Anthony's weBLOG

Wednesday, 24 December 2003 

Merry Christmas to all and have a Happy New Year

logged by Anthony at 10:38:06 AM Link

Tuesday, 23 December 2003 

CSS Tags

In CSS it is clear that using Span and Div with class or id tags you could create your own html language for formatting. However the W3C strongly recommend that you don't. The reason being that this would defeat the purpose of the original intention of the web. More...

logged by Anthony at 5:18:07 PM Link

Monday, 22 December 2003 

World as a Blog

See live updates to Blogs as points on a map of the world at this web site. I love finding stuff like this through my referrers list.

logged by Anthony at 12:17:21 PM Link

Detention without charge

I guess everyone know's that the US has been holding people in Guantanamo Bay without charge for over two years now. I agree that the government should be able to prevent attacks on its country. I also accept that at times this may require the holding of peoples without charge to to allow investigations to be completed while protecting the country. More...

logged by Anthony at 8:39:45 AM Link

Thursday, 18 December 2003 

The Twelve Days of Research

(To be sung to the tune of "The Twelve days of Christmas")

On the first day of research,
My Prof he said to me,
Make us a cup of tea

On the second day of research,
My Prof he said to me,
Who the hell are you?
Make us a cup of tea More...

logged by Anthony at 5:10:34 PM Link

Wednesday, 17 December 2003 

Water Restrictions Eased Further

The ACT Government has rewarded the excellent water saving efforts of the ACT People by allow limited use of fixed sprinklers leading up to summer. Stage Three restrictions have a target daily usage of 167ML, as the last few days have been under 140ML and the recent rain has increased the levels in our dams we will be able to use sprinklers on Sundays in December and January.

logged by Anthony at 2:08:18 PM Link

Tuesday, 16 December 2003 

Highway Cricket

Highway Cricket is great fun for young and old. It also keeps the kids occupied and helps the little ones with their math. we've played Highway cricket with our children and grandchildren and found it a very relaxing way of travelling. More...

logged by Anthony at 4:37:11 PM Link

Monday, 15 December 2003 

Should Sadam get the death penalty

Well now that Saddam has been caught by the US the question now arises, should Saddam get the death penalty?

US Senator Lieberman has made his views clear
Senator Lieberman said Saddam should only stand trial in a tribunal with the power to impose the death penalty Source ABC News
As for the UK Foreign Office they have made it clear they do not want the death penalty. The Australian Government is a little more undecided. The Foreign Minister Mr Downer said he could not support the death penalty for Saddam. But the Prime Minister supports the Death Penalty
Asked if he would support the death penalty, Mr Howard told the Nine Network: "If it were imposed, absolutely." He said he would prefer to see Saddam tried in Iraq than in an international tribunal. Source The Age
As for me, as I have said many times in the past, I see no reason why we should stoop as low as these tyrants and kill people because we feel we are better than they are. After all, Saddam's murders made in the name of law, an unjust law no doubt but are we any different to impose such a penalty.

logged by Anthony at 9:54:56 AM Link

Friday, 12 December 2003 

Rydges SouthBank

Photo of Rydges South BankRydges South Bank was the first Rydges Hotel that I was involved in setting up the accounting system with from the start. I also remember this was my first away job with work. At first it was a little daunting at I was to fly up a week ahead of my boss at the time and we would then spent the second week finishing off the implementation together. The hotel was still so early on in construction that everyone still had to wear hard hats. I have since been to the hotel for follow up visits. The hotel is well appointed and located within easy walking distance of Brisbane's South Bank area. It is next to the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre and has a lovely outlook over the river. It was built by Chinese owners who had a Feng Shui consultant fly out from to ensure the design and landscape were suitable.

Click to make a booking

logged by Anthony at 9:11:49 AM Link

Thursday, 11 December 2003 


Cascading Style Sheets if the single greatest thing to happen to web design. When the web was initialled developed, they were happy just to get the information out. Having tags to represent headings was enough.

