by Amanda Lauren

I did a little cosmetic work on the website.  Nothing noticeable unless you visit here often.   We are now back with our former alliance NightWish.  They have removed the dead guilds.  For those who do not know, everyone has alliance and invite abilities.   To speak in alliance chat use the /as shortcut.  To invite someone into the guild type /gc invite playernamehere.

As far as guild housing goes, I am trying and hoping for the best.  We still need to raise an additional twelve platinum pieces.  If we don't raise it in time by next Tuesday morning (July 1), it will throw our plans out of whack.  So please save up.  After this initial upfront cost, it won't be so bad afterwards.

Website Has Been Updated.
by Amanda Lauren

Now that I have added the "What's New" section, I would like to suggest that you look there from now on to see whether or not anything was updated in the website.  It would not be accurate to go by my "posting dates" alone, only because I am not always in a chatty mood.   =)

The "What's New" section is located below the screenshots on your right side.

What's New ?
by Amanda Lauren

For those of you who recently joined the guild, Welcome Home!

Let's see here hmmm.

I removed us from the alliance we had with NightWish.  Why did I do this you ask?   Well, for one thing I didn't think it was very good to begin with.  Out of the seven guilds who were allied with us, four of them are completely inactive and I had asked NightWish a few times to remove them from the alliance.  The reason for my asking that is that there are guilds out there (bigger guilds) who look at the Herald website and research other guilds BEFORE joining into an alliance or BEFORE asking us to join them in their bigger alliance.  The issue I had was that when you look at the Herald website for our guild and see the list of the guilds we were allied with you could see right away that our alliance was small potatoes and basically inactive and non-existent.

I was also tired of being spammed with cheesy alliance messages!  Dreamwind will be working on getting us into a bigger alliance, but for now I won't say with whom just to avoid mucking things up.  If we are unable to get into that particular alliance, we will form our own from scratch again and this time WE will be the alliance leader so we can control which guilds participate.

Should anyone from NightWish or any other guild confront you about why we left the alliance you may tell them we are in the process of joining a much larger one.

For those of you who haven't heard yet, I will be out of game for a while.  I did NOT quit the guild or the game itself !  I am in a financial bind at the moment and I need to eliminate a few expenses even further.  So I will be canceling my DSL service and gaming account.  It is my hope that I return soon enough and if I am lucky, I will also be coming back with a better video card so that I can FINALLY play the Shrouded Isles expansion.

During my absence from the game (after about two or three weeks) Mythic automatically assigns a new guild leader to replace the absent leader.  It should go to the next highest in rank.  Just so you know, anyone who's account expires from game, is removed from the active database that Mythic uses for it's Herald website.  My point is, don't be alarmed if you no longer see my six alts listed in the guild roster.  When I renew my account after I come back everything will be as it was before.

While I am out of game and trying to situate things at home, I will be spending my time expanding this website offline.  Since I will not have online connection for a while, I will try and upload my website files from the local library's computers.  I don't know if they allow uploads from their public systems or not, I know they don't allow downloads for such things as chat rooms or instant messengers.  If I cannot upload my website files, I will try and use someone else's system to do so.

Regardless of any of that, I will be using the library's computers to stay in touch via email and our guild message board.  No promises, but I will try and get there at least twice a week.   So I hope to see more of you using the boards we have for our guild.

Welp, I think that's it for this posting, I am tired.  Again, I invite you all to check this website more often now for updates and also our message board since those are the two places I will be hanging out at.  I am not sure when my last day will be, it's up to MSN when they will disconnect me for certain, but I will be making the < /slit > phone call tomorrow to let them know I need a service interruption.  Good night and be well.  Talk to you soon.

Just a Note
by Amanda Lauren

Okay.  A few of the changes I made in guild lately were the rank titles and giving all ranks the ability to do invites and use alliance chat.  To invite someone into the guild type /gc invite playername.  To speak in alliance chat type /as messagehere.   Make sure you have alliance chat turned on, otherwise you won't see those messages.

I also changed the message board permissions.  Everyone will have access to the guild forums and alliance forums.  There is no need to use passwords for those anymore.  The only password needed is to access the officer forum.

