Anthony's weBLOG

Tuesday, 29 June 2004 

Clean Graffiti

Moose has come up with a new way to graffiti. You clean the image you want, not paint it.

Moose, public-spirited graffiti artist, cleans up

He has devised a brand of street art which not only livens up city streets, but removes grime in the process. His method is to take any dirty inner-city wall or pavement, place a template over it and scrub the concrete clean, revealing an image as sharp as any spray paint which fades with time.

logged by Anthony at 7:55:05 PM Link

Tuesday, 1 June 2004 

Guaranteed traditional specialty pizza

Italy it trying to stop the desecration of its popular national food the Pizza.

It an attempt to reign in the varieties produces for mass markets and return to the traditional varieties it has developed guidelines to pizza production.

To obtain "guaranteed traditional specialty" status the pizza must conform with the following

  • be round
  • no more than 35 centimetres (14 inches) in diameter
  • no thicker than 0.3 centimetres (0.1 inches) in the middle
  • with a crust of about 2 centimetres (0.8 inches)
  • the texture must be soft, elastic, easily foldable,
  • the dough must be rolled out manually
  • baked in wood-burning ovens that can reach the required temperature of 485 Celsius (905 Fahrenheit)

The norms also specify what kind of ingredients must be used.

They recognize only three types of real Neapolitan pizza:

  • Marinara, with garlic and oregano;
  • Margherita, with basil and mozzarella cheese from the southern Apennines;
  • extra-Margherita, with fresh tomatoes, basil and buffalo mozzarella from Campania, the region that includes pizza's hometown, Naples.

Source CNN

logged by Anthony at 11:08:49 PM Link

Monday, 17 May 2004 

Lamborghini becomes cops' anti-getaway car

Italian Police have purchase a Lamborghini to be used in high speed chases. So no more speeding away in your exotic super car. It will also be used for transport human organs in emergencies. Source ABC News

logged by Anthony at 12:28:44 PM Link

Saturday, 15 May 2004 

Just Follow International Law

Two Britions release from Guantanamo Bay have written an open letter to US President George W. Bush to say that they were also abused during their detention. They have said that the abuses inflicted on them were similar to the types of abuse that was inflicted in prisoners in Iraq.

So you could conclude that this type of behaviour is not the type of behaviour that is conducted by rogue individuals. It is the type of behaviour that at least had some sort of instruction or training. For Bush to state that these abuses were actions of rogue individuals is unbelievable.

How should soldiers act


logged by Anthony at 5:38:36 PM Link

Views from a past generation

The local paper had an article about interviews with ex-POW's. From only a few people that had been interviewed it appeared that those that had been captured by Germans thought that was is happening in Iraq currently was horrible. People that had been caught by Japanese, agreed that the abuses should not be tolerated in Iraq, but that the abuses were a "beat up" by the media compared to what they endured in World War II.

At least the Iraqi prisoners were being fed and not used as slave labour as they had been in Japan or South-East Asia. Indeed one POW described an event just after the defeat of Japan as an example of what should be the standard.

Some of the Japanese were employed as labours to help load ships and some people would overload the Japanese workers. The ex-POW would order them to stop and would not let that abuse happen, despite being only a private in the Army. He would never allow us to be drawn down to the level that the enemy had used.

logged by Anthony at 4:09:40 PM Link

Friday, 14 May 2004 

Trouble in conflict

Either the world is becoming a terrible place or the information age is simply letting us know what exactly happens in conflicts of nations.

I've never been very happy about Australia's involvement in the "War against Terrorism" I feel the Australian government lost it's mind in November last year.

Now having seen the progress in the war, I still have to ask the question about our involvement.

Now I want to make it clear that I support the efforts of Australian Service men and women serving in Iraq. They place their lives on the line doing the job they have trained for and deserve much respect.

I have my gripe with the Government that sent them their.


logged by Anthony at 9:57:22 PM Link

Friday, 7 May 2004 

Patriot Act

Believe it or not but the Patriot Act was used to gag a legal challenge to the Patriot Act by a civil liberties group. Three weeks ago a legal challenge was mounted but only now could the public be told of the existence of the challenge. How ridiculous with the U.S. go. Patriot Act Suppresses News Of Challenge to Patriot Act

logged by Anthony at 9:22:40 PM Link

Wednesday, 31 March 2004 

Outsources and market prices

I found these two articles on ZNet and together they make an interesting observation of market forces.

Aust IT salaries poised to rise talks about future increase in IT salaries in Australia. However the main thrust appears to be in IT staff wanting an increase in job security, not just looking for the next big pay increase.

While Will India price itself out of offshore markets? talks about increases in salaries for IT people in India. The increase in outsourcing has produced double digit salary increases.


logged by Anthony at 9:53:48 AM Link

Friday, 26 March 2004 

'Fab Five' Make Rare Appearance in Night Sky

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn -- will reunite in the night sky according to NASA They have some images to find the planets in the night sky, I guess that for us southern's the compass directions will be reversed.

logged by Anthony at 10:20:19 AM Link

Friday, 24 October 2003 

The Science of Magic

So you would like to do magic just like Harry Potter. Well you'll need to do some study and the Frostburg State University in the US has an Honours Program on The Science of Harry Potter.

Things like can anti-gravity research give us a flying broom.

logged by Anthony at 9:53:21 AM Link

Wednesday, 24 September 2003 

First Conviction for Digital Millennium Copyright Act

The first conviction for breaching the controversial Digital Millennium Copyright Act has been found in Los Angeles. A 38 year old man has been found guilty of selling hardware to access free satellite TV.

Source CNET News

logged by Anthony at 12:48:10 PM Link

Wednesday, 10 September 2003 

Problems with the English Language

Do you have trouble know how to write or express your thoughts. Well imagine having to learn English again! This article highlights some of the problems you may never have noticed. More...

logged by Anthony at 4:56:42 PM Link

Wednesday, 13 August 2003 

Beware Amrozi's death sentence

More reasons against the death penalty! More...

logged by Anthony at 2:01:22 PM Link

Tuesday, 12 August 2003 

You know you're in an Australian Summer When...

Some tips for all the people in the UK where record temperatures of 35C are being recorded. Nothing like the 39C we had last summer here and get regularly.

  • The best parking place is determined by shade instead of distance.
  • Hot water now comes out of both taps.
  • You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron.
  • The temperature drops below 35C and you feel a little chilly.
  • You discover that in February it only takes 2 fingers to steer your car.
  • You discover that you can get sunburned through your car window.
  • You develop a fear of metal car door handles.
  • You break a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m.
  • Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, "What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?"
  • You realise that asphalt has a liquid state.
  • Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to keep them from laying hard-boiled eggs.
  • The cows are giving evaporated milk.
  • The trees are whistling for the dogs.

logged by Anthony at 1:57:15 PM Link

Monday, 4 August 2003 

Mt Fuji Errupts!

My brother sent this to me from a Japanese web cam.
Photo of a cloud formation over MT Fuji

logged by Anthony at 1:47:13 PM Link

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