Anthony's weBLOG

Tuesday, 3 February 2004 

Rude Drivers

I hate rude drivers. Today coming into work I saw a case of a selfish rude driver, and just to show why in the end he got no further through traffic than I did.

Approaching the end of the highway to work, he cuts into the space I had left between me and the car in front. There wasn't space for him to fit, but he just changed lanes and when he did get into my lane he then flashes his indicator, just a little bit late.

Then as we enter onto the next highway there is a fire truck with lights and sirens blazing, so everyone moves into the left lane. Now because traffic was merging some people had moved across to the emergency lane and others had to accelerate and then move across into the first gap. All of us did this well except the rude driver in front of me. He thought great a free lane and speeds off in front of the fire truck. He then turned left at the next exit, passing many cars and many gaps he could have pulled into.

At this stage I'm thinking great he is gone, there is just our sensible drivers left. But then ahead of me at the traffic lights I notice that the fire truck is about the run a red light, but do you think the cars are going to give way to it. No, they speed up and try to beat the fire truck. Then just as the truck slows to let them through, the lights go green meaning not only did they try to beat the fire truck but they also ran a red light.

Finally I'm getting close to work and notice that the car in front of me is the same rude car that cut in at the start., he must have taken the wrong turn and gone the long way around so gained nothing. How selfish.

logged by Anthony at 9:44:02 AM Link

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