FYI:  Currently the only button links that work on this website are those that blur out when you mouse over them; the other ones lead nowhere for the time being.

For those of you who use MSN Messenger, feel free to add me to your friends list.  My MSN name is guild_magistrate  I log onto MSN whenever I am not in game.

That's about it other than to say I may be in game just a little bit less these next couple of days during the daytime hours.  I am going to attempt some more work here on the website.   Bye for now.

A Simple Thing Really...
by Amanda Lauren

Long before I ever started this guild, I had envisioned what it might have been like.  As I would ponder all sort of things about it I started making a rough sketch in my head of what it's website would be like, what it would include, and I also imagined an active if not busy message board.

The only activity on the message boards so far is what I put in there in hopes of getting you all to post and reply.  So far, nada.  Guild response has been poor.  < sniff>

It's a simple thing to do really and I explained the "how - to's" as simply as I could.  Here are the steps again in brief description.  If you need further info, please read the post dated Friday April 18, 2003.

  • The message board you are going to be using is hosted by EzBoards.  This means you will have to sign up with them first (create an account) before you can access any EzBoard message board.
  • Part of the process for signing up with EzBoard includes a confirmation email that they will send you.  So after you sign up, go and check your email for a reply from them.  Use the link in the email provided to activate your new EzBoard account.
  • Now that you have signed up with EzBoard you can get ready to sign up to use our guild message board.  First I recommend that you use only one browser window.  EzBoard seems to behave oddly if you have more that one browser window open with anything of theirs inside it, even your email client with their email in it.  So make sure only one browser is used to access EzBoard.   I think this has to do with "cookie" files so be sure you have "cookies" enabled.
  • Second, go ahead and log-in to your new EzBoard account using your password and sign in name.
  • Now go to our website.  Go to the top and click the "The Guild" button.  It will then take you back to the EzBoards website and to our guild message board.
  • At this point, you will not be able to access our boards yet.  You still need to apply to become a member of the Civil Unrest message boards.
  • Upon getting there you should receive a message saying the Civil Unrest message boards are private and that you need to apply for permission in order to access them.  So go ahead and apply.   Click the apply link provided.
  • After making request to gain access to our message boards, look in your email for an approval from me.  I check the message boards several times a day, so your wait for approval shouldn't be too long of a wait.
  • After you receive the confirmation click the link in the email to validate / take you to our message board.  You are now an accepted member of the Civil Unrest community.   Woohoo!!! hehe.  Congratulations !

It seems like a lot of hassle to go through all this just to use a message board; but I am not asking you to do something you haven't already done before elsewhere.

The majority of you will be using the "All" and the "Alliance" boards.  All of our boards are password protected to be used by either guild and/or alliance members only.  The passwords for the two areas can be found online in game.  Every time you zone or re-log/log-in you get a message printed out on your screen in white letters at the top portion of your chat box.  This is the guild message of the day.  So look there.   You can also type /gc info and you will see that same message again at the bottom.

I had just really hoped that our guild would be an active one, and that most if not all the members would be using the message boards I provided.  Please take the time to sign up and use them on occasion; it means alot to me.

Okie dokie.  I am going to get to bed now.  I will see you in game tomorrow.   Ta ta.

Our Official Message Board
by Amanda Lauren

Good morning Sunshine!  <stretches and yawns>

Not much sleeping going on around here, so I thought I would come in here and try and get into the groove of once again posting and working on the website again.

Oiy!  Ummm, let's see...  Main reason for this post is to inform you all about our official and permanent and only message board for our guild and website.   For now, until I add more content under the "The Guild" button at the top, that button will take you directly to our new message board hosted by EzBoards.  Here are the steps you will need to take to access our message board and forums:

