Amanda hard at work on her websites.
[ Amanda Lauren ]

About Mandy...

What Can I say really?
by Amanda Lauren

Did you know...?

I'm a 36 year old single mother and my birthday is December 22.  I am a Cuspid, meaning I am both Sagittarius and Capricorn since the 21st and 22nd is the changeover point for those of you who follow that stuff.  I have a daughter who will turn 12 on December 16.  I have only been married once and have been divorced since October 31, 1993.  I have been single most of the time since then.  For those who haven't figured it out yet in game, I am bisexual and have been since the early 80's and college days.  I hope that wasn't too shocking!   hehe

Now, about my flaws lol, those are many.  Well, first I will admit I can be quite bitchy at times and that's when I am NOT pms'n hehe.  I am more serious than some can handle.   I am an organized person; I can't stand disarray.  I am spontaneous but not often as I should be.  I suffer from chronic depression and I go through some pretty major mood swings.   I have a knack at telling bad jokes at the wrong time.  I often "rub" people the wrong way because of all of this.  <sniff sniff>    More on a lighter note, the last thing I will mention is I am flirtatious to a fault when the "mood" hits me.

Is there anything good about me?  Well, that's up to you to decide, not me.

Some of the things I enjoy besides everything having to do with my daughter and my pup Buddy are:   "adult" activities of course hehe but also dancing, hiking, camping, going to the show, long walks, long drives at night, daydreaming, role-playing games, online games like DAoC types, surfing the web, and chatting online, and reading the occasional book.  There are more things I like but these are enough to mention.

A hobby I really enjoy is making my own websites.  I am self taught at HTML 4.1 and a little JavaScript.  I love to learn, always liked school (but also liked getting away).   Anyhow, I like to learn how things are done and "why" it works as it does; so I learn a lot by the work others do and I dissect and rework it until I can make it do things "my way".  And thus...we have a website!  =)

I am a newbie webmaster, so what you see is the best I can do at any particular moment I suppose.

For those who are new to the guild or just didn't know, my alts in the guild are as follows:

  • Elik Kione 50 Warrior -- Founding Guild Leader
  • Geli BeansAndGumdrops 45 Healer
  • KneeHighh PocketSize 31 Skald
  • Minaa MakesYummYumm 30 Runemaster
  • NightProwler LeatherAndLace 30 Shadowblade
  • TearSong SingsBallads 30 Hunter

Anyhow I bored you enough with this crap about me.  I hope you like the website and our guild.  I try to do my best to please others when I can, and I will go out of my way for those I care about.  Enjoy!

~~  Amanda Lauren
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