from a guest suite a few floors up we ran a 50m patch cable out the window and down the side of the hotel to the server room.

Anyway the hotel is great for visiting Sydney north side. The hotel is close in the the north shore, but far enough away that the hotel feel's like it is tucked out of the way. It is very peaceful and has great facilities and I would thoroughly recommend this place for work or play.

Click to make a booking

logged by Anthony at 9:39:47 AM Link

Tuesday, 23 March 2004 

Crimson Tide

Crimson Tide is a drama set upon a US nuclear submarine. In the movie Russian rebels take over a naval base in south east Russia and threaten to launch nuclear missiles against Japan and the US. The mission proceeds as expected until they receive orders to launch the nuclear missiles and they run into an attack sub. During the encounter with the rebel sub, another message is only partly received. At this point the captain, played by Gene Hackman wishes to proceed and launch based on orders to hand while the Ex O, played by Denzel Washington, wants to confirm the incomplete orders to avoid a nuclear holocaust. I think the movie is great, and I love how it plays on the problem setout at the start of the movie. The three most powerful people in the world The president of the United States, the president of the Russian republic and the Captain of a Nuclean submarine.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 9:15:13 AM Link

Monday, 22 March 2004 

Canberra Region Drivers

It is with great sadness that the Queanbeyan drive Mark Webber started from 2nd position on the grid for the Malaysian Grand Prix, but retired with tyre problems that started from other drivers hitting his car and then getting blue flagged on his return to the track.

logged by Anthony at 11:30:21 AM Link

Terminator 3

Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines once again stars Arnold Schwarzenegger again sent back in time and like the second movie to save the world. This movie continues the saga where we meet John Conner as an adult who has managed to stop the day of reckoning, or so he believes. The Governator Terminator lets him know that he has been sent back in time to protect, not just him, but his lieutenants as well. This movie then sets up the scene where we see the decision about starting Sky Net. The movie was a little flat as it appears to be setting up for yet another sequel, although given the Governator is now so busy I don't know if this will happen. This movie was a bit like The Empire Strikes Back or The Two Towers where the characters appear to get into an unrecoverable position and it is left the next instalment for them to get out of it. I hope there is another instalment.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 9:27:53 AM Link

Rydges Parramatta

Photo of Rydges Parramatta Rydges Parramatta is located right next to the Rosehill race course and takes its style ideas from the horse racing industry. This hotel participated in the pilot to upgrade the back office accounting system in readiness for Y2K back in 1999. Having such a close link to the horse racing industry this hotel does have some lavish appointments. High rolling regular guests may have their own bottles of spirits stored in the glass cabinets in one of the many restaurants, conference rooms and bars that are named after great Australian race horses or racing icons. As well as the high rollers bar there is a night club style bar and down stairs there is a club style bar with pool tables. This hotel would be great if you wanted to have a special day at the races.

Click to make a booking

logged by Anthony at 9:17:57 AM Link

Friday, 19 March 2004 

Have you got what it takes to join the Public Service?


Welcome to this year's public service exam. I see that all of you have been able to find yourself a seat and desk so obviously you've got what it takes to be public servants.

Should you pass this exam and become a member of the public service, you will enjoy not only the esteem and envy of all your friends but also a unique package of fringe benefits, including:

  • An early retirement scheme which allows you to retire while still turning up for work
  • flexitime which enables you to decide when you don't want to work at work and when you don't want to work away from work
  • free use of government stationery (this has been facilitated by the introduction of eight-items-or-less lanes as you leave the building)


logged by Anthony at 9:27:09 AM Link

Kate & Leopold

Kate & Leopold is a romantic comedy staring Meg Ryan as a successful career woman in a advertising company. Her ex-husband is a 'mad' scientist that discovers are 'rip' in time that allows him to travel back to the past. The only problem is that he brings back Leopold. Played by Hugh Jackman. Like most romantic movies they fall for each other, but face the problem that they come from different centuries. There are some real funny part like when Leopold walks the dog and is caught by a police office for not collect the dog's poo, it is just lovely how he describes what the police officer is asking him to to. When the police officer ask for his name even that gets to be funny. As for the realism, there are quite a number of problems that just get glossed over. He adapts to modern clothing too easily, but if you suspend that reality it is a fun movie.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 9:11:52 AM Link

Thursday, 18 March 2004 

Rydges Lakeland Resort

Photo of Rydges Lakeland

When I installed the back office accounting system for this hotel is was know as Rydges Queenstown. Now Rydges has taken to using some of the name their hotels were previously know as and so this is now Rydges Lakeland Resort Queenstown. It is very impressive looking hotel that over looks the lake next to Queenstown. It is a short distance for the ski fields and the shops in Queenstown. The view from the restaurant over the lake and mountains is just spectacular to see when having breakfast. The building has that 'alps' heavy wooden beams style to it and most balconies look out over the lake.