  • Click the "The Guild" button at the top of page here.  It will then take you to the EzBoards website.
  • Sign up with EzBoards if you haven't already done so in the past.  Choose a name for yourself and a password. Please try and choose a name that closely matches one of your alts in the guild, preferably your main alt's name.
  • After you sign up with EzBoards go back to our guild's homepage and again click the "The Guild" button.  This will again try and re-direct you to our message board.
  • Upon getting there you should receive a message saying the Civil Unrest message boards are private and that you need to apply for permission from me to access them.  So go ahead and apply.   If you did choose a name close to that of your main alt's name from guild proceed to next step.  If you weren't able too, then edit your EzBoard's profile for the name you did select and in that profile list all of your alt's names.  I am only approving requests from guildies.  If you don't have an alt's name that I am familiar with and know to be in our guild, I will not approve request for access to our message boards.
  • After making request to gain access to our message boards, look in your email for an approval from me.  I check the message boards several times a day, so your wait for approval shouldn't be too long of a wait.
  • After you receive the confirmation click the link in the email to validate / take you to our message board.  You are now an accepted member of the Civil Unrest community.   Woohoo!!! hehe.  Congratulations !

It seems like a lot of hassle I know, to go through all these steps; but as you may well know, you have to do the same thing for most message boards out there in order to post on them unless they have the anonymous poster feature.

The message boards are divided by categories:  [All, Guild Officers, and Moderators].   Each of these categories requires a different password to access them.  I will not post those passwords here, but I will tell you in game what they are.  Most of you will only have access to the "ALL" category, so don't even try and sneak in to the others ;-)

Next topic:  how many of you are aware that every time you zone or re-log that in the top portion of your chat screen in white typeset are messages to you from the guild?  Lol, yeppers !  They been doing that since day one of game release.  Guess what else?   We write those messages to YOU for a reason.  We want you to be aware of certain things and those messages change every so often.  So every once in a while, try checking and see what they say; it just may be of some interest to you.  If you do not wish to zone or re-log to see those messages, then all you have to do is type /gc info and those messages and all permissions for each rank will be shown to you.  The messages will be listed at the bottom.

Alrighty then.  I may try and give sleep another chance.  If he fails me again, I have choice then but to grace DAoC with my presence and big mouth.  See you soon.

Welcome to the Civil Unrest !!!
by Amanda Lauren

Hello everyone and welcome home!  <big hug>

From the bottom of my happy little heart I am delighted to have you all as members of the guild.   For those who don't know me I am Amanda Lauren (that's my picture in top right corner of this page).  I play Elik Kione who is the guild's GM.  I have five other alts who are in the guild as well.  They are:  NightProwler, TearSong, KneeHighh, Minaa, and Geli.  So if you need me to reach me in game, look for one of these six alts.  Yes I know, Elik is a male Dwarf, but he is my only male character so don't tease him too much okay?   Hehe, thanks.

Let's see here.  The guild is new; just under four weeks old.  You are all new to the guild and I am happy you are here.  The website is old, but new too.  < shrug>

As you can see, the website is far from being completed; and if I can have my way it never will be 100%.  I like "works in progress" and it is my promise to all who visit here that it will always be as such.

There are just a couple things I would like to say to you at this time.  First, the only button links that actually go anywhere, are the ones that get blurred when you mouse over them.   As I expand and work on the website more, those other buttons will then indicate that to you in the same manner.

Secondly, the "The Guild" button at this time only leads to a Yahoo! Group that will be used as a place to upload and download small pictures and files, and will also be our temporary message board.   Please use this Yahoo! Group to post messages to our fellow guild members, and when I set up an alternative board, I will let you all know.

Lastly, our guild is small in membership.  Please, understand that that is not a factor to judge our guild by negatively.  I always believed that it is not about numbers, but about the quality of the players we have.  I think we have a fine bunch of people in our small guild, and I am happy to have each and every one of them.  I would however really like to see more "active" members playing online.  We seem to have attracted many part-time alts or players.  So, I encourage everyone to tell your friends about our guild, speak to them about it, and then invite them to come "home" as I like to say.   <smiles>  With this said, I truly hope you will hang in there and understand that our growth is going to be gradual.  I really hope you understand this and remain a member in spite of our guild being quiet at the moment.  I would hate to lose you to another guild or worse, leave a bad impression on your mind about guilds in general.  If anyone here is at fault for what our guild lacks in comparison to another, then I am the one to blame; not our other members.   Please keep that in mind.

