Our Latest Changes
by Amanda Lauren

Okay, on to the redundancy that this webpage is...

Added the Game Notes section (patch notes).
This will take me a while to complete.  I have five months finished out of twenty one.   I expect this to take me another month or so to finish up.

Added the Housing page.
This is also incomplete, though I am basically half way done with it.  I need some more time to "brainstorm" some more ideas about what I wish to include.  Estimated completion time is three weeks at the very most.

Put up a place-holder page for the Policy and Rules under the Guild section.
I have not started the content for it yet, I am waiting on our GM's to get with me on this.   You have my blessing to "nag" them for me on this issue.  hehe

Put up a place-holder page for the Member's Yearbook under the Guild section.
I have not started the content for this yet either.  I will have initial content within a day or two.

Added the Realm Status section.
This is partially completed.

Re-did the Guild section.
I changed the layout of it.

Essentially you can see that I am beginning to spread myself a little thin with all these things being added.  As long as you don't mind, I guess I'm okay for now; but I will try and finish these before I start on something else.  No promises though, it's not my nature to stay "static".  I don't have the patience.  I suppose if I did have the patience, such as playing ONE alt every single day til he makes level 50, then I would have had six level 50's by now instead of the thirty some alts.  hehe.  I get bored too easily is what I am saying.

Do You Really Have To Ask???
by Amanda Lauren

EVERYTHING here is new !!!.  Enjoy!  <smiles>

~~  Mandy
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