Click to make a booking

logged by Anthony at 10:44:13 AM Link


Serendipity is defined within this movie and a fortunate accident. This romantic comedy play on that to show how two people can be truly 'destined' to be with each other. It would appear that these two have trouble staying apart. It a funny and has a love story that make it not to much of either. A great way to spent an evening with your parnter.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 10:44:06 AM Link

Wednesday, 17 March 2004 

Virus Wars

I've been following the developments in the virus wars. Things are looking bad. It appear that the authors of MyDoom, Bagle and Netsky have been trying to outdo each other. By launching variants that kill the others and some that contain messages to each other. From our point of view it just means more virus updates and more spam mail. Source ZNET UK

logged by Anthony at 12:04:20 PM Link

Rydges Lakeside Canberra

Photo of Rydges CanberraRydges Lakeside Canberra is a local hotel that has been around for what seems forever. This is another hotel that I have installed the back office accounting system for and this hotel is one of the classy hotels in Canberra. Located right next to the lake with high views over the lake. One significant feature of the hotel the the Burley Griffin Restaurant. This occupies most of the top floor and has a spectacular lake view.

Click to make a booking

logged by Anthony at 9:45:49 AM Link

There's Something More about Mary

I bought There's Something More about Mary last week and so far I only seen the original cut of the movie, and this is one of those movies that is almost cult like. It is not a must have movie but it is so good you just can't not have it. It so cool how Cameron Diaz has so many men following her character and so of the silly things that happen. This is not slapstick humor, but very good physical humor, like the 'hair gel' scene and the 'beans above the frank' scenes. This is a great comedy.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 9:34:00 AM Link

Tuesday, 16 March 2004 

Rydges Melbourne

Photo of Rydges MelbourneRydges Melbourne is yet another Rydges Hotel that I installed the back office accounting package into. I also happened to be installing this about the time Start Wars Episode I was released. I remember that this hotel was right in the heart of Melbourne a short walk from heaps of shops and a few movie theatres. It also has a restaurant that has those huge vertical bi-fold glass doors a bit like most Service Station Garages. So on good nights even eating in the restaurant is like eating outdoors. The rooms are very well furnished if you look at the extra pictures you can see the Foyer and a room and they are not you plain conservative colours, the rooms have a understated vibrance.

Click to make a booking

logged by Anthony at 9:53:30 AM Link

Head of State

Head of State stars Chris Rock as a politician who wants to change the world, but because he does not play the party line he not going far. When the presidential running mates from his party are killed in a plane crash, he is selected because the scheming party room wants to set him up to fail, so they can landslide it at the next election. However Chris's style wins the electorate and he looks like wining. That is when everything starts to backfire on him. This movie was alright, but it is very in your face humor so you never miss a joke, but then you never feel like you found a 'hidden' one either. very easy watching.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 9:47:54 AM Link

Friday, 12 March 2004 


Listed on BlogShares

logged by Anthony at 1:00:08 PM Link

Sweet Home Alabama

Sweet Home Alabama is a romantic comedy that based on the differences in the deep south of the US. The story starts with an up and coming fashion designer you is proposed to by the son of the mayor of New York. However she has a little secret. She is still married to her high school sweet heart and her parents are a battling working family. She makes her way back to her home town and then struggles to leave as she realises the difference between wealth and relationships.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 9:09:58 AM Link

Thursday, 11 March 2004 

Virtual Bubblewrap

I found this in my referrers log recently Virtual Bubblewrap It has been much improved since the last time I visited in the 1990's and now even has bubbles that looked popped but will pop. It has bubbles that look like they will pop but don't. Much more satisfying.

logged by Anthony at 9:23:51 AM Link

Wednesday, 10 March 2004 

World's Largest Ram Disk

The US government has apparently installed and is happy with a Ram disk installation they recently completed. Specific details are sketchy of course, but The installation in three full height rack cabinets creates a 2.5Tb Ram drive with data rate to 36Gb/sec Source TechWorld via SlashDot

logged by Anthony at 1:14:14 PM Link

Made With Notepad

I am proud to say my web pages carry the Made With Notepad icon. While I actually use Wordpad, it is only used for text documents.

