In-between Here and There
by Amanda Lauren

Like Father, like son...  As in game, so as well with the website!

What I mean is, when I got bored in game with a particular alt, I moved on to something else. & nbsp;It has happened here now too.  I got bored doing the Game Notes section (patch notes) so I moved onto doing the Housing page; I grew tired of doing that so I took a week off from working on site, now I am back doing something else completely different.

To put it another way, I am still not finished with the Game Notes, nor the Housing page; but I will get back to them.

Currently I am adding to the Guild section.  I am adding a page for Member's Yearbook and Policy and Rules.

The Member's Yearbook will be kind of like your old high school yearbook class photos.   It will only show a "mugshot" image of each guild member who submits one to me.  These will be the same images I will be using for the Hall of Fame/Shame, and Special Mentions pages.

The Policy and Rules page is just that, an understanding of our rules of conduct within the guild.  I am going to be needing our GM's to get with me on this, for I don't want to just sit here and spew a bunch of crap out and "Lord it over you", though I do love to do that!   =)

What else?  Ummm, I guess that is it, except to say that for every webpage I add to this site brings with it a new fantasy art picture.  Each page gets its own picture.  I hope you like them.  I am running out of pictures, so if you have any fantasy art images in your collection that you like, please submit them to me; I could really use some new ones.

I am still waiting for all of you to send me these "mugshots" of you, and also any screenshots, articles, fun stuff, referrals for our Hall of Fame/Shame page, and so on.

Game Notes
by Amanda Lauren

OMG!!!  I am already hating this!  I knew I would too, just forgot how much so.

What I mean to say is that I am now working on adding all the documentation that had anything whatsoever to do with a change made to the game, i.e game patches, grab bags, and more.  Of 600+ website posts I collected, I will be using 533 of them.  Of the 533 total, I have 13 completed lol <cries HARD>

What's the big deal you ask?  Well, besides having to spend a few hours just collecting them into "no-name" files, then naming each of those files for another hour or two so I know what the hell they are, and then separating them by date, month, and year; I still have to create the webpages for each one!  And if that wasn't a pain in and of itself, I also have to "format" the pages for easy reading.  I will only format with paragraph and line breaks only, no highlighting, spell checking etc; otherwise I will never finish this.

The section I am currently working on is the DAoC/Library/Game Notes area.  You can go there now and look at what I am referring too, I am uploading this as I do it.  Currently I am only finished with November 2001.  Of course that means I have to go all the way to July 2003 presently.  Each month has approximately 30 posts or so, not necessarily one per day.

Although I am only done with November 2001, even though December 2001 is crossed out go ahead and look there too.  You will see that after the first few posts, the rest remain "garbled" and that's what i am dealing with 533x in a row.  <Whew!>  I hate being me right now!  lol

Anyhow, I am going to call it quits for tonight.  It's 02:37am right now.  Good Night.

Realm Status
by Amanda Lauren

I added another section under the "DAoC" header called "Realm Status".

I originally started this with intention of having different links for each of the "Top 25" listings such as "I'm Still Standing...", "Champions of the Realm" etc etc, but the way the original website page is made, I cannot do this since their internal links do not work properly.

So you will actually have to scroll their page to see those different listings.  In a day or two I will also add the "Top 25" for each of the different classes and crafts, i.e Berserkers, Thanes, Armor Crafters, Alchemists etc etc.

Suggested Downloads
by Amanda Lauren

I added two more items to the "Suggested Downloads" section:

  • DAOx
  • MSN Messenger

The DAOx program allows users who play the Dark Age of Camelot classic game, to do so in windowed mode like our Shrouded Isles counterparts.

The MSN Messenger is an instant messenger for use, but I suggest this mainly because it has a couple handy features, and it is also what I am logged onto all the time as I am working on our website.   So I would love to have some company.  You can play the game in windowed mode, I'll work on the website, and we can both chat the day away.

Added Alline, Tashoo, and Wilamorm to the "Contact Us" list.  If you get pissed at me or want to talk about me behind my back, you may click their name and send them a personal email.   Basically, they were added because they are our Guild Leaders now, but also because in time I won't be reachable in an "all the time" manner.

Library Under Construction
by Amanda Lauren

We now have a Library added to our website.  This library is in its basic form at the moment.   What I mean is, for the different listings you will now have access to, I provided links to the "original" material.  In time, I will fix them up all nice and pretty to match our "look and feel".  Until then you have these as they are.  Here is what was added:

  • Darkness Falls Vendor Listing
  • Melee Styles
  • Patch Notes
  • Realm Abilities
  • Realm Rank Titles
  • Spell Books
  • Team Leader Reports

Again, these are basically just links to the original material for now.  I need more time to actually incorporate them into our website as a permanent fixture.

I hope you will find this information useful and within easy reach now from our website.

HEY Wilamorm ?  Can I go to sleep NOW ?  lol  Just teasing ya !

Past Postings
by Amanda Lauren

Since our website has been reborn, I moved all the prior postings to the Archives.  This is mainly because several of them made reference to things that were changed in the former website and also because they were mixed with guild info and website info.  I would like to try and keep the two areas separate now.

Guild News will be for guild info and postings.  Website News will obviously be for website info only, such as changes made and etc.

So any previous postings made prior to July 4th weekend will be moved to the Archives now.

Darkness Falls Vendor List
by Amanda Lauren

For the time being I put up a temporary link to an exhaustive listing of everything the Darkness Falls vendors sell.   It includes name of vendors, type of seals, class limitations, stats, armor type etc etc.   This is a temporary link and will be worked into the website somewhere else when I get time to deal with it.  As you will see, it's quite lengthy; and thus the reason I have procrastinated on doing so thus far.  Here it is:

Darkness Falls Vendor List

Our New Look!
by Amanda Lauren

Wow!  We have a new look now lol.  I hope you like it because it took a while to do.

Currently, I only have the content that was in the former website.  It seems I don't get very far in a website before I get tired of it and totally redo it; but I like that too.  It keeps it fresh and it's a nice change from time to time.

The former website we had was really making me sick.  The more I looked at it the more nauseous I got.  I started that website before I actually created the guild, so that should explain why the colors didn't match.  The bluish tint the website had was making me sick and I hated it every time I had to go there.  One reason it affected me more than you perhaps, is that I spent more time there than you did.

Let me say this now before someone beats me to it:  The graphics for the frame you see around these posts were "borrowed" from another site, so was the background image.  The website I found these at still exists, but it is no longer updated since the game they were creating was cancelled at least until the year 2006.  Even their forums have been shut down.   I hope you are not too disappointed in me for doing this.

If any of you are good at designing website graphics that would be great and I can become an honest woman again.

Anyhow, I am still trying to fix this up, so please allow me some more time to get it situated.   After that I will concentrate on adding more content.

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