Anthony's weBLOG

Monday, 19 January 2004 

Queensland to prevent land clearing

Deputy Prime Minister John Anderson, who I normally have a lot of time for, is playing the political spin doctor games with Queensland state premier Peter Beattie. The Federal Government is delaying in implementing a halt to broad land clearing and Queensland is going it alone. Having left egg on the face of the Federal Government, the Deputy Prime Minister has to play spin doctor games. Australia has a greenhouse gas problem, like almost every other developed nation in the world. The Australian Federal Government for some strange reason will not support the Kyoto protocol. One of the contributing factors to greenhouse gas emissions is land clearing, Queensland being the state with the highest rate of clearing in Australia. The State Premier having been delayed by the Federal Government so is now going to go it alone. Queensland will legislate to prevent land clearing and pay compensation to farmers in a package values to $150 Million if the Beattie government is re-elected.

Now for the spin doctoring. When asked if the Federal Government is coping out John Anderson says they are not. To quote him;

I would be delighted, I would rub my hands together if this was fair and responsible and the $150 million represented a fair recompense for what is going to be lost, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that. Source ABC News
Now can you explain to me how the Federal Government putting up half of the total would change things. I take it both proposals are capped at $150 Million. John Anderson want to see a fair recompense. So if the total price is fixed then the quantity or the unit price must change. Does John Anderson want to only pay for some types of land, so what about the other farmers then. If they pay for the same amount of land then the price must be less.

The Federal Government will save it's money but will lose control of the process. I guess they must be upset that this will set a precedent for the other states to argue for more compensation when the Federal government does get around to it. But John Anderson won't say that.

logged by Anthony at 8:56:19 AM Link

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