Basically all the CSS and the Java script and all the html layout and content is written using Wordpad or another text editor.


logged by Anthony at 9:24:14 AM Link

Tuesday, 9 March 2004 

Rydges Capital Hill

Photo of Rydges Capital HillRydges Capital Hill is located in a leafy area near Parliament house. I installed the back office accounting system for this hotel as well. I also been to some conferences there and the also the bar for after work drinks on occasions. The hotel is a little like a city retreat, with internal pool and gym. The hotel is ring shaped with a covered atrium in the middle with trees separating the restaurant areas, giving a very relaxed feeling. It has secure under cover parking and is a long walk/short drive to the club/cafe area of Manuka.

Click to make a booking

logged by Anthony at 9:23:06 AM Link

Monday, 8 March 2004 

Thinking shooting game

Check out this 'thinking' shooting game. It is a sort of cross between space invaders and the 'Life' game. Bubble I'd also to hear from anyone who can translate the Belgium instruction into English.

logged by Anthony at 4:02:28 PM Link

Water Restrictions eased

Well you can tell that March 1 was the first day of eased water restrictions. The daily consumption has been under 150ML. Well March 1 and the usage is over 250ML. The funny part is that March 2 was about 175ML. So either all the even numbered people watered on the odd day or all the even numbered people showed restraint. Given the March 3 was about 200 I guess that there must have been some even people that watered on the odd day. Can I just say that even with Stage Two we still have to follow the odds and evens system.

logged by Anthony at 9:42:12 AM Link

Weight loss

Well I'm off to a good start, it has been two weeks since I started walking and having the Lite n Easy food and at first I was a bit worried as I did not lose any weight but my measurements were smaller. Now into this second week I've lost three kilograms and so hopefully this is the start of things to come. Averaging 1.5 Kilo's a week is a nice steady plan, and I should bit fit and healthy in time for Christmas. What a Christmas present that would be. I have to also say that the food has been great. There has been the occasional meal that has not been as tasty as I had planned and especially given my liking for spicy food, I have been able to still have meals that have tested by taste buds.

logged by Anthony at 9:18:48 AM Link

Friday, 5 March 2004 

Create your own South Park Character

This web site lets you create your own South Park Character by using a idenitkit like interface. Use the flash program to create your own South Park Character then copy do a screen dump and copy and paste it into some thing Paint to crop down to just the character.

logged by Anthony at 4:07:55 PM Link

Take care when distributing electronic documents

SCO has been caught out in it plans to sue the Bank of America in its claim to intellectual property in Linux. A word document that had track changes activated was sent out and reveals that the Bank of America was replaced with DaimlerChrysler. Always take care when distributing electronic documents. Source CNet via Slashdot

logged by Anthony at 10:41:00 AM Link

Hollywood Homicide

I saw Hollywood Homicide and I tell you what I loved this movie. It stars tow cops who are also trying to run their own lives. One played by Harrison Ford also runs a real estate business on the side, the other played by Josh Hartnett thinks he want to be an actor. They are chasing down a bight club murder and an old disgruntled cop now in internal affairs launches an investigation into them. There are heaps of laughs and a few twists of the plot. Excellent viewing.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 9:03:38 AM Link

Thursday, 4 March 2004 

Points system for chance of dying while cycling

Graham Freeman has developed a points system for how likely one is to get killed cycling on the roads.

It is very detailed. You should check it out.

logged by Anthony at 4:54:52 PM Link

PM changes stance on refugees in a week

The PM is getting very good at the flip flop act lately, although The road to surfdom has pointed out that he was well practiced doing this back in 2001 when the PM changed his stance on refugees

logged by Anthony at 9:48:19 AM Link

Tuesday, 2 March 2004 

Microsoft in your DVD player

Now I guess you are aware that Microsoft are producing operating systems for everything from Car Stereos to Mobile Phones, but now they are going to be the standard for your next generation DVD player. Microsoft's new DVD format has been selected as the industry standard. Source ZDNET carried by Optusnet

logged by Anthony at 12:22:55 PM Link

Monday, 1 March 2004 

Noisy at the office today

These things are noisy. They land on the oval outside my office and the desk vibrates when they do. But they do look impressive, so I have no complaints.

Noisy Chinooks to fly over city Source

logged by Anthony at 1:51:28 PM Link

End of Stage three water restrictions

Today is the end of stage three and the beginning of stage two water restrictions for the ACT. But just because you can use a sprinkler every second day doesn't mean you should use every second day. I'm setting my water computer to every fourth day until it starts looking a bit green then every sixth day like I had before stage three.

logged by Anthony at 9:28:29 AM Link

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