Alright, I'll leave it at this for now and get back into the game for a while.  See you soon.

Gettin' Back in the Saddle Again
by Amanda Lauren

Wow!  It has certainly been a long time since I even 'touched' these webpages.  I will be trying hard to get back into the swing of things here, though it has been since August of last year that I have done anything.  It will take me a while to figure things out again and to get reacquainted with old ideas I had, and also the HTML and JavaScript languages.  So bear with me a bit okay?  Thank you.

I did do a couple of things but they really aren't anything you would notice from where you sit; so I won't bother to list what they were.

I am now back online from my own computer thanks to a very dear and considerate friend.  I am also back in game playing Dark Age of Camelot.  In a couple days I will be making the Civil Unrest guild to go with this website.  So hang tight.

Okay anyhow, I will get started on this website soon, I promise.  Bye for now, see you in game, and safe journeys and happy hunting.

Almost There
by Amanda Lauren

Good morning.  <yawns>

There were a couple of major changes to the Homepage as you may have noticed.  Let me tell you about them:

  • Re-did the "post" section again
  • Gave the "Art Gallery" a new look
  • Chose a different cursor

I gave the "post" section another make-over.  I guess I am still trying to find my "look" for the Homepage, one that I can be happy with.  What I did this time was added an inline window for viewing previous postings.  This not only eliminates the ever-growing list of post titles, but also shortens the length of the Homepage again and also makes it a bit easier to look at.   Now all you have to do is select a post from a drop down box and it will appear in the new window.

The next change I did is probably the one that caught your eye right away.  As you can see, not only did I add twelve new images to the Gallery, but they also have a life of their own now as each frame desperately fights for your attention and love.  Hehe.  Each frame, or gallery wall if you will, presents its collection of art in a way that is unique from the others.

The last change I made was by far the easiest to do; I changed the mouse cursor that you will be using in the website.  Normally you have a vertical "I-bar" when mousing over text.  At first I changed it to be a "hand" and I liked that choice because it points the index finger up and it was easy to use as a pointer when you follow along while reading the text.  However, most people commonly get the "hand" cursor when they hover over a hyper-link and I did not want to confuse my users and visitors.  Instead, I changed it to a "cross-hair" which is less confusing and by far less obtrusive, and perhaps just as useful for following along with the reading.

Well, that completes this posting and description of the updates I recently made.  I am going to brainstorm a couple more ideas I have a bit further and see if I can get them implemented soon.

Wish me luck !  lol

Feelin' Cranky...
by Amanda Lauren

No.  I am NOT feeling cranky !  <grins evily !>

I did make some more additions to this website that would perhaps make you think I was though.   <laughs out loud>  Here's what I worked on today:

  • Changed the start page into this website.
  • Added a RANT on that start page.
  • Removed the ability to right-click the website.
  • Removed the ability to select content in the website.
  • Added the Website section on the lower right side.

First thing first.  I changed the start page leading into this website.  It includes a progress bar showing the loading of images and website that you will be entering.   It is preloading images for use in the website.  This should, to some extent, make your browsing of the website a little bit faster once you get to the Homepage.  No promises though !

The next thing I added to the start page is a RANT.  This is just me spouting off at the mouth.  You may read that ranting of mine <read:  temper tantrum>   if you wish too.  Just click on the small browser button there.

Next I added, rather I removed, the ability to right-click anywhere in the webpages.  This is to help prevent any text and images from being copied without permission.  The same thing goes for clicking on the webpage and highlighting any text for cut-n-paste copies.  In fact, even the "select all" option under the browser toolbar "edit" menu does not work !  I am very pleased with that lol.

Lastly, today I added the Website section.  You can find that on the lower right side of this Homepage.  In that section is the ability to use links to set this website as your Homepage, or to add it to your favorites.  Of course, in the spirit of my rant on the start page, those links should only work in the IE browsers.  Oh well !

The DSL connection problem I had the last two days is all taken care of.  A technician, two in fact, came out and spent about an hour and a half resolving my issue which in the end meant re-wiring.  Anyhow...

That's it for me now.  I need to take a breather for a bit.  I will be back on duty in a little while.