Then along came Mosaic and provided graphics, then designers were given tables and the web changed forever. Not for the best I might say as this increased the size of web pages to download, graphics meant the information could to be used by other applications, such as search engines etc. Tables then required the whole page to be downloaded prior to display.

With CSS all this information can be presented using a style sheet and the html just has to be the text. For those that write web documents using a CSS also means that you can have a consistent style across the pages and updating the style is a simple rewrite of the CSS file.

Using CSS also increase the content to markup ratio of you page so search engines rank it higher because it has more content.

The only thing to watch is the later standards are taking a while for Microsoft to adopt so Internet Explorer doesn't always display it, you may have to dumb it down for IE. CSS2 is about a far as you can go to be safe.

For more info check out the World Wide Web Consortium CSS page

logged by Anthony at 11:36:34 AM Link

Wednesday, 10 December 2003 

Striking Distance

Striking Distance is an action movie staring Bruce Willis as a river cop who was kicked out of the Police force because he thought a cop killed his father. It is a reasonable movie, a little predictable and has the classic "whodunit", "I'm framed" elements, with just a little twist at the end. Good Viewing.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 11:19:21 AM Link

Tuesday, 9 December 2003 

Bogong Moth swarm

It looks like a case of man fighting with nature and nature winning. Parliament House has very bright lights to light up the building, these lights attract Bogong Moths, and have done so for many years. Each year Parliament House tries something different to make them go away. A previously tried idea that worked by was not seen as the best idea, has again been suggested. Turn off the lights said Dr Josephine Flood Source ABC.

logged by Anthony at 9:19:14 AM Link

Monday, 8 December 2003 

Water still too mudy

Looks like our water is still too dirty to use. I read in the Canberra Times late last week that the recent rainfall has again muddied up the Cotter, Bendora Dams and that we have to rely only on Googong Dam for our water. You just have to look at these charts and where Bendora goes up we can't use the water.

logged by Anthony at 1:06:39 PM Link

Thursday, 4 December 2003 

See No Evil, Hear No Evil

See No Evil, Hear No Evil is an excellent comedy about two disabled men. Richard Pryor plays a blind man, and Gene Wilder plays a deaf man. Both of these men try to pretend that they don't have any disabilities and when a murder occurs at the shop they run they are left with being convicted for the murder. Showing ingenuity they outwit the police and escape jail, and find the real murders. The catch line says it all "The blind man didn't see, the deaf man didn't hear it, but they know whodunit."

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from

logged by Anthony at 10:16:28 AM Link

Tuesday, 2 December 2003 

Rydges Perth

Being in Perth reminded me of a time when I used to install the ACCPAC accounting package for clients with the local accounting firm Longley Stapleton. Longley Stapleton won a contract to implement the ACCPAC software for all the Rydges Hotels Resorts as part of their Year 2000 upgrade. Well I stayed at Rydges Perth as part of the implementation project. But I can't really comment on the service and facilities as being the first guest at the hotel there was not much to use.

Photo of Rydges Perth The hotel was an office building that was refitted to be a hotel right in the Perth CBD. When I was there the rooms had been finished and were being fitted out with clock radios, kettle's etc. You should see how big a mess a few hundred kettle boxes make in one pile. The foyer, restaurants and other areas were still being completed. So I stayed as the only and I believe the first guest. The only problem was that the hot water took about 5 minutes to come through. Cleaning was great, apparently housekeeping practiced on my room about five times a day.

As for now I believe that the hotel is doing great, It is right in the centre of Perth and would be great for business travel. It has a bar that opens on to the street.

Click to make a booking

logged by Anthony at 12:55:04 PM Link

Monday, 1 December 2003 

The Fifth Element

I love this movie. I love the rich colours, and I have heard this was bundled as a DVD to help show of the quality of the DVD format, because the colours are so rich. I love the story line, that aliens help control the universe with us, not against us or that we try to defeat them. I love the humor, the deaf pop star, the number of Korben Dallas's that try to check in on the flight. I also love the editing, how near the end the question asked by someone is then answered by someone else in a different space craft.

More information at IMDb
Buy the DVD from Chaos Music

logged by Anthony at 10:55:09 AM Link

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