Small Update
by Amanda Lauren

Hello again.  <smiles>

I took about a week off from working on this website to do other things.  The last couple of updates I did were as follows:

  • Added the "Coming Soon !" section.
  • Added "peek-a-boo" buttons.
  • Added text highlighting to various parts of the website.
  • Did some more html and stylesheet validating.

The "Coming Soon !" section I added is located near the bottom right side of this Homepage.   This is a brief listing of the items I will be focusing my attention on next for this website.  They are not listed in any particular order of priority; and yes, I have more ideas than just those I listed below.  I just wanted to give you an inkling as to what is in "the works" and will be coming soon !

The "peek-a-boo" buttons I added allow you to read or hide various written material.   For example, instead of having each and every post I make on the Homepage default to visible viewing which in turn forces you to scroll alot vertically, I added the option to "hide the text" so the Homepage can be shorter in length.

The text highlighting was added to allow those of you who have difficulty reading "high-contrast small print" the ability to change the color of the text.  By hovering your mouse over the portion of text you are reading, you can change the text color to a darker and hopefully easier to read format.

These small changes I made hopefully help you out a bit more than normal.  Anyways, that's as far as I have gotten since coming back to the website.

At the moment I am having DSL connection problems and I am waiting for a Qwest DSL technician to come out, supposedly sometime this afternoon.  Take care and I will post again soon.   <smiles big>

Links Page
by Amanda Lauren

Hello  <smiles>

Today I finished the following items:

  • Put up the Links page.
  • Added a few more navigational buttons to the top and bottom.
  • Fine tuned my coding and edited for any errors.

Although I did manage to add these couple things, some items still do not "work".  The button to the Links page does work, but there are some more links I wanted to add to the Links page later on when I have time to fish for them.  Several of the buttons at the top still do not work; those pages they lead to have not been created yet.  The same thing goes for the buttons at the bottom.  The only button that works there is the "back to top" button.

I am getting tired and have missed my afternoon naps the last couple of days, so I am going to go ahead and indulge myself with a nappy poo right now after this posting.  <snickers!>   After I awake, I will continue from where I left off.

Nye nye for now.  <smiles big>

Taking My Time
by Amanda Lauren

Good Morning !  <smiles>

As I am building up this website, I am taking my time in doing so.  Since I am not playing any online games at the moment, I am able to do that.  <grins>

My immediate goals for this website is to get that "look and feel" I want first, then to make sure that I have my css style sheet set up properly.  After I get these two things accomplished, I will move on to adding the other webpages.

At the moment, I have a few brainstorming ideas swirling around in my head, but I haven't been able to "get it down on paper" or spend any time in those thoughts.  I will have to do that though before I can move on to other things here.

Anyhow, I just wanted to pop in and say hello and to let you know what I have been up to in regards to this website.  I hope you like what you see so far.  If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to let me know.  I am a novice at web design so I don't mind the help at all.  <smiles big>

That's it for me right now.  I am going to get back to work on this website.  Take care.  Be well, and safe journeys to you wherever you may be playing online.

Website Born
by Amanda Lauren

A warm welcome and hello to all my visitors and friends.

I am currently working on this website, building it up bit by bit on a daily basis.  This website will function as a future guild website for whatever game I partake in next.   Whatever that future game may be depends on what will be compatible with my current computer system.   Unfortunately, I am unable to purchase a better system anytime soon.

I recently quit playing Dark Age of Camelot after just over a year of playing it; before that, I had played EverQuest for almost two years.  I am mostly interested in MMOG's based on fantasy /fairy tale genre e.g., Dungeons and Dragons style, though I suppose if I can somehow get "worked up" and excited over another type of genre e.g., space-aged/futuristic types, I may give those a try as well. <shrug> Who knows !

Anyhow, I just wanted to say hello to you and to thank you for stopping by.  *** I always enjoy the company of others.  ;-)

If by chance you wish to contact me, please feel free to do so at guild_magistrate***   If you are typing this by hand, just remove the asterisks *** from the address.

Ciao  <-- Click me!  Edited: 06/29/03

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